
Hello my name is Kit, I have blond hair that goes to my shoulders. I have blue eyes that loves the wonder of this world. I am seventeen years old and I am going to university for history, I am on my last year. But this year I can just walk to and back home, because my mom got transfer for her job as a doctor.

It has been two months since we moved into this place, and there is so many things I want to tell you about this place. But it will be better to tell you at the beginning, this house we moved into is a 1980 century house. It is one of the rare houses that is made with bricks, the roof is the same color as the bricks.

 The house is three stories tall, and it is one of those houses that the rich had in the 1980’s. This place has a gate that goes around the whole lot. Now the gate has been updated to today’s time, but the look of the gate tells me it is way older than the 1980’s. I would have to get a closer too at it to tell how old it is for sure.

Walking to the house there is a nice pathway, ok maybe nice is not the right word for it but dammed that pathway is some nice work of art. Because each step looks like a different animal on it, and some of animals are so detailed that I could look at them all day.

Both side of the pathway there is different plants that would take your breath away from you, and this is in June. My mom loved that this has plants blooming right when we got this house, I am still not sure how we got this place. All she told me is was from her great, great uncle that she has never met, which is very weird in my part.

The man showing us the place is talking how the outside of this place got redone in the 1980’s. That would explain why it look so new in age. I am just wondering what history this place has to tell, on the inside and the wonder. It better be good, I am hoping to a report about this place in my class.

The door to this place is wood and it also has a design on it too, I am not sure what it is yet. But I am very much itching to find out later, if mom will let me do that. Ever since my dad left my mom and I, to be with the woman who has twin boys. It has never been the same, he wanted sons and my mom was lucky to have me.

Talk about not being wanted by your own father, he Nevers comes to see me at all. He left when I was nine, and it hurt my mom so much. But she and I have been doing great without him, I graduated at the top of my class. Not to mention the youngest in my class too, but my classmates where so happy that I did with them.

Shacking my head to not remember the hurtful past, and looking forward to see what is at the other side of this door. As soon as the door opens, I quickly go in and see everything. I hear my mom laughing and telling the man that I love history.

As I start looking around and walking fast in this place, I notice that this place is older than 1980’s. This place looks like 1940’s house, and not only that but it has been well kept up too. There are few changes, but the changes make it look a lot better. Like the lights for sure, they look like they once has candles in them in the past. But now they have lightbulbs in them, which makes the room lighter and also alive too.

I could go on and on about this place, but that would bore you to sleep. Unless you are someone like me, which love history no matter what. But I do want to tell you about my room, now this room is something for sure.

My room looks like you jumped into the medieval time for sure, the bed is a work of art by itself. That bed looks like it should be in a museum and not in my room. No that is not right my whole room should be. Whoever made this furniture I would love to meet and tell me how they did it, no show me how they did it is more like it.

Well I have been living here for almost two months now, my mom can’t stop smiling when I see her in the morning. She always looks around and have a happy sigh, this is our first move since it just became the two of us. I am happy too her that way, she was still looking broken when. No don’t think about it, it will not help at all.

“Ok sweetie I got to go for work, don’t have too much here?” She said winking at me.

“Oh mom you should take this with you, you will need it.” I said handing her the umbrella.

She laughs and gives me a quick hug and leaves out of the door. We have had rain for about a week now, and I have had a lot of time looking around this place. Ok maybe too much time, but I can’t do much about it at all. The storm has been very bad all week, and I do not feel like being wet to the bone outside in seconds.

Ok now where do I want to look, I have looked everywhere downstairs. But something in my mind is telling me too look in my bedroom, I can’t explain why I want to look again there. When I did my room as soon as we moved here. Oh well time to go back up there.

I go back to my room and look around, not sure what I am looking for. But first something is making me look at the wall right beside my bed. It is a painted dragon on this wall, and the eyes on the dragon makes you keep looking at it.

Or for me to touch it and feel how they did it, I touch the dragon and I feel how they did the scales. It almost feels like one of those 3D paintings you can get. The closer you get to the head the more you can feel it, but once I get to the eyes it is something very different almost smooth.

I press both of the eyes and I hear a whoosh coming from nearby, I look where the knight was near the dragon and it has moved into the wall. Well now those sneaky people had too much fun with this room, and why did I not see that the first time in this room.

I walk to where the knight was, and I see it pushed into the wall and became with the wall on the other side. I see that it is a dark steps going down in the passage, well I knew better then walk without a light and phone.

I go and grab them both from beside my bed, made sure my phone has lots of life on it. I grabbed a bag to carry extra batteries with me. I am not those girls, in the movies that they do not bring enough light with them. I turn on my flash light and take a breather to keep myself calm, as best as I can.

I take a step in and see that the door is not going to close at tall, which is good it means that I won’t have to leave a long text to mom. Oh she would want me to explain everything to her, and right now I don’t feel doing that right now.

I walk down the steps and look at this hidden passage way, by the looks of it is very old. Older then this house, which is making almost giggling. I open my phone and play Frozen Two song called Show Yourself, and almost run the steps to see what is at the bottom.

Once I get there I see more paintings, but this part is very old and big. I see where there are torches, and I also see there is very old flint. I light the torch and see that there is oil pathways, like the ones in the old movies I saw. I light one side and see it light up the whole room in light, this room is so big that I think it goes as big as the lot.

What have I found here, I see there is a library of some sort? But there is something that I see that I want to see first. There is a letter and it say on it “To the one who finds this room”. Now that has my full attention, I pick it up and look at the letter.

There is a seal on it that is made of wax, and it’s the gate on it. I carefully open the letter to see what is in it. “To the one who reading this letter, I welcome to the History House. I know you have so many questions about this room, and why it is under a newer house. Well, for one thing the house gets update every hundred years. To protect this room and the history in this room, our family has been the keepers of this place.”

Keepers why are we the keepers of this, and why not let anyone else know. “When our family moved here, they took at the history that they had with them. They built this place under the house they were living in, much deeper than any bunker. But safe that it will not cover the history in here.

 Now you have a choice to do, you can revile everything in here. Or learn from our family history and grow from it, whatever you choice we understand what you make. We all had the same choice since the first one who started this History House. I know you will make us all proud Kit, I wish I could meet you again. I only got to see you once when you were born, I was hiding in the shadows to look at you. But you were so tiny and full of knowledge, which I knew this place was meant for you after I die. I love you and remember we are all here in this room, this History house you just have to see it.”

I was crying when I finished reading that letter. He choice me to do with the knowledge with this history house. But I know what to do with this place, this room is my future and my past at the same time. It is just waiting for me to learn about it, and I am going to find it all.

March 24, 2020 23:56

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