Fiction Christian Mystery

No one knows the origin of life which is shrouded in mystery. An individual trying to trace the beginning may lead to the outgrowth of his beliefs influenced by those people around him either to follow them or follow himself. An individual with strong family ties as he grows embrace the traditions and practice based on this family religious practices. Take for example the origin of human existence by a Creator God, this belief is expounded many centuries by scholars, historians and religious leaders. Here we can find religious fanatics, religious cults that will promote their practices in the name of only one God. There is only one book they had used to promote their beliefs and practices which is the bible. In this book the Creator God descriptively pictured how the world was created including all living things and non living things. How powerful the word of God which is written how humans would lead lives to live comfortably. As it is written the first couple of humans disobeyed the Creator God who breath life into their nostrils and instead of living a comfortable life it was twisted into a miserable one. Why? The first couple belong totally with opposite sex. What is the purpose of the existence of two sexes in the world> Was it to multiply or whatever happened in the beautiful garden they called Eden when Adam and Eve were created in the likeness and in the image of their Creator God who plans and rules the destiny of humans became furious to the bones against the first couple when they broke the rule by eating what He calls the tree bearing fruit of making two choices good or bad to govern the couple's actions. Why did this happen? Was it God's plan? There is no answer in the Book of Life but since the first couple disobeyed the Creator God they have to carry the burden of their punishment by bearing children as they are now procreators of God, that humans can be born into existence while they were created through a handful of clay and God gave them life. How did that happen? Since Eve was the first to eat the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil she got the punishment to give birth another human which is so painful and unimaginable to draw her strength during childbirth while Adam who followed suit eating the forbiddenfruit was that the whole fruit was not swallowed but stuck to his throat, which they call Adam;s Apple. he had to sweat , to work hard in order to live and support his wife and family. What is then the underlying result of their disobedience , was it to procreate more of God's kind or what? This is not clear at all. If the first couple didn't eat the forbidden fruit were they still in the garden, or were they still given the responsibility to procreate humans? This is not also written in the Book of Life and yet humans accepted what happened to Adam and Eve in that beatiful garden of Eden called Paradise. This happening is predestined. If God allowed only two humans to live on Earth God cannot design all the people on Earth by picking up a handful of clay to make tens, hundredths, thousands then millions of people to inhabit the Earth. At some point maybe how come humans possess different skin hues and they live separately in all parts of the world and they became the first settlers in every continent of the world. This goes beyond human imagination how these different skin color evolved. To understand more why God allowed the first couple to break the rule is to fulfill His plan how humans can live the way He wanted them to live because they now have the Power of Choice to do what they wanted to do. But the more humans go against the rules of having a good chareacter like God the more humans fall to sin. Yes sin is the transgression of God's law. God's character is all good as it is oppose to bad character that humans can choose to do or think. Humans can develop goodness in themselves. God has to order Moses to set 10 rules to follow in order to have a good life, living right in the eyes of their Creator God. God have to do this when He felt humans tried to use their own knowledge and actions but not to His rules of living righteously not wrongly. While humans have focus to learn and get more knowledge to the Earth where they live, explored the beauty of nature God has created for them colorful landscapes fruit bearing trees for human consumption, majestic mountains and beautiful gardens which humans have chosen to explore in their own minds and power leading farther from their Creator God. But the first choice of disobeying is continually happening from generation to generation when there was a changed writtn in the New Testament when Creator God sent His only Son to be born like a human, to live like a human and taught humans to live the way God wanted them to live. Did humans accepted Him the son of God Jesus Christ? Is it now the Christian way of life that must have to be followed or Godly way of life? Not much anymore is heard about God's way of life but the preaching of the coming kingdom of God when the evil no longer molest humans by injecting bad words, and wrongdoings to be committed by humans. What is all about the coming kingdom of God? In the Book of Life it is written humans will live in God's kingdom, no more death, no more sickness no more pains that kill humans but they will enjoy eternal life. Will that be possible? To rationalize what is written about the future life of humans it is a matter of choice to live God's way of life in the present time while living on Earth the same kind of life Jesus Christ is preaching not the eternal life which only happens after death but the joy of living now enjoying God's promises of abundance happiness and good health as oppose to continuing to disobey God's rule. How long did Jesus Christ preached the coming kingdom to rule with Him in that future kingdom? Jesus met all kinds of humans and many followed Him and believe that humans can look forward to rule with him in the coming kingdom. Was Jesus Christ successful to convince the coming kingdom and have eternal life? Not even. He was killed by the people who were against the gospel that He was preaching. Upon Jesus death He left the Holy Spirit on Earth to stay and dwell in every human who believes in Him. Christians are waiting the return of Jesus and drive away His adversary. The greatest spectacle and the believer of God the Father , His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit happened yesterday as the whole world witness the crowning of the longest reigning monarchy putting the crown of King Charles III are die hard believers in the existence of the Powerful Creator God when His chosen ones He anointed put the crown on our new King's head,

May 07, 2023 22:18

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