
I put out a request for a roommate recently. I’ve been living with my parents until just recently and I want a nicer place than the small single room apartment I have now. It's too cramped for my taste and I have my eyes on a really nice flat but I can't afford it on my own. Someone responded to my ad and I’m going out to meet them after work.

I take my lunch break and sit in the back, staring at my lunch for a moment before one of my coworkers startles me out of my head. 

“You okay Mattie?” she asks, giving me a concerned look.

“Oh, yeah. I’m good, just thinking,” I smile awkwardly and shift a bit.

“Still thinking about the roommate ad?” she sits beside me and pulls out her own lunch.

I chuckle and nod. “Yeah. I’m curious what they’re like. What if they’re, y’know…”

“Well, did you put that in your ad?” she queries, pulling out a peanut butter and jelly.

“No,” I admit. “I didn't think about it until just now.”

She smiles. “Well if they’re not cool with it I’ll fight them.”

Tammy always made me smile. She was good at that, making people feel safe and comfortable. And she was bomb at doing makeup and hair. She offered me a place while I was looking but I didn't want to intrude so I declined. Besides, she has cats and I’m allergic. Not that she knows that, I didn't want to make her feel bad.

I poke at my food, suddenly uninterested. “But what if-”

“Matts, if they aren't a good one I promise you I’ll fight them.” She puts a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. “If they can't accept you for you then they don't deserve to be in your amazing presence.” 

I smile at that and nod slightly. “Yeah.”

After my lunch break I go back to my station and smile at a young teenager who shyly comes up to me. “Hi there,” I great, smiling.

He shuffles slightly. “So… boys can wear makeup?” he asks shyly.

“Of course,” I grin. “Makeup is for anyone who wants to use it.”

He smiles brightly. “Do you think I’d look good with blue?”

I help the boy find some makeup and even do some simple eyeshadow for him. His mother walks over with who I assume is his sister and he looks scared for a moment before his mother smiles. “So what are you getting?” his mother asks him. 

He smiles shyly and shows her the pack of brushes, palette, and eyeliner I’d helped him choose. “Mattie helped me,” he motions to me.

His mother looks at me and grins. “You’re a good role model,” she says. “People should be who they want to be and do what they want to do as long as it doesn't hurt them or others.” She opens her purse and starts hunting. “How much for the makeover?”

“Oh, please,” I laugh gently. “This one’s on the house.”

The boy’s mother smiles and hands me two twenties. “Please,” she says when I start to protest. “You deserve it.” she and her children make their way to the checkout, chatting as they walk.

The rest of my day is uneventful and by the time I get to the cafe where I’m meeting my potential housemate I’m starting to feel sick. I was a ball of nerves and anxiety. I make my way to the counter and order a hot chocolate before going to sit outside.

I watch people come and go and by the time I think I’ve been stood up I’ve finished my drink. I’m about to throw it away and leave when an unfamiliar voice stops me.


I turn around curiously and raise my eyebrows in surprise when I see a semi-familiar face. “Blake?”

When I was 16 I became friends with Blake. Blake and I were as close as thieves. When I would get bullied, Blake was there to stand up for me. I’m 23 now, I haven’t seen Blake since we left high school. Blake went off to college out of state, I stayed home and studied cosmetology. I’ve started thinking of Blake less and less lately. Sure, I missed Blake with all my heart but at this point I didn't think I’d ever see Blake again.

Blake nods, grinning. “It’s good to see you!”

I smile and accept the hug, nose buried in Blake’s shoulder. When I pull away I try to make sense of my thoughts. Eventually I find one I deem important. “You look good. Different, but good.”

Blake smiles shyly and nods. “Yeah. I know we haven't talked since I left for school and I’d love to chat but I’m actually here to meet a potential housemate.”

I just stare for a moment, taken aback by those words. “Wait, I am too. Your last name is Demure now?”

Blake nods slightly. “Yeah. You know, I should've connected the dots that Mattie was you. Same last name and all, y’know?”

I laugh. “I suppose. So, um, are you married?”

“What?” Blake sits and looks slightly disturbed by the idea. “No, I’m just, I changed my name.”

I must look super confused because Blake laughs awkwardly. “I, uh…”

I frown slightly and sit as well. “You can tell me. I’m assuming it's because of your dad?”

Blake’s dad had done some hard crime when we were younger. He’d been arrested and Blake had gotten emancipated and liked in a small apartment. I could understand not wanting to be tied to Norris. 

Blake hesitates, doing that nervous tic I found adorable when we were younger. Hell, it’s still adorable now. “Kind of?”

I frown, reaching out to grab Blake’s hand. “Hey, you can tell me anything. I won’t judge.”

Blake nods slightly and looks away a bit. “I changed my name because I’m transgender.”

Well then, I was not expecting that. “Oh. So… what’s your name?”

“Still Blake, I’d started a bit of my transition in school.”

I nod. “And your pronouns?”

Blake smiles gently. “Well, I identify as a boy so I’ve mostly been using he and him, but they and them is cool too.” I nod, laughing slightly. “Wh-what’s so funny?” Blake asks, looking a bit scared.

“No, no, it’s okay,” I assure. “It’s just… I’m gay.”

Blake smiles slightly. “That’s great Matt.” He chuckles. “When’d you find out?”

I shrug. “I dunno, I mean I didn't really think about it until recently.” I smile softly. “Funny how my highschool girlfriend turns out to have been my first boyfriend.”

Blake laughs. “Yeah. I wanted to tell you back in school but I was scared of how you’d react.”

I nod. “I understand. I was worried my potential roommate would be homophobic.”

“Gods no,” Blake grins. “I’m pan. I don't care what sexuality anyone else is.”

I nod. “Yeah.” I sigh and smile. “So, what’s your work?”

“I’m a vet tech.” Blake says. “You?”

“Cosmetologist, I work at the local makeup shop.”

Blake nods with a grin. “That’s awesome.” 

We chat for several hours and by the time we realise it’s getting dark we’ve gotten caught up with each other. Blake’s been on hormones for a little over three years now. I’m stunned with how far he’s come. We decide to share the apartment and I feel like I’ll never stop smiling by the time we part ways to head home. In just under two months Blake and I will be living together, something we’d both fantasised when we were dating back in high school. I could never be happier with how my evening turned out.

August 11, 2020 08:08

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