A Memorable Proposal

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt


Happy Romance

I can't believe he proposed to me this way but you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way because I will be telling this story to my grandkids and for the years to come. I was just getting off the plane after I had messaged my boyfriend that I was landing and he would make his way to find me at the airport. I was so excited that my stomach was doing flips and my hands were sweaty. 

After gathering my bags at baggage claim, I made my way out of the airport to wait for Jack to come get me. Soon enough I see him coming, a smile plastered to his handsome face. His hair tied back and those hazel eyes, damn I love those eyes. I didn't care who saw me smiling like a goof ball, I was happy. We greeted each other with kisses and tight hugs then called a cab to pick us up. We started talking, it was as if the distance between Canada and the US was never there, it just flowed easily for us. 

It didn't take long for the cab to pick us up and take us to his house. Currently, he is living with his parents and his parents are funny and really nice people. Well, Jack helped me get settled in for the night. Dinner and a shower was the best thing to just melt away from the grime of being around other people due to close proximity of the seats. I talked to him mom while I ate, getting to know each other some more even though she and I would talk over the web cam. I look at the time and I tell her good night, giving her a hug before I get up to wash my dishes and head upstairs to settle in for the night. 

He put on the last episode he was streaming so we could watch it, it was the episode in the Trailer Pack Boys where Ricky is proposing his lady but Jack paused it before that happened so he could go to the bathroom. I decided to mess around on my phone while waiting for him to return. Reddit stories really make the time pass because soon as he got back it was already ten minutes. I smile big soon as I see his handsome face, "hi honey." He sits down, "hey sweetheart. You enjoying yourself so far?" I nodded, "yes especially your mom. She's really sweet." He agreed and we snuggled in then started the show again. 

Soon as the proposal scene came up, something in front of me glinting in the tv light caught my attention. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. A navy blue box and in the middle sat a silver ring with a little rose on top and a little shiny diamond sat in the middle of that rose. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at my boyfriend and he asked, "would you like to be married by me?" That goofy smile I love so much stretched from ear to ear. My head moved like a bobble head, "yes!" He slid the ring on my finger and I just jumped at him, laughing as my heart swelled in my chest. I could hold back as I just kissed all over his face as he held me tightly. I was the happiest woman in the world, on cloud nine. I didn't think I'd be any higher than cloud nine but I was wrong as the days then the years had gone by. 

We found a house, a beautiful fixer-upper and I couldn't have it any other way. I had returned to Toronto to help him pack boxes and to store them away to have everything moved. I was only there to help him pack his boxes then I would return back to Texas but honestly, I didn't expect to be back in the next month because I did go back but this time to get the deed and keys to our house in New Brunswick, Canada. This little house had everything and more. We had stayed in one hotel then moved on to the next motel in Miramichi, where our house is located at. It took some time but we finally got our keys and the deed. 

Being an excited couple, we finally set the Wedding Date; a week before I had to go back to Texas. I've already got my wedding attire and my light pink cream color bouquet. Oh! The thought of getting married to the man of my dreams set my heart on a race of its own. I couldn't wait that I ended up giving my fiance a lot of love aggression that I couldn't seem to contain. He was laughing the entire time as I just pounced out of nowhere and continued to kiss all over his face. I couldn't help but just love on this man, this man that has captured my heart and soul.

Our wedding day finally came after making small preparations like getting ingredients the day before and putting things together. On our wedding day I prepped a meal for after the ceremony which we decided to have it behind our house in our backyard. After finally preparing the food, fully cooked and our little wedding cake in the fridge I went into the bathroom and started to prepare myself for our wedding. My dress hung up against the bathroom door and my make-up ready. It took some time that all I needed was my dragon prayer beads to finish my wedding look. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was stunned, "wow..." I said to myself, I had to talk to my best friend because I was feeling giddy and needed some help to calm down. I called my friend on the phone and showed her how I looked. She looked like she was going to cry and I was about to cry because this is the day that I was going to become a married woman. We will spend the rest our lives together; new memories, annoying each other, making plans, laughter and one day have a baby. Oh gods! I couldn't wait because now it was time.

I stepped out of the bathroom, handed over the phone to one of the witnesses that will be seeing our wedding and taking pictures. My family over the phone to see our ceremony while the other phone had my best friend watching us. I looked at my soon to be husband and he looked absolutely stunning in his suit and tie. The most handsome man in the world. He took my hand and led me out the door so we could finally take our place to do the ceremony. "We are about to be husband and wife." I grinned and he smiled from ear to ear, "that's right, baby." 

We finally took our spots in front of the minister and it was as if the world melted away. It was just us and the minister reading his script till Jack had to repeat the vows with rings in hand to exchange them. It came to me, a huge smile on my face as I watched my fiance then it came. "Do you Marie Woods take Jack Brimstone to be your husband, in sickness and in health, richer for poorer till death do you part?" I couldn't help but stomp my feet just a tiny bit, the excitement skittering along my skin. "I DO!" 


August 22, 2024 21:34

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