Fiction Happy

“Look! The sprouts have emerged in the garden.” A gleeful Mrs. Woods pointed it out to a subdued Mr. Woods. Consecutive days of rain and darkness filled the lives of the Woods’ couple with gloom. The faint streaks of sunlight streamed through the panes after the dismal days. She pulled the draperies and let the sun pour in its full strength inside their bedroom.  

Mrs. Woods, enlivened by the sunshine, quickly descended outside the door and sauntered in the garden, delightfully admiring the budding shoots and the fresh new greens peeping from the ground. Her face reflected the happiness of a child after pallid days of precipitation.

A new spring embarked in her steps as Mrs. Woods ambled around the house and completed the chores. With renewed vigour and content in her heart, she hummed tunes to herself. Mr. Woods silently watched his wife and enjoyed her nuances.            

It was difficult to endure those unending snowfall and rains. “If the sun shines throughout the day, let’s go for a walk, Jim.” Mrs. Woods chirped merrily.

“Not sure, Jen.” Her husband groaned.

Off they went for a stroll after lunch. There was a chill in the air. The elderly couple felt comfortable by the mellowed warmth of the sun and the heavy jackets they wore.

They sat on a pew under the awning in the park. The cool breeze soothed their tensed nerves and calmed their miserable minds. They inhaled the fresh fragrance in the air after a long time. The gloomy times took a toll on their frail selves.    

The families with their children sat clustered on the verdant grounds. The innocent kids played, ran, fell and hurt themselves. They fought and cried with their siblings. Mr. and Mrs. Woods smiled as they looked at them.   

“These are the best years of life, Jim. Do you remember how you teased me when I cried?” Mrs. Woods sagged on the shoulder of her husband.

Mr. Woods put his arm across his wife. “Those cherished memories. We played games in the rain and made a snowman in the freezing temperatures, Jen.” His foul mood cheered with those ignited thoughts.

They both laughed and reminisced those olden days of life. Their childhood spent with no worldly worries and troubles. Their immature minds did not have inhibitions in life.

They climbed mountains, cycled through narrow, dusty paths, plucked and ate the fruits from the trees and drank the flowing waters of the streams. Under the shades of the trees, they lay down on the young grassy greens of the Spring and stared at the afternoon sun. They looked at the bright sky and daydreamed of their future. Their aspirations were high, and they wanted to walk on the moon like Neil Armstrong. They giggled as they shared their wishes.       

They grew up and out of their wishful thinking. In the future, both walked the path together through light and darkness. The journeys they endured and traversed through the travesties of many Springs and Winters in their lives. They overcame their shortcomings and hard times, hand in hand. How they missed those magical days? There were laughter and warmth all around. Their hands were always full, with busy schedules at the workplaces and home. Time flew by with raising kids and fostering families.

Back in their present state, they glanced around. “Let’s take a walk around the park. What do you suggest, Jim?”

He nodded and slowly got up from the seat. They both took small steps, holding each other’s hands.

“Check those birds on this tree,” Jim informed Jen, pointing towards a branch.

“Oh, lovely!” Mrs. Woods exclaimed as the birds twittered and fluttered from one bough to another. The varied colours of the birds made a charming sight. There were yellow, orange, blue and yellow fledglings crowded around their mothers. It was a delight to watch and behold for the ageing couple.

Other people also walked in the park. Some were with their pets, and some with their families. They greeted one another, and friendliness poured from all quarters. A long time had passed since they ventured out and felt the vibrancy of nature and individuals.

The dreary days of winter brought sadness. Their skeptical minds question, “Would they be able to survive the harsh and bitter cold?”

The days dragged, and the nights were long. They pondered and waited for the dull days to vanish and blissful Spring to reappear. Once, the first signs and touch of Spring peeped through nooks and crannies, it showered their lives with joyful harmony.

“What a pleasant day it was.” Mrs. Woods uttered with contentment. “The soul and the body are in coherence with the blooming nature.”

They both felt refreshed after their walk and time spent at the park. Though they felt a little tired physically after the long strolls, yet they were happy and satisfied with their achievements and back to their normal lives, after a long time.

The early days of Spring brought new hopes and faith in the lives of all. It is more for people who are old and infirm. They relished their time and laughed at the different views, which they later discussed at the dinner table.

“Now that Spring has arrived, we need to plan the pending work. I’ll prepare the endless list tomorrow of gardening and Spring cleaning.” Mrs. Woods beamed at her husband.

“I’ll do the flower beds, Jen. You take care of the vegetables in the backyard.” Mr. Woods grinned and responded.

Mrs. Woods nodded silently. Her mind filled with inexplicable joy. Her heart pounded during the long winter months as her husband always retreated into a shell. He spoke and ate less and expressed his wish for death and despair.

Mrs. Woods waited with bated breath for those dark days to vanish and the first signs of Spring to commence. Every day, she hoped and prayed for the sun to peep or the shoots to spring.

It was an ecstatic moment in the morning when she visualized the scene from behind the corner of the curtains. The scent of the new life showered them with optimism. Her heart danced, and the love blossomed again.     

Let Spring continue to pour and paint its hues on their natural surroundings and encircle their lives with gaiety. A well-spent day, they thought with satisfaction as they retired to bed after their dinner.    

March 26, 2021 21:06

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