
This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

“Hi, how are you tod-”

“Aw honey, now that looks like it hurts!” 

“Oh, yeah..you should see the other guy.”

“Mmm should I? What does the other guy look like..umm George? Am I getting that right?” 

“Uh, yes it's ‘Georgette’ but the laminator in the back is small and can’t do long words so…”

“Huh, I see, so ‘George’ that's sweet.” 

“Thanks, yeah, my family usually shortens my name anyway so I don’t mind. Did you wanna grab another one of these bananas really quickly? They’re on sale.” 

“Uh uh, no thank you I’m good.” 


So what does he look like?”

“I’m sorry?”

 “The other guy, what does he look like?” 

Oh, haha, um, oh I got ‘em back real good…so anyway...You got big dinner plans tonight or something?” 

“Yes! It's actually for my sisters and I tomorrow, but my question still stands sweetheart, how good did you get ‘em back?” 

“I see, haha, you got a lot; bell peppers, beef tips, chives, cream cheese, chicken breasts. It’s like, you’re making me actually have to do my job here, haha, maybe I should come over to you and your sisters' shindig tomorrow night, ha, mmm…” 

Shindig? You alright sweetheart? Nervous? You're shaking a bit there…” 

“No, I mean, yes ma’am, I’m okay! too much caffeine! Look at me, I’m all out of sorts. I’ll just get you rung up as quick as I can” 

“Oh I’m in no rush, I’ve actually been wanting to speak to you. I always see you around, it’s just luck that I ended up in your lane.”

“Haha, uh huh” 

“Maybe you should come over.”

“No, right, it looks like you're cooking a feast.” 

“I mean actually, my family is pretty large but we're friendly people. We’ve all been through this kinda thing before, you might like it...If you’re not quite ready then you could have my number just in case.”


“Forgive me honey, I never really introduced myself. My name is Perla Sugard, but I mostly go by ‘Sugar.’ The girls and I meet pretty often and like I said all the other women are super sweet. We’re a cast of characters really! But we’re friendly people. Once you sit us down with a good meal and music we really go off, it's something you just gotta see.” 


“What? Like I said I’ve seen you around here before.”

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with you inviting me out? Why are you giving me your number ‘just in case?’” 

“Sometimes it's your arms or around your neck. I’ve seen them on your legs when it's 100+ degrees out and wearing jeans while getting carts would literally kill you but this is the first time I've seen the bruises on your face.”

“I’m sorry ma’am, Ms. Sugard- 


Right, I’m sorry if I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is it going to be cash or card today?” 

“Look honey, I don’t wanna push too hard but you really should come and see us...We got all kinds of resources to help you get out and if you have kids we can help with that as well.” 

“Again, I’m sorry ma’am if I gave you the wrong impression…My neck, arms, and legs, I’m just a clumsy person. I promise I’m in no danger really.” 

“What about your eye Georgette?” 

“Cash or card today ma’am?”

“Okay, okay let me grab my pen, I’ll write my info down anyway, we can do phone, emails, or even letters.. whatever is most safe and discreet for you. I’m sorry if I overstepped, it's in my nature a little bit…I got rid of the nasty monkey on my back 17 years ago and have dedicated a lot of my time to helping other women get rid of theirs. I didn’t do it alone you know, I had someone approach me. It was coming out of the grocery store and she said ‘Well when you're tired ‘a gettin’ hit, call me.’ Can you believe it? Just like that! I was always tired of ‘a gettin’ hit.’ I was offended as all hell and scared outta my mind. I mean, how could she say that? But it was a different time I guess… My luck was good that day too, the weather had been awful and I was just about to call the whole thing off but the phone rang and it was Ms. Beula saying she was on her way. That was her name, Beula, an Ox of a woman God rest her soul. Came over when the bastard was sleeping on the recliner...yeah he was asleep, sleeping off the night before. Coming home piss drunk and ready to fight, liked it when I fought back, claimed that ‘it was fair this way.’ Just plain evil right? Anyway, Ms. Beula got ‘em right there BOOM, then again and again. The old dog got up screaming, wheezing, and carryin’ on about ‘help me!’ Pssh, please, at that point, the rat could’ve been on fire and I wouldn't have even wasted the spit. I just stood there and watched for what felt like hoursWith every crack of his skull I… well you know those old mob movies?” 


“Yeah, the ones where the gangsters would tie bricks to their victims and throw them off a bridge? Watch ‘em sink to the bottom? When Beula came swinging through that door it felt like she cut my rope and I was swimming back to the surface.” 

“Then what happened?” 

“Huh? Oh, well, Beula left the bat with me, I was pretty beat up myself, like I said from the night before, so when the law came..they thought I just had enough and they’d be right.”

“Is that what y’all do..now?” 


“Y’all, uh, you and the group of women.”

“Oh, my sisters? You know you don’t gotta whisper baby, we're the only ones in this line.” 


“Yes, my sisters and I are the enforcers now. Doing what hundreds of police reports and pleas for help can’t…After she helped me, I stuck to Beula like she was my kin… it’s funny to think about now. There wasn’t a place she went and I didn’t follow, except heaven I suppose. I know she must’ve been sick of me! If she was she ain’t show it. Sooner or later, before she passed, she left me the business and told me to ‘do unto others.’”

“She sounded like an inspiring woman.” 

“Mmhm…I can see you thinking honey.” 

“Oh no, I-” 

“Yes I know, I got the wrong idea, but you’re better than this. Here's my info and when you need a little sugar, wink, wink, you call me baby, okay? I still have that bat.” 

“Yes ma’am.” 

“Okay Georgette, Let me grab my receipt please, and enjoy your weekend. It was nice to finally meet you!” 

“You too… and thank you for shopping with us.” 

December 01, 2023 21:12

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16:08 Dec 13, 2023

Hi Jaelon. Sugar is really a fast talker and assumes a lot about George. It seems like Georgette is just trying to do her job but Sugar won't let up. If you would go a bit further into Georgette's life to explain the bruises, this would be more interesting. It is difficult to determine who your main character is. Strong character development is so important in fiction. Still, I read the whole story because it is engaging.


Jaelon Dirden
16:48 Dec 13, 2023

Hi Phyllis, thank you for your feedback! I was trying to communicate that sugar and her group have a close eye on a lot of the people who might be in need of help in their town and that she had been watching Georgette for a while. I agree that strong character development is important and can understand how it was difficult to determine who our main character is. I wanted to try out this unique format of the whole story being what at first seems like a random conversation between a cashier and a customer and as the story continues the reader...


03:10 Dec 17, 2023

You are most welcome, Jaelon. Looking forward to your next story.


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