
Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: End your story with a truth coming to light.... view prompt


Fiction Crime High School

Welcome to MARHAMS high school were it takes 5 moths to track a hacker, fraudster and threat and get the person expelled.

Jordan wrapped around his duvet in the rainy morning. Jordan wakes up to sound of the music in his room and the vibrations of his phone. He goes to rinse his face and gets his phone to read the messages .

“You guys this thing is real. We really have a fraudster in our class. Liam just got scammed”.




“this is crazy”, “goo…”, “fo…”, “ha...”, the messages run in millions. A normal class group chat as usual.

In school, at noon the students all going for lunch.  As , the students in Jordan’s class trying to prepare for a test. Then suddenly Gabi’s bank account is hacked and a huge sum of money stolen. This has been happening for the past few months in school. Who is the serial thief? This question brings alarm to everybody.  This same person is going around giving threats notes to people.

“principal, I really think we need to involve another group of investigators in this issue. Because these ones are not effective. I mean, they have not been able to track this person down for months. The school cannot function like this anymore., where the security is not sound. We just need to do something about this ”.

“We are working on it”, the principal replies. The principal is an old man, who never wants to conform to the modern ways and always prefer things be done like in the 90’s. despite that, projects and programs still gets properly executed. This is to  that, he functions like the 80’s and 90’s but his results come out pretty fine like it’s in the 31st century. So the school believes he is capable.

Mrs. Marie notices that the money in her account reduces gradually, when she does not touch it . she reports this case during the meeting. “my account has also been hacked. I do not use the money, but I get a debit alert. You know the excess liabilities we are going to place on the fraudster, I can’t wait”! Mrs. Marie shouts angrily. “Indeed, we all can’t wait, we all can’t wait” the principal replies.

The staff meeting is over and Mrs. John goes to call her son Jordan. Jordan is sited on the bench outside opposite the school park. He’s hands romancing the sand as he head  looks to the ground. Looks like he is trying to picture out his thoughts by the demonstrations of his hands on the floor. ”Jordan”, she smiles as she calls out “let’s go”.

They are home, Jordan rushes out of the car, nature is calling. Once he was done, he freshened up and went down to have lunch with his parents. Jordan was the only boy in the midst of two sisters. The two are in college and Jordan, in MARHAMS high School. As he walks down the stairs, he eavesdrop at his parent’s conversation. “the rate of crime in school is really alarming. The fraudster have really been hacking accounts, I do hope my account will be save and the principal  have said we should not involve any other investigation authority outside the one the school has appointed”. she sips her juice. “like seriously don’t you think you need to go extra measures to keep your account safe?” Mr. John asks.

 “we have all done that but it seems like nothing is working”. Jordan finally gets down. “Jordan I made your favorite, SPAgheTTI”. They all laugh. They all sit for lunch and afterwards decided to keep up with the remaining activities for the day. Dinner is served and they all have dinner and go to sleep.

Jordan wakes up, thinking of who could be the bad boy, while at that he remembers that he has a test tomorrow. He searches for his note and couldn’t find it anywhere and then he remembers.


“hey Jordan could we be friends?”

 “oh sure, nice to meet you”.

“I really need your help for tomorrow’s test”. “I mean”, she whispers, “I do not understand anything. Maybe you could with some explanation”.

“sure ,okay so this is….”

“Jordan, Mr. canny is calling you”.

“look I have to go now, I will catch up with you, I promise”.

He drops his geometry materials under her locker as he moves smartly out of the classroom.


“oh no I have to go get it. This would not be nice, I can’t fail tomorrow’s test” he said to  himself as he imagines himself being mocked by his peers. This would add to the pepper because he always exempt himself from examination malpractice. He sneaks out of the house and drives his bicycle to school which unfortunately for him, malfunctions on the way. He had to trek for the rest of his journey.

He uses the entrance gate at the back to sneak in so the security would not catch him.

On getting to the class, he sees his note and decides to read at the spot and leave when he is done. About to touch his note, he sees a shadow passing with a lamb. He stops and hides himself. Jordan is really small and he barely gets noticed. The shadow walks into the class and shines the lamb around and leaves the class. He decides to follow the shadow.

The shadow walks to every class and finally moves to the administrative block of the school. In the administrative block, robots are everywhere, walking around the block as well as shadows. Jordan’s a little scared but curious. He follows that same shadow. He sees the shadow enter into the principal’s office. He lays himself flat on the ground so that, as soon as the shadows comes out he could just understand at least, one thing that is happening. The robots are still moving around. A loud voice calls, “night duty”. Most of the robots begin to move downstairs.

The shadow comes again and moves around and this time around it enters his mother’s office. The shadow calls to a robot. ”report, be on duty”.

The robot enters and Jordan quickly enters the room. He sees the shadow having access to the  personal information of his mum. Then the shadow uses her biometrics and accesses her account. The shadow withdrew the amount of $500 from her account. Jordan was recording this evidence, but his hands where shaking. As soon as the shadow was done, It moved to the location of Jordan’s house and had due connection with CCTV camera in Jordan’s house.

Jordan was amazed while still taking record of everything, the shadow checked the rooms and saw that Jordan’s parent are still intact, but did not see Jordan in his room. Jordan begins to shake as he gets more frightened. when the shadow writes on the screen, T.R.A.C.E J#O#R#D#A#N, Jordan tries to escape. But his phone flashlight turns on. The light shines brightly as the shadow turns to look. The robot alerts immediately, “traitor here”. Jordan quickly tries to turn off his flashlight, but it was too late. As the shadow already knows a person is there. “kill him” the shadow says in high soprano voice.

Other shadows begin to come out of the wall and repeatedly sings, ”kill him, kill him, he is a not a shadow. Kill him, kill him, let’s hit him with our arrow”. They laugh after every utterance of the song. Jordan thinks immediately, “shadows go off when the light is turned on and it shines so bright” he puts on his flashlight and immediately rushes to switch and puts on the brightest light in his mother’s office. Jordan hates this particular light though. While waiting for his mum to record the student’s grades, she always put this light on. And it shines so bright that Jordan finds it difficult to sleep in her office. Jordan always skips the middle light to turn on the first light. He rushes to enter the office before his mom so he could turn on the first light and sleep well. Because, she barely notices that it’s the first light.

Once he switches on the second light, the shadows disappears, but the robot is still there. But then again, he is not able to open the door. And once the door was open. The shadows all run to attack him. He runs downstairs to call the security guards and he notice that they were all robots. He ran around to look for the switch. When he turned on the switch, he was surprised as he saw the principal’s duplicates around him. All laughing and singing the same song of the shadows.

He had his cell phone and called his mom. The robots quickly disconnects  the network. He runs  to the emergency station and closed the door and tries to call his mom. The principal’s duplicate comes into the room and surround him. She picked the call and the only thing she could hear was mom.

“Jordan, where is Jordan? Honey,wake up Jordan is not in his room and he just called me”.

“what! Where did he go to”

“I don’t know and I can’t guess but I think he is in danger, we have to call the police”

“hello, this is from house……”

The police have finally reached their house and they lay their complaints. Mrs. John is exceedingly worried.

“sorry I know you can’t wait to go find him, but you have to wait we are trying to track the location of that number. Seems like it’s an emergency number”

“wait, that’s the school’s emergency number”. She says as she looks at the number. “But wait, what did he go to do in the school. If he wanted to attend a party he should have told me. We need to go now, please we need to go now”.

They have arrived the school premises.

“security we have a student who is in the school premises, he might be in trouble you need to let us in”

“you are not permitted to enter the school, come tomorrow morning”

“didn’t you just hear what I said, I said a student is in the school premises and he is in danger. Here is one of your staff. So please let us in”.

“I will have to speak with the principal”

“I am the principal let us in dummy”

“no you are not the principal”

One of the police officers noticed something.

“wait, this could be a robot” he goes to check.

“it’s a robot, this is a serious issue”.

Guys we need to smuggle in something  seriously funny is going on and the consequences are going to be dire.

They manage to smuggle in and they see the shadows everywhere, laughing in a squibilish trebilish voice. The on their flashlights and the shadows begin to appear as the principals duplicate.

“principal” , Mrs. John calls as she is taken aback. They begin to sing their choruses again, backed up with their soprano-ish laugh. The police begins to shot and they begin to begin to fall destructively.

“there are they destructive technology of the evil lecturer, Goonam.  He is here. We need to find him. You all never heard his story, he is really evil. We need to be careful”.

“ He should be in his office, Mrs. John whispers, they all get there as Mrs. John goes to look for her soon in the emergency unit, with the escort of an officer. On their getting there, they could not find Jordan.. she goes to check her office and sees Jordan’s dead body there. As she is crying and shouting. The other noise distracts her.

“ he is the evil Goonam”!

“this has been our school principal for five years now”, Mrs. John says soberly.

“The only we can do is to get water, fast”.

The principal (the evil Goonam laughs) don’t worry no need, no need, I’m already living here.

“so you killed my son” she shouts

“you evil I won’t spare you”

“like you can do anything”, he laughs.

“yes, yes, yes, I’m the one responsible for all the damages in this school and the fraud and robots as security guards and the hacking, you know, tell your colleagues when you see them okay, I just love evil”!

He disappears through his flight technology  as soon as the gallons of water arrived.

Mrs. John rushes Jordan to the hospital, if there is still a chance for his survival.

“we’re so sorry for your loss ma’am.”

“So this is how my son’s future is going to end,  dreams,his aspirations and Goonam will escape. She cries as Mr. John gives her a tight hug.

In Jordan’s hands there is a little chip.  Mrs. John shows the chip to the officer, and the whole of Goonam’s powers, plans and recorded activities lies in the chip. The police officer puts the chip in an ice water, after noticing that it shines so bright at the night, Goonam comes to get the chip and he falls into the ice water.

Goonam becomes week and is drained down of every  destructive he implanted in his body. Goonam is taken to the school, he confesses and is sentenced to death for all his crimes committed in the school and in the past. Jordan the little hero has his sculpture in the community hall. Don’t empower yourself with negative power and energy. Justice is served and the truth finally comes to light.


May 06, 2021 00:50

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