Crime High School

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

It's a warm windy day in mid-June, thank God graduation was going to arrive before the blazing hot summer launches. Benson High School was teeming with excitement, yearbooks were being passed around, everyone was on countdown...three days left (after they returned from the weekend). Finals and graduation were all the seniors could think about.

Liam, was one of Benson High School's most famous students. He opened the eyes of Omaha Nebraska, when he broke records at NSAA Football Championships, putting Benson High on the map. He tied up the "Modern Era" with a Class A single season record of 3,764 passing yards, 49 touchdowns passes and 249 completions.

Second semester, Liam's football accomplishments had attracted the attention of Coach Daryl Jones, from the Cornhuskers. When he received his scholarship to Nebraska University, he knew he was going to have a bright future.

Liam already had planned on taking Jessica, his girlfriend, to The Taste of Omaha. It's the best food event in the state. There's such a huge variety of food to choose from. They couldn't wait to go stuff themselves. It's only once a year and this year it started three days after graduation.

All Jessica had talked about lately, was she wanted Liam to take her to the Omaha Summer's Art Festival. Liam was not interested. He was caught up in the hum of the excitement for the Rager that was going to be happening tonight. Thoughts of DJs, booze, music and dancing filled his head. He wanted to party. Knowing everyone would be going there separate ways; community colleges, universities, military and workforce, Liam just wanted to enjoy all his friends and celebrate.

Liam's parents, Colby and Shannon, would never have approved of their 17 year old son going to a Rager. They knew what happened there; drugs, drinking, dancing and sex. Colby and Shannon had gone to many Ragers in their teens and they just wanted to keep him safe. Liam knew all these things, so he decided he was just going to sneak out.

Liam had parked his truck down the street so it wouldn't be heard when he started it up. That would definitely put an end to his adventure and any summer good times. After Liam lowered himself down, out the back window, he broke into a full sprint. He was at the truck in no time. Liam peeled out in his old Silverado, it knew the way to Jessica's house. He drove there more than anywhere else. Jessica and her best friend, Gina, would be there when he got there. His best friend, Stan, had been having a difficult time sneaking out. After Liam picked up the girls, they decided they were going to get Stan. As they pulled up he ran across the field, perfect timing.

Stan sparked up a blunt as soon as he got into the truck. The drive to the cornfields, where the Rager was, was not that far. The girls practically vibrated with anticipation. Music blared, everyone spoke loudly and sang wholeheartedly, when Gina asked which DJs were going to be there and how many kegs did they manage to get? Before anyone could answer, they saw the flames from the bonfires and music filled their ears. Gina wanted out before Liam even parked the truck. She said she saw Mando, the guy she crushed on all year, and she planned on hooking up with him in the cornfields tonight. The door opened and closed and she was gone.

Liam, Jessica and Stan rolled up on the largest bonfire, all the football players and cheerleaders hung out there. Hugs and drinks were passed out immediately. The music was amazing. Raging with all their friends was priceless. Liam had done the beer bong multiple times, he also took so many shots of alot of different liquors. It was like each of his teammates possessed their own bottles and no two bottles were the same. Liam wasn't picky, he drank everything that came his way.

Liam had shifted from the fun-loving quarterback that everyone loved, to a biligerant fool. Jessica had asked him a few times to maybe slow down a little bit. This only made him drink more. Finally, Stan came over to help his buddy sit down and not fall down.

Liam got super loud and pushed Stan off of him. Then he yelled at everyone at the party, that he was NOT drunk! He said he was going to prove it. He ran, actually stumbled, to his truck.

Liam slammed into the door and fought hard with it. He had forgotten how hard it was to open. Once he got in, he revved the engine and took off. It was so dark and he hadn't even thought of turning on the lights on. Liam just wanted to do doughnuts in the field to prove that he wasn't drunk.

The music was so loud, he didn't even hear the thud, he just kept doing doughnuts. Liam heard lots of screams, but he had no idea he had hit Gina, Jessica's best friend. He drove like a wild man hooting and hollering, completely obvious of his actions and of his environment.

It wasn't long before Liam saw the police officer's flashing lights in his rear view mirror. That should've snapped him back to reality, but it did not. He was having too much fun so he thought he might be able to outrun the cop.

This thought was brief and unsuccessful, because the next thing he knew he was being ripped out of his truck and flung onto the ground. Liam was not cooperating. Eventually, the officer used the tazer on him, handcuffed him, read him his Miranda Rights and put him in the back of the patrol car.

Liam slurred and yelled at the cops that he didn't do anything wrong and wanted to be released now. The severity of his situation was not apparent to him at that level of intoxication. The right to remain silent was not an ability he processed at that time.

The time was moved like molasses, finally the police officer was in the cruiser. Liam had no idea what was going on, as he heard Officer Diaz on the two-way radio rattle off some numbers or codes or something. Liam thought he heard 20001, although this meant nothing to him.

As we pulled away from the party, Liam saw cop cars, ambulances, a fire truck and lots of crying friends. He wondered what had happened. Officer Diaz interrupted that thought with, "Are you aware of the crime you just committed?" In response Liam said,"I've committed no crime!!! I was just having a good time celebrating...we graduate next week."

Officer Diaz wanted nothing to do with Liam's response. He barked, "You are being charged with vehicular manslaughter. Do you understand what I am saying?" Officer Diaz was mad. This was personal, the Hernandez family had lived next to him for fifteen years. Gina was only two years old when they moved in. It was never easy taking these calls, fatal pedestrian accidents caused by delinquent children. Complete negligent intoxication, resulting in dangerous reckless driving, and death of the innocent. Officer Diaz dreaded having to deliver the horrible new of Gina's death to the Hernandez family.

The voice on the two-way radio broke his concentration. Officer Diaz barked aggressively at Liam, "Killing Gina is a Class IIA Felony. You could be looking at a twenty year sentence." Frantically Liam replied, "I didn't kill Gina, she was off with Mando getting laid in the cornfield. Ask Stan and Jessica I was partying with them at the large bonfire."

Professionally Officer Diaz informed Liam, they were going to the Police Station for further questioning so they could find out what happened. This information freaked Liam out, he instantly started begging for his parents. What doesn't know is generally children do not have the right to have their parents present before law enforcement could interview them. Officer Diaz announced, "You will not be seeing your parents now. You will be interviewed at the police station, so we can collect relevant evidence. You are facing prison time, high fines and a revoked driver's license. My best advice for you is to hire a criminal defense attorney to assist you." Liam thought that because he was only 17, he would be safe. He was not! It was almost as if the cop heard his thoughts. "As young as 14 you can be transferred to an adult court, and let me tell you there is no leniency to be found there." To this, Liam had no words...only tears.

Upon arrival at the Police Station, Liam again asked for his mom and dad, only to be reminded of his Miranda Rights. As it was unclear to Liam how to proceed, he decided to bypass the lawyer until he talked to his parents. The polices' line of questioning was severe. Liam hadn't a clue what they were talking about and that made the police feel like he was holding out on information, when truly he had no recollection.

To grow to be a responsible citizen, Liam was being transported to a juvenile facility where he would wait for trail. During intake, an Officer explained the Juvenile Justice System process: 1) delinquent behavior (murder), 2) referral 3) intake, 4) transfer, 5) detention, 6) adjudication, 7) disposition, 8) juvenile corrections and 9) aftercare (the training you will need to become employable and reduce recidivism). Liam tried to comprehend everything that was just said, while not crying. He was escorted to the cell he would await trial.

Finally Liam got his phone call. He called his house. Thank God dad picked up. Liam verbally vomited the events of the last 24 hours. He cried through the entire phone call. Colby tried to remain calm. He told Liam they would get him a defense attorney, before his phone call abruptly was ended by the officer who had taken him from his cell to the phone.

The following morning, Officer Diaz escorted Liam to the interrogation room. Mrs. McNally, Liam's attorney, and parents had arrived prior to him getting to the room. Dad seemed strong, mom was a wreak and Mrs. McNally was calm. Liam on the other hand was completely freaking out. He had destroyed his life and had taken another's. How would he ever live with that?

In the most even, almost monotone, voice Mrs. McNally had alot of information to deliver very quickly. "In order to convict Liam the state must prove his intoxication was proximate, which caused the accident resulting in the death of Gina Hernandez." It was Mrs. McNally's comment that made Shannon burst into tears. She knew, from what Colby had shared about the phone call, that Liam had been extremely drunk. He hadn't even understood what he had done

"There is at least one thing to be thankful for Liam is still a minor at 17. Minors receive less severe punishments and shorter jail times then adults. Liam must still be held accountable for the crime he committed. The Juvenile Court of Douglas County, where all the youth arrested in Omaha are tried, is where Liam's case will be conducted. The judge will take factors like his age, maturity level, family situation and criminal history into consideration in order to determine the appropriate punishment."

Liam squirmed as he heard these things. Mrs. McNally continued on, "I will do everything in my power to suggest less severe, such as probation instead of prison time. Probation's emphasis is on rehabilitation. If approved, Liam would be released to a supervised facility where curfews, drug testing and community service will be required to remain out of juvenile detention centers. The system reform is to strive for balance, development and is supported through alot of research. If we can get Liam into a reform program rather than a juvenile detention center, he will be at a reduced criminologenic risk."

The prosecuting lawyer wanted to try Liam as an adult, in that case it would be up to twenty year incarceration and a $25,000 fine ( Class IIA Felony). As well as a civil lawsuit, by Gina's family, for "wrongful death."

Unfortunately due to the severity of the crime Liam committed, probation and reform programs were denied. Liam's family explained, "He is a good boy and a great student. He even got a scholarship. Please help Liam. Let him have a future."

Thank God, Mrs. McNally was persistent with her plea deal requests. Eventually, it was agreed upon Liam would be tried as an adolescent. He was charged and found guilty of a Class III Felony (hit and run with death as the result). Punishment, four years in a youth facility and a $10,000 fine. Of course, Liam would be on probation upon release to a post-release supervisored facility.

Liam took this transaction horribly. His depression progressed to suicidal idealation with an increased risk of self harm. It was decided he needed to be closely monitored and seen by mental health care professionals. Mental Health Assistance (MHA) was designated to Liam.

Through MHA, he learned about all kinds of programs that were available to him. Inmate Support, (REAL) peer outreach, (HOPE) support with employment, and (GPS) goals, plans and strategies for re-entry into society and life success were the first classes Liam took. He learned through Nebraska Department of Corrections be could get certified as a Transportation Flagger.

He's time in the system was almost completed and now he knew he had a future ahead of him, a fresh start. This gave him a flicker of hope and happiness, feelings he never thought he'd feel again. New beginnings, a fresh start...he was going to be a new man and embrace whatever future God gave him.

December 28, 2024 04:48

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