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Contemporary Fiction Sad

This story contains themes or mentions of sexual violence.

Genevieve struggled out of her plain black winter coat. She was a bit rushed as always. She opened her locker and put her coat inside. She removed her tweed skirt and blue sweater both purchased at the latest sale at Old Navy. She reached into her locker and took out her uniform. It made her flush with embarrassment each time she wore it. She stepped into the one piece black and white outfit, and pulled it up over her body as it became her second skin. The top was so low cut that her breasts felt that they were barely covered. The skirt was so short it barely covered her private parts. She fluffed up her hair, applied way too much makeup, and reported to the kitchen for work.

Genevieve was a pretty girl. Her brown hair curled naturally around her face and her green eyes, oh those eyes. She made this transfer five nights a week. It was uncomfortable, and she wouldn't look in a mirror until she stripped off these clothes and became herself again. She hated this job, but it was necessary. it was the closest restaurant to her house and she didn't have a car. It paid the most, but the indignity of it all was getting to her more and more.

Her boss greeted her by looking her up and down.

"Now remember, Gen, flaunt those boobs of yours; and shake that bootie in male customers faces. Your job is to sell as many drinks as you can. Remember sales come with tips.

As Genevieve walked into the restaurant she became Gen. She flirted with the male customers, leaned over just far enough to give the oglers a view of her breasts. And shook that bootie as she walked away from the tables. She laughed and the crude remarks men made, and tried not to flinch at unwanted touching. As the evening wore on the transition from Genevieve to Gen progressed.

Each night as she changed back into her street clothes it took longer and longer to feel like herself.

Genevive trudged home pockets full of tips, and an emptiness in her heart.

As she unlocked the front door, she heard her father's voice, Is that you Genevieve? I wonder, she thought. "Yes it's me dad. She removed her black winter coat and hung it on the hook by the door.

She entered the living room and there was her father just as she'd left him. Sitting by the fire, TV remote in one hand, his glass of water on his bedside table and his pale face. He had been sick for months with cancer and the doctor predicted only a few more months. "I brought you a treat from the restaurant," she said as she bent over and kissed his forehead. "I'll eat it tomorrow, I just want to go to bed."

Genevieve fought back tears as she replied,"You don't even know what it is, it's carrot cake your favorite. "Not tonight thank you I have a terrible headache. Genevieve began the bedtime ritual; emptying the catheter bag, a quick bed bath, a fresh pajama top, medications and finally tucking him in. "Don't forget nightly prayers," reminded her father. Genevieve sat on the edge of his bed and he prayed aloud for the both of them. His voice was getting weaker and weaker. Not like the days when he would preach in their church. Not in the days when he would sing in his beautiful baritone voice. Parishoners still come to see him, even after four years. Genevieve wiped away tears as she headed up the stairs to her bed.

Tuesday night it snowed which made her trudge to work even more difficult. She arrived a few minutes late and her boss, Ty, was waiting for her at the door. "Gen, you can't be late, I count on you. You need to get a car." "I can't afford it. My dad's medical bills are sky high and we are barely making it as it is. I'm sorry. " Genevieve hurried into the locker room to change her clothes. As she entered the restaurant it seemed particularly rowdy. Ty reminded her there was a bachelor party. Not tonight thought Gen.

Things went fine and before she knew it Last Round was called.

Her breasts were tired from leaning over and her bootie as well. She went into the locker room to change. She has just taken her uniform off when the door banged open.

The bridegroom appeared swaying on his feet. "Well, I like you even better with your clothes off. He staggered towards her with his greedy hands. "How about a kiss?" "No, please get away from me." The man lunged and grabbed Genevieve by one arm and threw her to the floor. "Help, someone, help!" He grabbed her bra and ripped it off. "Now those are some terrific titties." He grabbed one with his teeth and bit down until Genevieve felt terrible pain. Then he kissed her with his slobbery mouth. Genevieve vomited. The door to the locker room banged open again. "Oh God, are you alright? We knew he was drunk but not this drunk. Did he hurt you? Two other guys came in. Genevieve was naked in front of three men. "Look she's bleeding, call for help. TY wandered in to see what was going on. "Call an ambulance!" he screamed. "No, I'm okay. Just get out of here all of you! Let me get dressed and go home. My father is waiting for me. GET OUT!'

The men dragged their friend out and Ty followed. Genevieve cleaned herself up and dressed in her black winter coat. Tomorrow, she would look for a new job. She made enough tips tonight to get through the next few days. Her dad needed her but she couldn't sacrifice herself any longer. He would understand what she hoped she never had to confess.Ty yelled through the door, Gen, let me give you a ride home tonight." No thanks, and the name is Genevieve.'"

February 10, 2025 18:56

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1 comment

Martha Kowalski
21:17 Feb 18, 2025

Nice duality of the MC. One recommendation to separate your dialogue lines per character for clarity


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