Are you a has been or a will do and what will you do to NOT be a has been?

Written in response to: Write about two friends who were once inseparable, but now find themselves growing apart — or even friends turned enemies.... view prompt


Christian Suspense Teens & Young Adult

Friends come and friends go.

Seasons come and seasons go.

Some friends come into our lives for a reason.

Some friends come into our life for a season.

Sometimes. You engage, really engage, with a friend who is gold.

The gold standard.

“It is a process.” A wise person once said this to me. Face to face. Am so glad I listened. More importantly am more than grateful I heard.

Loud and clear.

Come hell or high water.

Life on the line kind of listening..

Life on the line kind of hearing.

No ignorance allowed.

No ignoring allowed.

A personal boot camp. Just me and Him. Him and I.🙂

Trenched, drenched in tears kinda boot camp. Not for the weak, welcomes the weary, because by the time you reach out to Him, a whole lot of “new friends” have turned up, in your life. Even some old new “friends” have and keep popping and hopping into, your life through others, and have turn up in your life….again.

For reasons not quite clear.

Assurance as a believer is paramount. But it only come if you are a believer. Belief. It is not a paper credit. Or any “credit” worth its value. Unless you believe and say it with your mouth.

Hear it with your own ears.

Otherwise it is simply a dance. Of the sugar plum fairy. Of the tooth fairy. Of any pretend, mystical, imaginable light weight fairy.

A light weight can’t pound ‘em like a heavy weight. I think that is a good thing. What do you think?

Assurance as a Believer:

”That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”Romans 10:9.

”Brothers my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved.” For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge.” Since they did not know the righteousness that comes from God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness for everyone who believes.”

Confession really is good for the soul.☺️

Sadly, oftentimes, as humans, though, we sputter, spit and stammer over what we want versus what we need. Sugar coat our “tones” of and to others with flattery and self-purpose.

To do the significant change in ourselves necessary. Needed and necessary change. The good from the bad. The bad into good. We need to change. Not hope for it.

Do it.

For some that may mean, like yesterday.

For some, there is a smidge of wiggle room.

For some, sadly it may be the rest of their lives.

Paying back personal debts.

We think we are already all righteous and almighty.

”Moses describes in this way the righteousness that is by the law: “The man who does these things will live by them. But the righteousness that is by faith says: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ (that is to bring Christ down) or “Who will descend into the deep?’ (that is to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? “ The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is the word of faith we are proclaiming: That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Everyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame. For there is no difference between a Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all who call on him.🙂

Perhaps it be time for you to make YOUR call.

Decisions are made hundreds of times every day. By every person.

Either be a person for others. Or a person for yourself.


Is a thing.

Is it your thing?

Or do you feel a has been that will not be.

Willing to do any “act” to get where you think you want to go?

The impulses may direct your next move.

Best to say a quiet prayer before getting all “jumpy”.

”Our Lord Jesus Christ was a Man

(denote: Man)

”Our Lord Jesus Christ was a Man for others. “ For your sake he made himself poor through he was rich, so that you might become rich by his poverty.” (2 Corinthians 8:9).


Before you run and start cutting up all your credit and ATM cards, please ask yourself.

How long can you last at this “giving thing” to others things as a way of life. Your life.


Not for the weak. Not for the weary.




None of it matters, all of it matters.

Are you a has been that will do?:

The right thing?

Or what will you do to not be a has been?

Left behind.

In left field.

Or right field.



What WILL you do or not do.

See something, say something?

I dunno.

Got off track.

Back to impulses:

Good impulses.

This impulse of self-giving is first of all a matter of the heart—an eagerness to share the gift of the Spirit with other men and women—but necessarily it overflows in deeds of love and justice, in alms-giving and all forms of service to the poor and powerless of nations and races.

”Your plenty at the present time should supply their need.” As Saint Paul tells us. (2 Corinthians 8: 14).

Deeds. Of Mercy in Return. An inspirational thought.

For those who have inwardly and deeply tasted the generosity of the Lord, we generally tend to gobble it up, fast, almost without even thinking.😁 Without thought- lessness or reason, give to others. Just give. And not for what it can do for


Friends can turn into enemies in a heart beat. In a heart beat... milliseconds even, especially nowadays🤫🤑😉😳.

Ask yourself: Random Acts.


Random Acts of kindness.

Acts can turn on their own heads. On a dime.

Please remain wholeheartedly self aware where your intentions lie, or you maybe sorrowful. Full of sorrow.

Another wise and good person used to leave many a service-minded and oriented conversation with these three phrases:

”Will do”.

”Real good.”

”Bye now”.

Now it may be time for the rest of us to:

Get to work.

Rest assured.

Rest in peace.


June 11, 2023 12:21

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