Love on the Line

Submitted into Contest #285 in response to: Write a story in the form of a landline phone conversation.... view prompt


Coming of Age Friendship Romance

“Witter residence.”

“Hi, Mrs. Witter, is Jenny there?”

“Oh, hi, Sarah. Let me go get her.”


“Hi Jenny! What are you doing today?”

“Sarah, I have to tell you something! Jake asked me out! My parents are dropping me off at the skating rink to meet him tonight. I can’t believe they are letting me go! They told me before I couldn’t date until I was 16.”

“Jenny, oh my gosh! That is amazing. What are you gonna wear?!”

“I think that baby blue dress with the daisies on it that I wore to your 13th birthday with baby blue eye shadow and lots of body glitter. Know the dress I’m talking about?”

“Yes, that will be perfect! You have to let me know how it goes. I’m just at the house today doing family stuff, so I can live vicariously through you.”

“I will! I have to go hop in the shower so I can start getting ready for tonight! I’ll talk to you later, Sarah! Love ya!”

“Love ya too, Jenny!”


“Is Jenny home, Mr. Witter? It’s Sarah.”

“I’ll go wake her up and let her know you’re on the phone, Sarah.”


“Jenny! I couldn’t wait to hear the details! Sorry to wake you. How was last night with Jake?! Did he kiss you?!”

“Oh, Sarah! You’ll be at the wedding, won’t you? I think I’m in love!


“He was such a gentleman. He held my hand while we skated, and we had the best time! He bought my snacks and drinks and kissed me at the end of the night! Everyone said we were such a cute couple, and he never corrected them. He hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend or anything, but I’d say we are almost there. What a wonderful night!”

“I am so excited for you. I know you’ve had a crush on him for a while. I can’t believe this is happening!! Oh my gosh. Please invite me to the wedding.”

“Ugh, I have to go, Sarah. My parents want me to clean my room. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

“Love ya like a sister, Jenny!”

“Love ya too, Sarah!”

“Jackson residence.”

“Hi, Mr. Jackson, is Sarah home?”

“Let me go see if she is done with her homework, Jenny.”

“Jenny, is that you?”

“Hey, Sarah! Did you do your English homework yet? I am so stumped about question 4. All I can do is daydream about Jake and our date. I can’t think about To Kill a Mockingbird.”

“I bet! Why don’t you meet me before class tomorrow and I will help you. I told my dad I was done with my homework so I could talk to you, but I haven’t actually done it yet. Oops.”

“That would be great, Sarah. Thanks a bunch. Does Jenny Williams sound nice?”

“You’re already doodling his last name on your Trapper Keeper, huh? You got it bad, Jen!”

“I’m planning my birthday party already for next month and trying to figure out how to introduce Jake to my parents. You’ll be able to come, right?? Any boys you want me to invite for you?”

“Sure, does Jake have any hot friends?”

“I am sure he does! I will ask him to bring a friend.”

“Awesome! Thanks, Jenny! Hey, I gotta go actually do this homework now. So annoying. Why isn’t homework illegal?”

“I don’t know, but it should be. It’s bad enough we spend all day at school in class. Love ya, Sarah! See you at school tomorrow.”

“Love ya like a sis! Bye!”

“Witter residence.”

“Hi, Mrs. Witter, can I talk to Jenny?”

“Sure, Sarah, give me just a minute.”


“Jenny, I saw you and Jake sitting at lunch together today but didn’t have a chance to ask you about it after class. Does that mean what I think it means?!”

“It does! He asked me to be his official girlfriend! I am so excited! Sarah, I can’t believe I have a boyfriend. And it’s Jake!”

“Oh my god, Jenny, that is amazing!”

“It is! We are going to a movie this weekend, and my parents want to meet him when they drop me off. I am so nervous but excited for them to meet him!”

“That’s so exciting, what are you going to see?”

“Some action flick he wants to see. Which is fine by me, because I will be too nervous to even pay attention.”

“I can’t believe my BFF has her first boyfriend. So cool. Hopefully I’ll be next!”

“You will, Sarah! I am gonna hook you up with one of Jake’s friends. He has several who are total hotties.”

“Ugh, my dad is telling me I need to finish my homework. I gotta go, Jen. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Love ya, Sarah.”

“Love ya, too. Night!”

“Jackson residence, who’s calling?”

“Hey, Mr. Jackson, it’s Jenny. Can Sarah talk?”

“Sure, Jenny, but just for a minute.”

“Hey, Jenny.”

“Hey, Sarah! Sorry I didn’t call you yesterday. I watched Jake’s football practice after

school, and then had a pile of homework to finish.”

“It’s alright, I had a lot of homework too. They really know how to pile it on mid-week don’t they? You and Jake really are spending a lot of time together, aren’t you?”

“We are, but that’s what boyfriends and girlfriends do, I guess. I’ll never let him take me away from my best friend though. Are you nervous about the English test tomorrow?”

“I feel ok about it, but I need to look back over everything tonight. It will be ok. You got this. You read the book. I know you are distracted by your lover boy, but just focus and it will be fine.”

“Thanks, Sarah. You’re right. I don’t know why I am so nervous about it. I guess I need to go study. Night, Sarah!”

“Night, Jen!”


“Hey, Mrs. Witter, can Jenny talk for a minute?”

“Sure, Sarah. Just a minute.”

“Sarah?! I think I did well on the English test, and now I am nervous about my date tomorrow night with Jake!”

“It will be fun, Jenny. Don’t worry! And I am glad you feel good about the English test. It was a bit easier than I thought it would be, so that was a relief. I have to do family stuff tomorrow during the day, so I hope your date goes well. Make sure to call me Sunday to let me know how it goes.”

“I definitely will! What family stuff?”

“We are going to visit my grandma at the nursing home for the day.”

“Oh, ok, well I hope that goes well! What are you doing tonight?”

“Just trying to work ahead on this book report for next week and then watching some

TV with the folks, I guess. You?”

“Nothing much besides daydreaming about tomorrow night!”

“You’re a lost cause, Jenny! I’ll catch up with you Sunday! Love ya!”

“Love ya like a sis, Sarah!”

“Jackson residence.”

“Hi, Mrs. Jackson, can I talk to Sarah?”

“Sure, Jenny, hold on.”


“Sarah! Last night was so amazing! We held hands the whole time during the movie, and he won me a stuffed bear out of the claw machine in the theater lobby. It was all so cute. I am head over heels in love!”

“That’s amazing, Jenny! I’m so happy for you. When’s the wedding?”

“I don’t know, I wish it was next week! I just wanted to let you know how it went. Now I have to go do family stuff today. I’ll see you at school tomorrow, Sarah.”

“Ok, have fun with your family stuff. Love ya!”

“Love ya, Sarah!”

“Witter residence.”

“Hi, Mrs. Witter, is Jenny there?”

“She is, Sarah, just a minute.”

“Sarah, is that you?”

“You ok, Jenny?”

“No. Jake was acting kinda weird at school today. Sorry I didn’t call you last night, by the way.”

“Why was he acting weird?”

“I don’t know! We just had a great date a few days ago, and now he is acting like he doesn’t like me.”

“I’m sure you are imagining things, Jenny. Sounds like he is so into you!”

“I don’t know, I am just worried sick about it. I am gonna go to bed early, Sarah. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Love ya, Jen.”

“Love ya like a sis, Sarah.”

“Jackson residence.”

“Can I talk to Sarah please?”

“Sure, just a minute.”

“Jenny? Why did you sit alone at a table at lunch today when I was leaving the cafeteria?”

“Sarah! He broke up with me!”

“Oh my gosh, did he say why?”

“Not really, but he was being really flirty with the new girl today. UGH! What will I do?!”

“I’m so sorry, Jenny. Do you need anything?”

“No, just to transfer schools, that’s all.”

“Well, you can’t transfer schools, because what would I do without you?”

“I feel like it’s the end of the world! I feel sick. I don’t know if I can stomach seeing him at school tomorrow.”

“Well, see if you can stay home, Jenny.”

“No, I can’t let him have the satisfaction.”

“Ok then, go to school and make him regret his choice. Wear your cutest outfit tomorrow.”

“I think I will. Thanks for listening, Sarah. I am gonna go to bed.”

“Love ya, Jenny.”

“Love ya too, Sarah.”

“Jackson residence, this is Sarah.”

“Sarah, you never answer the phone, what’s up?!”

“Oh, hey, Jenny! Mom is in the bathroom and dad is at the store, so I get the rare chance to answer the phone. What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing, Sarah…school was ok today. Did you hear that Chris Jenkins is single now?! I’m so into him! Do you think he will ask me out?”

January 14, 2025 16:44

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