The Old Beggar

Submitted into Contest #31 in response to: Write a short story about someone heading home from work.... view prompt



Sipping some coffee, I looked outside the glass. The sky had turned pink and the streetlights were being lit by the lamps of cars. There was still half an hour to go for the day's work to finish. Outside the glass, an old beggar stared at the small sandwich shop, his stare seems like the penance stare, but could not ask for his beggarly share. He was old and dirty but shied from asking for some food. No money did he have, no money did he ever ask. I gazed at him and my gaze asked him 'why don't you ask?', to which his stare replied 'I must be from a respectable family, but I remember none.'

I stopped gazing and looked at the clock, it was time to go. I went down and thought who the beggar was, was he someone who is lost. I reached that footpath after crossing the road and went towards him. He looked at me puzzled, I asked 'Hey, how are you?' what will you like to have. I am heading home, you look like a good man. I can buy you a sandwich.' He stared and his stare said 'Give me that sandwich son, you are the only person who looks at me. You are the only one, who I think cares.'

'What's your name?' I asked.


'Where are you from?'

'I don't have a memory, I am lost I think. Can you help me?'

'Come home with me. There is a care center near my house. They will give you basic necessities for some time and try to find your family.'

'Sure, thanks so much.'

I caught the rickshaw with him and head towards my house. I entered the care center near my house. Everyone was puzzled at the care center, everyone but one. That one stood up and clapped and said, 'thanks for bringing my brother, I looked for him everywhere, all the money, but no love we ever had.'

Vinod remembered everything and hugged his brother and wept, and turned towards me and asked, 'Do you know who I am?'


'I am Vinod Raichand, the richest man in town. Thank's for the help, I owe my life to you. My brother owns this care center and my company funds it. You are that one, whom I can trust forever, come join my company, tell me your salary and I declare you my heir since I have none.'

What happened? Is this a dream? I asked myself. And yes, today I became a rich man's most trusted person and his heir and all I had to do is help someone.

My wife opened the door, and I told her about it, I told my little sons about it. And they all pledged to be kind to everyone because the power of being kind and helpful is much greater than being selfish.

Not helping a person, know you can help him is selfish nature of a person. Helping anyone brings trust the vibes of kindness brings peace of mind and spreads happiness everywhere.

March 01, 2020 18:37

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