Dan let himself in through the front door of number twenty Glendale drive, she wouldn't hear him ring the bell anyway, her ears had long since given up the ghost. He went into the kitchen and listened for a short moment but heard nothing. The kitchen had seen better days, paint had peeled away from the cupboards and some cupboard doors seemed to be hanging on by God's glue, having workmen in to do some repairs wouldn't have been a runner given her state of mind. He heard some rapid footsteps approaching the door to the living room that adjoined the kitchen and quickly opened it before she had a chance to. She wasn't surprised to see him, nothing surprised her anymore at least she would never let on, always the actor in her own play that was her life.
'Cup of tea mother? It's nasty weather isn't it? I'll make us a nice cup of tea.' Dan said rapidly trying to abort her often meaningless conversation.
'That'll be nice. You're very good to your poor old mother. It's so cold out. Miserable. Miserable it is.' May Flynn said weakly complaining and then she left Dan in the kitchen and returned to her favourite chair and took up her crossword puzzle.
Dan continued making two cups of tea and surveying the aging kitchen at the same time. He saw the tell tale crumbs of biscuits and fruit cake in various spots on the floor and set about sweeping them up. How could she be so careless he thought to himself while sweeping vigorously. The kitchen was cold today so he quickly checked the radiator setting - Off: that's great, way to go to stay warm mother. May Flynn returned to the kitchen looking angry.
'When do you get here? People coming into my house and nobody telling me about it. Now I want to know when you came in?'
'I've made us a nice cup of tea. Would you like some biscuits with your tea or maybe some fruitcake?'
May seemed caught off guard and thought for a moment, a trick Dan had learned when she got agitated, which seemed to be every ten minutes or so.
'Some fruitcake I suppose but be careful of those crumbs. Every day I have to clean up after the whole lot of you and it's not fair I'm an elderly woman.'
'Go on inside and I'll be in soon and we'll have a nice chat. It'll be great.'
'Ok just be careful of those crumbs. Every day I have to clean up after........'
'How's the crossword going today? You go on in and do the crossword and I'll be in shortly.'
'Yes the crossword. I'll go in and see where I am with it.'
She left the kitchen and Dan breathed a long slow breath, it was getting harder and harder to deal with May.
'Here we go mother. A lovely cup of tea and a few big slices of nice fruitcake.' Dan said entering the living room. May didn't look up until Dan placed the tray on the little table in front of her.
'When did you get here? People are always coming into my house and nobody thinks to tell me. It's like O'Connell street in here. I'm not having it. I'm locking that door and...'
'What do think of the fruitcake? Isn't it nice? I'll cut us some more in a sec when were finished with these slices.' Dan interjected knowing he had to head her off before she lost it.
'Oh look at that fruitcake. Oh I'll have a nice slice and a lovely cup of tea too. Your spoiling me, you're a good son.' May said temporarily calming down though Dan knew that the next storm was never far off but he enjoyed the peace even if it was to be short lived.
The TV was on and showing some kind of a loop where the channel selected was showing a highlights reel of upcoming programs, it irritated Dan. He thought quickly what programmes she might like and came up with anything to do with antiques.
'Let me see if Antiques Roadshow is on, you like that.' Dan uttered grabbing the remote. She didn't say anything.
'Ah there it is. They're in some stately house today. Let's see what the people bring in to get valued.' Dan continued trying to muster enthusiasm but failing to reach the bar.
'That's a grand house there. Is it in Tipperary? It looks like it. My father had store-men and they used to do work for him. What's the name of this program? Is this today or is it old?' May said displaying some interest which surprised Dan.
'It's some part of England and I'd say it's an old program, a good few years ago judging by the state of the people in a line to get a valuation.' Dan said turning to May who had lost interest already and returned to her puzzle. Dan finished his piece of cake and thought of what to say to May that might fire up some of her memory banks.
'Any sign of Mr Cash these days?' Dan enquired directly knowing that May enjoyed talking about her neighbour next door.
'Is he there at all? I haven't seen him in months. He must have moved but I never saw a removal van on the street. Probably went at night. Typical. These people come and go without so much as a word. Wouldn't you think......'
'I saw Mr Cash at the window on the way in so he's still there.'
'Oh I haven't seen in ages. I thought he was in a home....'
'No he's very much there.'
'Sorry. What did you say to me?'
'I said he's still there. Large as life. He gave me a big wave as I drove in.'
'How did he look? Looked very bad last time I saw him.'
'Looked great, looked fit and healthy.' Dan added the little white lie, in fact it was mostly all lies although he had actually seen Mr Cash from the window behind the TV.
'Is his wife dead? Now what was her name? I just can't remember. My memory is very bad these days. Do you remember her name?'
'Doris. Wasn't it Doris?'
'You're having me on. It wasn't Doris. Such a stupid name anyway.'
'What about Mavis?' Dan offered hoping it was correct.
'It wasn't Mavis either. I'll clobber you in a minute if you can't get me her name.'
'Wasn't it Janet?' Dan said beginning to sweat, even though May was small she still packed quite a punch.
'Janet yes, it was Janet. Is she dead?'
'Yes a few years ago now.'
'And is Mr Cash still alive and living next door to me?'
'Yes.' Dan answered snappily and thinking no wonder his father checked out, this was hard work. She returned to her crossword and Dan put the plates and the cups on the tray and brought them out to the kitchen. On reaching the kitchen he just collapsed onto one of the kitchen chairs and said out loud 'Christ.'
Had he not been driving then he would've looked for a glass of whiskey. Moments like this he realised why people smoked, the stress was hard to deal with. He washed the plates and cleaned the kitchen table and then went around the house looking for any open windows that she had forgotten to close. He also cleaned the bathroom in the house for her, not a task he relished but it had to be done. The rest of the house was tired looking although not in bad shape considering the lack of any maintenance above the absolute essential.
Dan returned to the living room and May hardly noticed he was there. But she did notice just didn't acknowledge his presence. She seemed happy with her head buried in the crossword, Dan wasn't sure if it was the same one or if she had started a new one. She looked up - Oh here we go Dan thought, What's it going to be about this time?
'Have you seen my magazine rack? It was here this morning. Now someone must have come into my house and stolen it. I won't stand for this. I'm going to ring the guards. I've hidden all my beautiful mahogany tables under the dining room table and I have tied them together. If they come back stealing then they won't be able to take those tables. Honestly people nowadays are dragged up. Imaging stealing from an elderly woman? And some other items of mine have gone missing as well. I'm sick of it. I'm going to lock the front door and no one is going to get in.' A visibly upset May ranted.
'Who'll bring your meals to you if you lock the door?'
'Your meals and your groceries, who'll bring them if you won't let anyone in?'
'I'll manage for God's sake. Do you think I'm not able to look after myself? I can go up to the shop and buy what I need. You think I'm an invalid or something. I rared the whole lot of you and you've all been nothing but trouble. I don't know why I bothered'
Dan rose from his chair and went in to the kitchen and boiled the kettle again.
He returned with the tray which contained two cups, two plates complete with two slices of fruitcake. He placed the tray on the little table in front of her.
'Would you like a cup of tea and a lovely slice of fruitcake?' Dan said warmly.
'Oh that'd be great. I have not had tea today or cake. You're a good son.' May say kindly as she took a slice of fruitcake spilling crumbs everywhere. Dan just sighed and said, 'Any sign of Mr Cash these days?'
'Is he there at all?'
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He's in the loop.
Thanks Mary, well it is the best place to be always.