Drama Coming of Age

Samantha stared at the computer screen with tripidation. She really needed to seal the deal before her grandfather returned from overseas in a few days!

The cursor blinked repeatedly, leaving a dry taste in her mouth as she waited for a response.

Morphius hissed at her vying for her attention , thus creating more tension as she chewed her once pristine nails down to the nub.

"YOUR BID HAS BEEN ACCEPTED" flashed across her computer screen just as she was about to walk over to the kitchenette to feed poor Morphius.

Ignoring the now cranky feline , Samatha moved the cursor over to the "complete purchase" option, squealing with delight as she realised she had actually made her first real adult transaction ever!

Morphius plonked himself at her feet once more, in the hope that Samantha would finally feed him.

With both the cat and Samantha now satiated, the mood in the room lifted instantly. Now it was just a waiting game for her purchase to arrive supposedly by the end of the day.

The loud "ding dong!" of the doorbell disturbed the sleeping moggy from his upteenth nap for the day. He was not impressed! And to make a point he swiped at Samanthas feet as she scrambled to get off the armchair to get to the door in all of her excitement!

"Morphius! no!" is all she could muster to say as she half ran, half stumbled to open the door for the delivery guy.

"Sign here please" was his response to the chaotic scene that greeted him upon the door opening.

Samantha wasn't expecting the box to be so big so she had to kick the door shut as she turned to take her package into the dining area. The "slam!" of course stirred the sleeping cat once gain and this time he just stared at her in disgust.

Placing the box on the kitchen table, Samantha headed towards the pantry in search of a kitty treat to allieviate the dramatic and rather grumpy "puss" glaring at her from his favourite chair. She was soon rewarded with the "all is forgiven" look and peace reigned once again.

Nerves soon took a hold as Samantha stared over at the unopened box in front of her. Thoughts of how her grandfather would react at such an extravagant spend, added to her angst!

Samantha had always been so frugal and penny wise. But for once in her life she had decided to break her usual spendthrift ways because she wanted to prove to her beloved Poppy , that she was in fact nailing her life as an adult!

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of a cricket chirping rather loudly (ring tone) Snapping her back to reality as she raced to answer her phone.

"Sammy girl! its me.. Poppy"

"Oh hey, I mean Hello Poppy!"( trying to sound more like a grown-up response)

"Good news! I'm coming home earlier than expected. Could you be a doll and come and pick your dear ole Poppy up from the station?"

"Sure things Pops! um, what time?"

"I'll text you the deets once i have landed".

"Okay cool, I mean fabulous! can't wait to see you!"

With time now at a premium, Samantha decided it was now or never! Using her grandfathers pen knife, she carefully slid the knife along the tape on the top and sides of the parcel.

Morpheus appeared to raise an eyebrow(if cats had them!) , as she pulled open the cardboards flaps.

"Oh My freaking God!" was all she could manage to say as she stared in dissapoint at her rather expensive "mistake".

With a "no returns" policy, There was no way she could hide this expensive disaster!

Memories soon flooded into her minds eye of her dearly departed gammy laughing "with her" over 16 year old Sammy's attempt to cook a fancy dinner for her grandparents.

The kitchen looked like a hurricane had struck! Not to mention the stench of burnt offerings smouldering in the baking dish in the oven... Samantha had accidently set the temperature too high with her impatience at getting dinner cooked in time for her grandparents surprise anniversary meal.

Amid tears and a whole lot of laughter, once Gammy had managed to calm Samantha down, She remembered her Grandmother's wise words.

"If life gives you lemons, whaddya do missy? , Why you make a dam good lemon meringue pie thats what!"

"And of course there is always takeout! " Poppy pitched in !

Oh how Sam missed those days when her Gammy was alive! She always had an instinctive knack to make even the worst days seem like sunshine and lollipops.

"Well Morpheus there is only one thing i can do, and thats own this thing! I mean Poppy was young and stupid once too right?"

Her only response from Morpheus was a gentle "brrr!" as he rolled over to get into a more comfortable position.

Taking the painting out of its box, Samantha placed it on the picture hooks above the fireplace. Carefully centering it so that it hung in a perfect balance.

Interrupted by a loud "bing!" , Samantha turned her attention to the text message confirming her Poppy was ready to be picked up.

Gently closing the door behind her after one more glance at the larger than life portrait of her Gammy , Samantha felt a sense of calm wash over her. It was in that moment she knew that everything would be okay. Her Poppy had grieved heavily for his beloved Desdimona. 4 years in fact. And the mere mention of her name would send him into a crying fit!

Today was going to be their 40th wedding anniversary. A date made more significant when they made the choice to raise their beautiful granddaughter. Abandoned by both of her parents when she was just 5 years old. That was 13 years ago yet it still felt like yesterday to Sam.

The portrait in question, had been painted when Gammy was just 18 years old. The same age Samantha was now. And somewhere along the many adventures and house moves along the way, it had been misplaced until 3 weeks ago.

Samantha "accidently" stumbled upon it when a pop up aution site flashed onto her computer screen. Being curious by nature, she decided to click on it and soon got lost in all of the treasures that were on offer. One particular item caught her eye. That being the lost portrait of her beloved Gammy. And of course she recognised her instantly because it was like staring in the mirror! Further clarification came in the form of Gammys photographic evidence when the painting was first made.

For some reason, portraits of strangers were of high interest! And the mysterious owner had no interest in reuniting the portrait with its rightful owners.

This is where Sammy's years of penny pinching came in handy. She didn't have anything in particular to save for. Her Poppy and Gammy had always made sure she was taken care of. And had even told her she would stand to inherit the house and everything they had once they both passed.

It was almost as if she had been preparing for this very moment in time. To come across the portrait that meant so much to her Gammy and hopefully her Poppy too.

Her main reason for this loving act was to help her Poppy find closure and hopefully mend his broken heart too. If that was the outcome , it was worth the $10,000 she had paid for it.

You know the saying " a picture is like a thousand words?"

Well from the instant Poppy stepped into the home that love built and glanced towards his beloved Desdimona smiling down at him from above the fireplace, the pain that was etched in his face and heart dissapated.

No longing doubting her purchase or her sanity for that matter , Samantha smiled as her Grandfather reached out to her for a hug. Something he hadn't done since the loss of his beautiful wife.

March 06, 2023 06:32

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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