Romance Coming of Age Middle School

Chicago. Wicker Park. A.N. Pritzker Elementary. Room 107. She was extremely confident, as much as a 7 year old could be, excited to start second grade, excited to be at a new school. She was a ball of energy, messy brown curls, a bright red backpack, and a voice that made it seem like she had swallowed a mic. "And what's your name?". "My name is Ayesha Adil Sayeed and I am 7 years old!" She reached out her hand to shake the teachers. "Wow! What a firm handshake!" Ayesha giggled and sprinted away fore she had seen a girl who seemed to have the same bubbly energy as she did. Her name was Alana. They decided to be bestfriends. Then he walked in, hazel green eyes, a huge forehead (bigger than anyone's she had ever seen) and freckle on the lower left of his bottom lip. She looked at him in glee, with butterflies fluttering around in her stomach, a feeling she had never felt before. I think im gonna throw up, she thought. As days went by she learned his name was Kendrick, but to her and Alana he was known as Watermelon (the code name they took extreme pride in coming up with.) Ayesha was a bright kid, but like every other child she dreaded school, but now things had seemed to changed. She would wake up every morning excited to see him, and it seemed like he enjoyed her company too. They were inseparable, she would make him rainbow loom bracelets, and he would pass her little notes in class. They were the kind of friendship where everyone would think, They're definitely getting married one day. They remained friends for the following years of their life, still inseparable.

8th Grade. Room 304. She had not seen him all summer due to Covid, but wow was she in shock when she did. Suddenly towering over her, his long curls clearly freshly cut, he looked devilishly handsome. Not to mention she had changed too, her hair now bright red, suddenly bursting in the chest area, and her teeth now straight he seemed to be in shock too. They got to talking and Ayesha felt happy, things hadn't changed a bit, they slid right back into their same old groove, laughing at each others jokes until their ribs hurt. Alana had transferred and Kendrick had become her #1, they ate lunch together, sat together in class, and immediately made eye contact when their teacher said “Pick a partner.” Ayesha never felt like she had to compete for his attention, but after his massive glow up she wasn't sure it was the same. Thats when she realized many were fighting for his attention, he simply just didn't give them the time of day. She thought to herself this must mean he likes me too!!!, she was promptly proven wrong. He had a girlfriend. Izzy. She was short, fair skinned, with straight blonde hair, cut into a sleek bob, shes everything im not Ayesha thought to her self. Ayesha was upset, extremely upset. He still behaved the same way with her though, even a little flirty? She decided that he would be hers years ago and she was going to stick by that. They would always be touchy, knees touching when they sat, fingers locked, he loved to play with her curls, (he said it reminded him of a brunette Merida from Brave) She felt as if he still had some interest in her, she took that gut feeling and ran with it, she flirted back pushing Izzy to the back of his mind more and more everyday. Finally they broke up, she said he was extremely friendly and hated his friendship with Ayesha, she gave him an ultimatum, “Its her or me.” You could imagine she wasn't happy with the results. Ayesha really liked him but she had been waiting around for him for so long she started to talk to somebody else. Alex. Alex put her through complete hell, he manipulated her and cheated on her, and Ayesha stayed through it all strong in her loyalty. Kendrick would hold her as she cried, would beg her to leave him, convince her she deserved better but it was just too late. Ayesha and Alex stuck together through the end of the school year, but as 8th grade came to an end they knew they wouldn't be attending the same highschool. So they did what everyone does. Said their goodbyes, and parted ways.

Jones College Prep. Freshman year.

Ayesha and Alex had not spoken or seen each other in over a year, she was sitting in the library when she got a notification, ALEX IS TYPING, she stared at her phone for a second unsure of whether to feel disgust, disappointed at herself for feeling a little tinge of joy. He was transferring to Jones. Her school. She would have to see what she thought was her first love and first heartbreak again. Every day. For the next three years. So he transferred. She was his only friend and she decided she would be nothing more, nothing less. He tried to flirt and convince her of a “spark” but she heard Kendrick’s words from a year prior ringing in her head. She made the decision to put herself first, but she still found herself reminiscing of their good times together, and because of that she kept her distance.

First Quarter

Ayesha and Alana had rekindled their friendship the previous summer, and has spent the whole summer together. Things were the same, safe and comfortable, they got along like a house on fire even through the distance of different schools. In september Alana was having her Sweet 16, and of course Ayesha went, they were dancing and eating and having fun when suddenly she heard, “AYESHA.” with a grip on her shoulder. She turned around and looked up, and saw those same familiar hazel eyes. Kendrick. Even taller now, (and in her brain incredibly hot)  she felt the same exact butterflies in her stomach. They hugged tightly, her arms wrapped around his neck, his holding onto her waist, she was on her tippy toes trying to fill her senses with him, convince herself this was truly happening. He hugged her back reciprocating her energy. They stopped and just stared, they were at a loss of words, not wanting to say anything,not wanting to stain the moment that would be a mere memory in the future. As the night went on they danced, and they danced, and they danced. Mind you, Ayesha knew he had a girlfriend, so she decided to bring it up. He said that he truly cared for her, and this made Ayesha feel knots in her chest. He even mentioned how she had cheated on him, so Ayesha stated the obvious, “I deserved better a year ago, but you don't?” , she told him to leave her, and she told him she was the one for him. He agreed, but he just couldn't do it. He said with them going to different schools it just would not work. And that was that. Slowly the night came to an end, both of them upset because they had not seen each other in two years, and a couple hours was just not enough. She told him she had to leave, feeling slightly hurt there were tears developing in her eyes. His eyes seemed to get glassy too. One last embrace and the night was over. They both said they would make plans. They both knew they wouldn't. They were soulmates. But could never get the timing right.

September 27, 2023 01:16

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