My Warmth

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt


Drama Romance Teens & Young Adult

HARBOUR It's cold. I hate the cold. 35 degrees is just too cold for late September. At least it is here. Despite the freezing weather, I'm burning up. My cheeks are flush and I'm simply petrified. I look over at him. I never expected him to say yes. Last Friday Ireland asked me to invite Brett to apple picking. I mindlessly agreed. She promised me something, although I can't remember what. We had hung out a few times with groups of people but we never really were alone together for that long. It was a stupid idea I can tell anyone with complete confidence. Except for Brett. I always knew he was a nice guy but to do this with me? Totally unexpected. "Harbour are you alright?" I am brought back to consciousness. Yeah, I'm fine. He shows me his basket of apples. Do you need some help? He looks at me hopefully. Su-rr-e. He places my hand in his as though it is fragile china. The feeling of his rough hand against mine soothes my nerves. Like this. I watch his demonstration and follow his lead. Before I know it we are laughing together. We grab our overflowing baskets and head to the counter to buy all of the apples we picked. "45.95$." The scraggly man behind the counter musters. Brett looks over at me. I assume he wants me to pay so I sift through my purse. But quickly he forks over the money. A sort of relief washes over me. It would have been very impolite if he hadn't paid. This is my favorite part. Brett and I walk out of the little cashier's booth. There is a large oak tree on the top of the hill. In an immature sense we both glance at one another. "RACE!!" We ran till our legs gave out, collapsing like hooligans. Once we had caught our breath there was a silent moment. Not awkward silence. It felt purposeful. I nudged up closer to him leaning against the oak tree. He looked over at me with a smile. Heat rises in my cheeks. Closer still. He leans next to me, and on my tender lips places and meaningful kiss.

BRETT It is freezing. Not great weather for apple picking. Even so, I can't believe she invited me. I was so excited to come. I feel like a joke moat the time. Being such a romantic. Most girls want a manly guy. I just have to hide that I'm sensitive. I feel like she'd understand though. Maybe girls like sensitive guys even more? I look across at Harbour. She looks really uncomfortable. "Harbour are you alright?" She shakes her head not in response though. She acts as though I just brought her back to earth. Yeah, I'm fine. But I am not convinced. I hope she isn't second-guessing asking me here. Do you need some help? Su-rr-e. I notice her messing with her chestnut-colored hair. She does that when she's nervous. I grasp her hand trying to demonstrate. She looks so focused, It's kind of adorable. I tell a joke trying to break the ice. Harbour starts laughing, I can't help it. I start laughing too. We finish with baskets full of apples. I look at her joyful blue eyes. I gesture for her to follow me to the little hut. We buy the apples from a shaggy looking man. "45.95$." She pushes open the door. We both look up at an old oak tree on a hill at the exact same time. I know her thought is the same as mine. "RACE!!"

I run laughing hard and feeling the wind against my back. We both fall like a pile of giggles. All of the laughter stops abruptly, I look over at Harbour. She's blushing madly but has the confidence to nudge closer. I wanted this moment, and here it is. that magical wonderful, kiss.

Do you think I'll win? Of course, you'll win! No one is a better writer than you Harbour. I look eagerly at her. Kara is rarely ever wrong. I've got to win this one though. After all, it reminds me of him. Brett. I wrote out our story. He was so wonderful. I miss him. I miss it when he brushed back my hair. I miss when he would tell me it was all gonna be okay. I wish I could've made that true. This is the perfect moment we really met. Breathe Harbour, you've got this. Maybe we were barely married but a month was enough, enough to tell them our story. I step up to the judges. Hello, my name is Harbour Lowe and today I will be talking about my late husband. I clear my throat. I hated the cold more than anything. The judges lean in. I mean anything. I disliked a lot of things Clowns, Caves, Sharks. But mostly I hated the cold. I look down at my notes held by my quivering hands. Have you ever met someone that makes all those things you despise seem distant? Unimportant if you will. I drop my notes, I can handle this. That was my Brett. He was always optimistic. Loveable as a puppy. I miss him so. We got married on November 22, 2016. We hadn't planned to, at least not so soon. But a week earlier we got the news. Brett had a brain tumor. It would make his physical and mental state rapidly decline. They gave him a year to live. I stop, wiping a tear from my eye. He lasted a month. I saw a once bubbly, kind, incredible man looking empty. Completely empty. There was pain in his eyes. I'm not even sure he understood me when I would talk to him. I missed the man I knew. I barely recognized this cranky bald troll. I should've visited more and pushed through the pain. I just couldn't take it to see him like that. Christmas morning I went to visit him to give him presents from family and friends. Brett wasn't there. A new patient was. I frantically searched the hospital. He was nowhere. I asked a nurse finally. Where is Brett Lowe? Her face turned pale. Oh, Darlin Mr. Lowe passed away three hours ago. I felt tears rushing down my face. My Brett didn't get to even see my smile, my support before he died. That is why I tell you this. I tell this to anyone who will listen. If you find someone special, hold on and don't let go. They are like a blanket. Take it from someone who hates the cold. Never let anyone take your warmth away from you.

October 13, 2020 22:01

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