"Where is he?"

Written in response to: Write about a person or object vanishing into thin air.... view prompt


Christian Drama Inspirational

The weather was treacherous. But John wanted to go on their work tour. He insisted that the helicopter take off.

                                             John was working for the Federal government. He was a forest range officer and had to guard the reserve forests in a large tract of the state. Conscientious, John was a man of faith. His wife, Christiana, and he had two children. They were faithful to attend their church and had regular family prayers. Their children Julia and Jerome were growing in the Lord.

                                            His work involved a lot of touring. He had to organise his men to tackle illegal poachers. There were criminal nexuses working to fell trees and sell them for timber. The care of the saplings planted, and the forest nurseries also was his responsibility.

                                            Having a wide range of things to do at work, John was busy most of the time. Especially during natural disasters like forest fires and hurricanes, he had to help the Disaster Management agencies with his men. Most of the year, he was busy.

                                            All his colleagues well knew his integrity, both the men under him and the superiors above him. Exemplary in the hard work he put in and the care he gave to his men, he was well-liked in the department.

                                            That day, there was a tremendous storm in the reserve forest in their care. John got a message on the ham radio that a family on holiday was trapped in the outskirts of the forest on the western border. His office was on the eastern border. He had very few men at the west and one of them got on to ham radio to call him. He said that the situation was tense and that the family, a young couple with three children were stuck in a glen amidst pouring rain. Unfortunately, they had no supplies with them. The forest guards, who reported to John said that they did not have vehicles to go into the storm. They were helpless.

                                            As soon as he could, John gathered all the essential toolkits and provisions. He bundled everything and took a posse of men, trained rescue personnel. They set out by early the next morning. The fastest way to reach was by helicopter. So, John called for one from the army depot. Wanting to reach the spot as early as possible, they were up before dawn.

                                            Phillip the pilot was up before them. He was busy with his 'copter. He also was monitoring the weather of the forest. As soon as John arrived at the helipad, he reported to him, "John, I have bad news for you. The weather is extremely tricky in the west of the forest. We can take off well from here, but I am not at all sure whether we will be able to land safely there. I suggest we wait for the weather to clear a bit before we set out."

                                            "But, Phillip, that poor family is distraught. They have none but us to help them. How can we leave them to fend for themselves?"

                                            "John, as the fuel tank is small, we may have to crash land if the weather continues to be like this. Then all our lives are at risk too. Please consider these things in balance before you decide."

                                            Thoughtfully, John closed his eyes, bent his head, and communed with God. He had set out from home only after praying with Christiana and their kids. But now he prayed and asked God to show him the way. "Should he take the risk and proceed on the 'copter, or should he wait?"

                                            He waited patiently and sought direction from the Lord. Then he opened his Bible and read from it. He sought an answer for his dilemma. It took time. John's deputy Blair was becoming restless. "What shall we do John? Shall we go ahead and take a risk to help the family? Or shall we wait for the skies to clear?"

                                            In his anxiety, Blair was walking up and down, wringing his hands. He kept looking at the weather reports and gazing at the sky. As if he would get some guidance from it.

                                            John was cool. He waited patiently. Then he found the answer in his Bible. The Lord spoke to him from the book of Malachi. "For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the LORD of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the LORD of hosts."

                                  He called Phillip. "I am sure now, dear Phillip. Let's proceed. The Lord our God is with us and assured me that we will all be safe. Let's go!"

                                            Phillip was a little hesitant still. But seeing the confidence of John, he ventured, and they all set out in the helicopter, that bleak morning.

                                            As they moved towards the west, the weather continued to worsen. The copter was battered by great gales of water and wind. All of them became scared. "Will we be able to come out alive ourselves?" they wondered. They did not much think about the family that was in trouble, now. All but John. He was praying, and he was unafraid.

                                            Phillip was shocked. He suddenly found someone sitting next to him in the seat. The sudden appearance of this person shocked him. He was about to leave the controls of the bird. But the stranger took his hands and guided him to make the right moves.

                                            Looking carefully at this newcomer, he found that he was a youngish man with long hair, wearing white clothes which were dazzling. His face was so bright that Phillip could not look at his face.

                                            "Who is this?" Phillip wondered. He looked around. John was bowing his head in prayer. The others were all gritting their teeth and were still in terror. Phillip realized that none of the others were able to see this new stranger. "How is it possible?" he mused. He looked out, the storm was showing signs of weakening. The weather was better.

                                            Overawed at what was happening, Phillip thought, "is he an angel sent to deliver us? If so, why aren't the others able to see him? Surely, he is an angel. What a privilege! I am able to see this angel today!" He felt thrilled. But the doom of danger still hung over him, in his mind. But as suddenly as the coming of the stranger, the clouds dispersed, and the storm completely abated. They were able to make good time in their flight across the forest.

                                            The helicopter with its strange occupants reached the western border of the forest. The helipad was seen clearly as the storm had cleared. Phillip felt the magical hands of the stranger guide him and direct the copter to a smooth touch down. It was the smoothest landing he had ever done in his life! Flabbergasted, Phillip turned to his side. He wanted to thank this kind and miraculous stranger.

                                            But lo and behold! To his utter amazement, there was no one except his passengers in the cabin. His ‘angel’ seems to have disappeared into thin air! He cried out, “Where is he?” But he couldn’t say it aloud. The others might think he was mad! He didn't know what to say. He escorted his passengers out and stood silently as they marveled at the ease of the flight.

                                            John asked them all to bow down and made a thanksgiving prayer. He prayed, "O Lord our God! How great thou art! We want to thank you for delivering us miraculously from this storm. You delivered us and you cleared the skies for us to reach here safely Lord! Thank you. Our hearts are full of gratitude for your mercies towards us, unworthy as we are. We praise and glorify your name dear Lord! Help us to go now and help the dear family and take them to safety. This we ask in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen."

                                            Surprised to hear a loud Amen from Phillip, John asked him, "How did you manage to fly us in so well, Phil?"

                                            "Should I tell John about the angel? Will he listen and understand?" wondered Phillip in the split second before he answered him. But seeing all the others around, he decided to play it safe. He said, "God helped me out and He made the storm weaken also, John."

                                            "That's very true, Phillip. Thanks and praises are due to him! Let's go now to the rescue of the family. I think we will all go on this track. Let's fall in with the supply kits and start marching."

August 24, 2021 13:55

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