Amanda startled awake. She panicked before realizing that she was safe in her bedroom. Someone had tapped her shoulder, or so she thought. Her eyes darted around the room. Even though it was dark, she saw neither shadows nor any evidence that someone was there. She listened for any noises, but all was quiet. When her body calmed down and she came to her senses, she figured she must have been dreaming. Her phone was on the night stand next to her, and she reached for it. As she did, she felt something on top of it. Despite it being four in the morning, her curiosity had gotten the better of her. Amanda turned on the light. She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted, and that’s when she saw it. It was nothing more than a white piece of paper. It was a normal sheet of printer paper that had been tri-folded. There was no envelope or any words on the outside. That’s odd, she thought. She didn’t remember putting it there, but maybe she had slept walked or something. She opened the paper and saw that it was a letter addressed to her. The words were neatly written in what seemed to be a gold gel pen. She laughed to herself because she remembered the crazy gel pen era. She began reading letter and couldn’t believe what she saw.
Dear Amanda Banana,
May I still call you that, or have I lost that privilege? It almost doesn’t feel right anymore, but if I don’t utter your name one more time, I fear I’ll lose you entirely. I want you to know, no, I need you to know that I’m sorry. They may be just hollow words, meaningless; they’ll break when you read them. I am at a loss; however, how else does one apologize? I could fill this page with one thousand words, and it wouldn’t fix the pain I’ve caused. No amount of balm will heal you entirely except time, I suppose, although you’ve probably heard that from too many well-intentioned people.
You tried to be stoic, but I know you better than that. The way your pink bottom lip protruded into a pout was ever so slight, unnoticeable to the untrained eye. The sparkle in your deep brown eyes vanished, and hints of tears gleamed in the corners. You waited until you were alone to breakdown. Then, the walls took a beating. You pounded and pounded until you were nothing but a heap on the floor. If I had been there, you would have never fallen. You’re angry with me. I don’t blame you. I would be angry too. You see, there’s a chasm between us now. It’s one of my own making. It wasn’t right, but alas, here we are. You are on one side, and I am on the other. It’s a Grand Canyon void. I wanted to take you there. You’ll have to go without me. Take lots of pictures. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. I’m sorry that your black dress dulled your vibrancy. It swallowed your petit frame, yet you’re strong. You’ll go on. I want you to live the rest of your life in color again.
You must know that I tried to fight for you, for us. I pray you don’t think I gave up. My boxing gloves were on, but my hands were useless. My helmet was on my head, but I wasn’t hurt there. My armor was insufficient for what ailed my body. I was defenseless. I’m not making excuses, but I fought hard. I won some battles, but the war was far greater than I could have imagined. My body was ravaged from the inside; it betrayed me. In the end, I was a shell of the man I used to be.
If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have made it as long as I did. You were my rock, and I am indebted to you. I never saw you complain, and you always had on a brave face. You were a comfort in my darkness. Remember when we went to the fair? I had never seen someone so good at dart balloons. I spent more on that big teddy bear than I would have at the store, but it was worth it to see you light up. With teddy in tow, you convinced me to ride on the rickety Ferris wheel. I never trusted carnival rides. When we got stopped at the top, you had to hold me tight to keep me from having a panic attack. You had to bear hug me. Get it? You know you loved my humor. The best part was your laugh. The minute I was back on solid ground, I kissed it. Your laughter was contagious and soon we were both on the ground in a fit of giggles. I am flying higher than the Ferris wheel now, but I am unafraid.
They say that as one dies, the last sense they lose is hearing. I could hear you. It may be the only time that I wasn’t selectively listening, just kidding. In all seriousness, I know you love me. I love you too. Don’t second guess your words or your actions because I am nothing but grateful to you. I’m grateful that I got to hear your angelic voice singing to me once last time reminding be to Be Not Afraid.
I will see you again, my love. Until then, I’m sorry for leaving you alone in the world. I’m sorry for dying. You do not need to grieve for me anymore. It’s okay to move on. My spirit will always be with you, but it’s okay to find new love. Remember me fondly, but don’t be sad. Words cannot adequately describe what it’s like here because it’s beyond what humans can fathom, beyond what we can sense on Earth. I can promise you this though, I am no longer in pain, and I am at peace.
P.S. I think you’re really going to love it up here. Just promise me it won’t be too soon.
With love from above,
Amanda traced the words with her fingers one more time before re-folding the letter. She clutched it to her heart. For the first time since she lost Emerson, a calmness had settled upon her. An odd sensation it was, but she knew it could only be one thing, peace. Armored with renewed strength, Amanda knew she would always miss Emerson, but now she could see past the black dress to a colorful future ahead.
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I enjoyed the description given in the letter. One point of advice: Try not to begin sentences with nouns or pronouns.
She panicked before realizing that she was safe in her bedroom.
Panic rose within her, before Amanda realized she was safe in her bedroom.
Keep up the good work. :)
Thanks for the feedback! I will keep that in mind for my future stories. 😊
My standard disclaimer is that I'm just another person and offering my opinions as a reader and you may or may not agree with anything I say. It's all subjective, so disregard anything you don't like.
I don't offer suggestions to hurt anyone's feelings or anything, but I apologize in advance if you take any exception. I only offer the kind of feedback I wish to receive when someone reads something I have written. I want honest and constructive criticism, so that is what I offer.
First, it struck me that you have a story to tell here, which is not always the case on Reedsy I've found. Your story has a beginning, middle, and end which are absolutely essential. I sense there's a history between Amanda and Emerson, but aside from his letter, we don't get a sense of it. It may be that this is a part of a series, but I want a relatable experience. It doesn't have to be deep, either. Something like a wistful sigh about the memory or something:
'Amanda, ever since that one night when that thing happened, I've been sorry.'
Amanda laughed out loud despite herself. The time that thing happened on that special night had lost it potency to hurt her as she continued reading.
'Continued letter that she found written by a ghost...'
You do not have any dialog in this story, which I feel is a mistake. You can communicate so much to your readers with a little dialog, even if the person is alone in a room. Which feels better:
She felt an emotion, but kept reading the heartfelt letter and continued to feel new things.
"Why'd you leave me, Emerson? Why?" She already knew she wouldn't get an answer, now or ever. She wiped a tear and whispered to the letter, "I miss you."
I feel like everyone talks to themselves, or even other people, when alone, so give your character another burr that catches our thoughts later. Memorable characters will also speak to your readers later on.
A thing I find useful to do with my own stories is answer questions, and here's what I've got with yours:
1. Who wants what?
-A former lover/ghost wants to let his former lover know he always cared.
2. How do they try to go about it?
-He writes a letter.
3. What are the stakes?
-Real death, psychological death in the form of their love/his connection to life is being maintained.
4. What is explored (theme)?
-Grieving, relationship, love, forgiveness.
5. In anyone changed?
-Yes, Amanda finds peace.
A theme I think I sensed is that Emerson and Amanda's relationship was perhaps not healthy? It's a really interesting idea that their relationship continues, despite the gulf of death between them. That can give your story a very mythological depth and a solid avenue for another layer of depth on your characters. Good hook!
This was a relatively short story, which can be very refreshing. I read a tip recently that said fewer words can tell a better story and it feels accurate on this one. There were a few things that could be sharper, and I give what I hope are useful suggestions below, but overall, I got a story that made me interested. Another tip I've read, and one I consider indispensable advice, is to open with a solid hook in your first line. "Amanda startled awake." is a good, evocative line that gives me something to relate to. The first line can determine whether or not someone wants to keep reading.
"She listened for any noises, but all was quiet."
You're missing a chance to create tension and show us more. What is she listening for? Evoke it!
Suggestion: She held her breath. Silence. No ticking clock, no gentle breathing on the other side of the bed, and nothing made larger by absence. Amanda was alone.
"She laughed to herself because she remembered the crazy gel pen era."
Again, this would be great dialog. Does she speak to Emerson without realizing?
Suggestion: "Gel pens! Oh God, I remember those..." Amanda caught herself saying out loud. She sighed and continued the letter.
"An odd sensation it was, but she knew it could only be one thing, peace."
I know this is said to death, but you're telling us how she felt, not showing.
Suggestion: Amanda sat up and stretched. She felt the stone roll from her heart. It was light again. She felt it ripple with a breeze and the sunshine finally touched her skin again. In her mind, she had opened the window between her and the rest of her life. She felt it. Everything.
"It swallowed your petit frame, yet you’re strong."
Is this how you talk to your lover, someone you're familiar with? You know each other's rhythms, but you also how to push their buttons. You're intimate and vulnerable with each other. Is he trying to hurt her?
Suggestion: You're strong, at least you want to believe it. You'd rather hide, though, wouldn't you? The natural part of you that demurs, you let it hide you inside a shell, a plain black dress. It fits.
Is he trying to tell her love transcends boundaries?
Suggestion: You think your love is your weakness? It's not. It's a shield. It's your shield and your armor. Without it, though, we're all gone. The black dress is only a symbol of your mourning, it is not the end of you. Or your love.
Give Emerson a definitive voice and make your readers think about him later, whether that's good or bad. Is his grip on her bad for her? Bad for him, preventing him from moving on? Give him a dimension we can all recognize, even if it's because we recognize the things in him we don't like about ourselves.
All in, you know what story you wan to tell. I'll read through more soon and offer anything else I think might be helpful. Thanks for sharing this with us!
I really appreciate the feedback and don’t worry, I don’t take any offense to suggestions or critiques. That’s how we learn. It’s funny because sometimes I think my stories are too dialogue heavy, but I do see how it could enhance the story. I do talk to myself so it wouldn’t be hard to imagine Amanda doing the same. I think you’re right in that I missed an opportunity to add more tension.
I think Emerson wanted Amanda to know that he was ok but I didn’t think about the consequences of him reaching out so that would be a great place to explore. I agree, it might not be good for either of them if he hangs around, although I think his intention was to let her move on. I also do think that he was trying to show her that love is transcendental but that he knows she loves him and he loves her.
The part about her drowning in the black dress was Emerson conveying that he didn’t like to see her in pain. I don’t think he was trying to hurt her.
Thank you!
Hi Kate!
Of course this was a beautifully crafted piece! I really love the way you chose the letter and added the detail about hrs black dress at the end. It gave me real “PS I Love You” vibes. One thing I might have changed is to break up the letter with what Amanda is doing or how she is reacting to the letter-is her heart pumping? Are her palms sweating? Can she feel her heart breaking? Overall, absolutely beautifully crafted.
Ps. I loved that you used the name Amanda. :)
Thank you! I agree that adding in her feelings would enhance the story. Hahaha, it’s a great name 😉
I love this so much! The pace right from the beginning is perfect. I was reading as fast as I could wanting to see what happened next. And even the letter, I was like WHO WROTE THIS I NEED TO KNOW (in a good way). The imagery in the letter is also beautiful and very vivid - especially love the fair and carnival ride images. I had theories of who the letter would be from, but was not expecting that! It was a great surprise and very bittersweet and nostalgic. I could go on. Great story!
Thank you!!