She was different. She lived in number forty just a few houses away. There was something about that girl, something.....something, just something about that girl in number forty.
'I was reading an ancient book about the occult. Anyway this book goes on about something called The Conduit. It says that these Conduits are everywhere. They don't even have to hide. They are not scared of anything or anyone, they're all powerful, they provide a portal for lost souls to unleash their evil on the rest of us and take over. This is what the Occult club have been waiting for, that's us by the way.' Dan Howe announced in a grave tone to his three pals, Jim, Ben and Pete who all looked ruffled by what they had just heard. They remained speechless as Dan continued in earnest, 'I know who The Conduit is or at least I think I know who she is. That girl in forty, Kim I think her name is, and, em, Kim must be stopped before it too late. In this book I'm ploughing through nightly it says that the true day of reckoning is not Halloween, it's actually two days before - that's the twenty-ninth for those not good with numbers.' Dan finished looking squarely at Pete who shrugged his shoulders.
'I saw her up there in the bone orchard last night. Yeah I cut through there on the way home. Anyway I heard this terrible moaning so I had a look and there she was going at it with some bloke on a grave they were. I nearly crapped myself so I was so relieved that it was only two fucking. The twenty ninth is only two weeks away. what's the plan?' Pete said nonchalantly. Jim and Ben starting roaring laughing.
'Did she like gush when she came? Must've been awesome. Who's grave did they do it on?' Ben asked once he stopped laughing. Jim continued to laugh uncontrollably.
'Very interesting. Look we got to try to stop this. Pete, I want you to get close to her seeing as you seen so much of her already. I want you to find out when her birthday is because if it's the twenty ninth then we have our Conduit.' Dan said taking command.
'But she's rank. God really? You want me to get with her? Couldn't you do it?' Pete said angrily.
'You can do it. Just take her out and then talk about birthdays, it'll be no problem. The evenings are dark now so you won't have to hardly see her.' Dan said trying to appease Pete.
'What's up with the twenty ninth anyway?' Ben added.
'I tell you tomorrow.' Dan replied, 'Have to get back to the book to find out.'
The friends parted and Pete prepared himself for action.
'They are coming. You must be ready, ready for anything. The forces of good are no match for our superior legions. But still you must be prepared.' Kim's father told her sternly. He straightened her hair and gently patted her on both shoulders. The scene could be witnessed the world over, so normal it appeared. Kim sniffed in derision and sighed heavily.
'I'm not an amateur. I have been living for this my whole life. I will bring this sorry world to a crushing end, there will be nothing left. You think I can't handle a couple of hopeless kids? They are nothing and I will extinguish them as soon as look at them......'
'It pays not to underestimate Kim.....'
'They will be guilty of underestimating me, to their gory end........'
'Just don't make it too messy. We don't need the publicity that's all I'm saying'
'The spot has been chosen for those skid marks and it's quiet. No one will interfere.'
'Excellent Kim. Come to me if there's any hitch.' Kim's father finished. Kim had left the house before his last sentence was uttered, she knew what she had to do and she had a plan.
Pete knew she'd be hanging there, the park at the back of the fountain where everyone went to smoke some weed and take other stuff if they could get it. He saw her casually walking towards the cover of the fountain. He watched her and to his surprised he felt aroused for some strange reason that he couldn't understand because previously he want to wretch at the sight of her but today she was so damn hot, he just couldn't believe how smoking hot she was. He shook his head violently, no change, he rubbed his eyes, no change. Kim was just so hot that afternoon. He composed himself. He took a few deep breaths and then said, 'Ah fuck it I'll have a joint.' He walked to the cover of a line of trees and lit up. He was just starting to feel calm when Kim appeared beside him, it would've scared the shit out of him but the weed had done its job.
'Mind if I have a few drags?' Kim said pouting her gorgeous pout, at least Pete thought so.
'No work away. I...I..have a few more.' Pete said nervously suddenly unsure if he could ever take this girl out or even talk to her.
'You seem nervous. I......I, what's that about. I.....I.' She mocked him then unzipped his fly and grabbed his hard cock and bashed his bishop. He came in under a minute. She laughed at him.
'Dear oh dear. A ladies man you ain't. See you around squirt. Em you may want to clean yourself up a bit, your parents will go nuts.' Kim turned to go as Pete pulled up his fly and settled himself. She turned back and said, 'Tell you what, you and the squirts can play with me if you want. I'll be by the well tonight up at Hangdog creek, if you're interested? I'll give you all and education.' And she was gone just as quickly as she had appeared. Pete had to find the others. Tonight was the type education that couldn't be missed, not for anything.
Dan Howe looked at his pals and seeing Pete was absent thought he'd address his absence straight away, 'Anyone seen Pete? Anyone know how he got on with The Conduit that Kim girl?' The others shook their heads not having any information to divulge.
'Never mind. I expect he'll show soon. October 29 has incredible significance and all kinds of shit has gone down in history on that date, eh, wars started, assassinations, famine, plague, Wall street crash - the list is endless...'
'Who was assassinated?' Ben asked quick fire.
'Eh, well, there was an assassination attempt on Bill Clinton but it wasn't successful...'
'So you're basing all this on one assassination attempt?' Ben countered.
'The point is a lot of crap happened on October 29. Terrible plane crashes happened then on that date. The list is too endless to go into and we don't have much time to head off this Conduit.'
Jim looked puzzled, 'What are we going to do with this Conduit? And, if she is powerful, how are we going to handle her? If it's all true that is.'
'Father Murphy of Seven Bells Cathedral nearby is a family friend and he has a concoction that will render her powerless but it only last for one hour so we have to bring her to the crypt up at Seven Bells within an hour and he will perform some form of cleansing of her soul' Dan said emphatically. Pete burst in the door panting like a greyhound. He collapsed into a chair and then started to grin uncontrollably. The lads looked at him wondering what was up. He rose to his feet, 'She wants to do us all tonight up at Hangdog. Did you hear lads, she'll do us all.'
'Fuck. Really she said that?' Ben said smirking.
'Do us all, hmm, ok I'm there. Wow.' Jim said blown away.
'It's a trap. She's on to us. She is going to kill us all. No one will go.' Dan warned sternly.
'But we can trap her. Ok say it's a trap and you could be right but there's four of us and she's on her own. We'll easily overpower her and you can give her that concoction and we'll get her to Seven Bells. What's the problem?' Pete said carefully hoping to get a buy-in from Dan.
'She's too powerful. She'll smell a rat and anyway the concoction isn't ready, needs more time.'
'When will it be ready?' Ben asked feeling that his chance of a good laying was going up in smoke.
'Father Murphy will have it ready by tomorrow. Here's what we'll do. Pete will go tonight and tell her that everyone will be there tomorrow night and I have a feeling that she'll allow Pete to leave because, let's face it, she wants us all out of the picture. ' Dan said with authority.
'Why it always me?' Pete moaned.
'She might give you one if you're lucky.' Ben said quickly.
'You mean another one' Pete smirked as he headed out the door leaving the lads stunned.
Pete headed quickly up to Hangdog, he might even get another sexual experience which wouldn't be bad at all he thought as he found himself running ever faster. He had got past the difficult uphill path and now could breathe more easily. There was a mist descending from the mountain and it was getting cold. Strangely there appeared another hill. Pete couldn't believe it - another hill I've been up here thousands of times and there's never been a second hill he thought as he trudged to the top. It looked different, strange, ominous somehow.
A voice cried out screeching and whining, 'You are filth. You must die.' Pete nearly needed another pair of trousers but he had no time to crap himself as he was pulled with incredible force into a huge pit of stink and rotting animal corpses and then it all ended for Pete, a levitating Kim circled him violently and sliced his head off mercilessly. Kim held Pete's head in her hands, 'Where are the others? I'll take them out when they follow you my slave.' She placed Pete's head back on his body and he suddenly came back to life. He shook himself down and seemed remarkably normal: except that he was just Kim's drone now with no free will of his one. 'Go and bring me the others tomorrow night at seven sharp.' Kim roared the order at Pete who obediently descended down the mountain and headed straight back to the clubhouse.
'How'd it go Pete? Was she there firstly and what is the vibe you got off her? By the way Pete I got to tell you, you stink like nothing earthly and your clothes are wrecked. I guess you better tell us all what the fuck happened up at Hangdog?' Dan said looking concerned. Pete seemed very distracted and distant. He walked around the group looking at each one of them with a dark stare that gave them chills. Then he composed himself at the top of their small clubhouse. 'It's on for tomorrow and she wants us all there at seven sharp.' Pete said but his voice was scratchy and unearthly. The gang just looked at each other and began squinting signalling that they knew Pete wasn't the same Pete that had trotted off a few hours earlier.
'The state of my clothes, ah just had a bit of a tumble into an animal trap and there was a few dead animals in it but Kim got me out. Sorry about the smell. Better go and grab a shower before I wake the dead.' Pete said sounding more odd than before.
'Hold up a minute there Pete, no rush, besides we've got used to that stench even if it is absolutely the worst. How was she? How did she act? Was she there alone or was there other wenches up there supporting her?' Dan glared at Ben and Jim who had started laughing at the thought of other wenches to do. Pete just shrugged his shoulders and turned and made for the door. Dan put a hand on his shoulder to gently prevent him leaving but Pete turned his head with such velocity that it appeared to spin violently and at the same time Dan levitated a full metre in the air and was propelled against the far wall of the clubhouse.
'Just be there tomorrow at seven sharp. Don't be late, this lady doesn't do tardiness.' Pete shouted at the rest of the gang as they cowered in fear at what they had just witnessed. After several disbelieving minutes Jim and Ben crawled over to a groggy Dan and helped him to his feet. He was remarkably unhurt despite such a violent episode he endured.
'She's taken Pete. Pete is gone and I'm afraid we've lost him unless the priest can work a miracle. We'll proceed as planned but we have to get Father Murphy up to Hangdog too. We can't risk trying to take her to him, he must go to her and try at least to subdue her. It's going to be a very interesting evening and we must be prepared. Let's get home to our beds, oh and not a word to anyone.' Dan said in a commanding voice.
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The plot thickens.
Thanks very much Mary for liking both parts of that story. It was written a few years ago and had to be split in two due to its length.
Thanks again for the comments and the likes😊