
This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

There was a Cafe owner of a small wry man and would look at each customer suiciosly and grumble,not many customers would line-up there as his prices were dodgy until an o.der woman and her support walked over she wanted a simple salad sandwich but the price shocki ngly high complained to him and her support and she suggested. Cdona,d's would be worthwhile.

As he then seen at a midnight Cafe with several young males all sitting around an all night Cafe.having large amounts of coffee,they all thenwentvdrug raiding AT A NEARBY HOUSE.and grabbing a large amount of cash money and a good supply of amphetamines and coccinellids and fled off.they shot the house owners and the car drove on a d picked up two young school girls,screaming as they were hurled I nto the car back seat and parked in a dark lane way where they were viciously raped and murder,,

Police now driving around andthe group of men all vanished and the dodgy Cafe man at work Norma,ly with no suspicion of that crucial night.until there other young men gave themselves up and were arrested and life prio. E t on a death row and as the dodgy. In Cafe stood at the counter police rushes over and place him undergarment of murder in first degree .how had po,ice had known of that violent behaviour of the two school girls well it is been reported by the men who had giv3n themselv3s up and one of the mem had been bashed and killed by a prison inmate and the other two hanged in there cells ,turned out to be there self suicide as for they dodgy Cafe owner well he was sentenced to a life. Mental state hospital came out as an old man ,killed himself with a bottle of gin.noo e is still safevinvthat small Sydney suburb, the gang me berserk remaining still at the late Cafe having g large amounts of coffee and ore arrest on young girls around the suburb,and more drug raids in this violence T night of thT small Sydney suburb,

Once there was a time when that town was more peaceful and through thT nights bookworm sits in her u nit reading and hears the blasted shooti g ea h night. She just says I. Reading, and s,eeps through dY and. Morning comes a d all. Ight violence had ended though still some sirens of police pDxed through for security checks well it never ends ,a d Theo.d dodgy man's Cafe is still around a d another worker there even more suspicious looking, but he is him.ess than the first Cafe owner,,he looks kind of sadvserving at that Cafe, but a.. is OK,with him,and back to the night cFe more men crowd around a d having g large coffee's and all start running up the street yelling and running grabbing g a woman and throws I to get away car andvkil,Ed her for her cash monemore po,ice on alert whole Ga g's shoot out of cars and collision strikes more lives .out and arrested, po.ice report on,then a few years, afterwards a new ga g and a. New dodgy Cafe owners, ut this new there main drug lords, illed a d ore normal perso s amore normally cri e gang more harm,less just want. Cash for drugs a d been arrested or shot at,more normal people,have gotten out of that town and back to the dodgy Cafe with the new owner he often has a grubby apron andvdirty hands working g there and is tired looking,he then o every packs up working sndvhasvresigned up the coast no ore stresses for hi. Up there,that cafevhad now been shiut down,as no ore person .liked to takeover working there,and morevquiet now on home from t town until a homeless man turns up in that suburb he stole a woman's handbag but po,icevand courts ,et him go bail re.eaxe as the ho eless. An is clear,ly mentally u well always scavenging for food a d drink k money ,And later found deceased in an o.d warehouse no with suspicion of is death

Police and the corporate informed on report.a Now the conclusion of this ,dodgy person still seen T in the corner cafes raiding bashing and more rapes all over a large coffee consumption a.nd .Ter all died at the end half or Rrested and committed suicide in prison asvthey could never live normal lives if released,out,turned to suicide in prison with bed sheets a d were found ha need in each ce.,ll andthe prison warden shocked T seeing this found a note written sYing such is life hand written by o every hanged prisoners I that state prison which had to be shut c,ixed down permanently, as each prisoner had been found hanging in his cell with the bed sheets, now the old prisonbeca e a tour istry. Industry with stories to tell the tourism who visited the old jail. Houseand many more prisoner stories then ,after hearing g moaning fron a dark corner and believed become h a united over time so nomore tourists attraction ofvthat often shut down prison out is nowvalived in for ghost of the dead hanged prisoners noo e c e or went near the old prisoners loud. Moani g and wailing sounds of that prison could be heard so one day it managed to be set on firefly fireman crew ,nonethe rest feweop,e of that suburb can ,live. More in peace until new gang criminals come out but thT is another same story

The endno not yet, a,. Violence stop zeji.evthen a new gang membersvout who just ,like to drivevzround just shooti g out of there cars whilevdriving and more accidents and arrests .a d the elderly will never be the same of vo.

Iolence free in our world today, more of crime a d suicide h as ppe ING like right nowvout on the street with a big cR crash and vio,ent driving. And police squad surrounded by police officers, a d Tv4m00 am all had ended and quietness a standstill of the who,e world mysterious all quietness ,

August 14, 2023 14:20

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Rebecca Maric
21:27 Oct 31, 2023

Thanks for liking this story kind of a true crime these days a d part is fiction made Up out of my own version of the story . anyway hope liking rest of my crucial crime stories .does anyone know how I can put my all stories published into one whole book thanks for the fees review so far


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Rebecca Maric
07:40 Oct 02, 2023

Sorry for spell mistakes I will resubmit this story soon.


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