Meeting at the Silver Lining

Submitted into Contest #254 in response to: Write a story where an important conversation takes place during a dance.... view prompt


Friendship Coming of Age Fiction

Part 1

The morning sun peaked just above the Manhattan skyline, casting a warm glow through the domed skylight of the Silver Lining Ballroom. Arabella Kensington tucked loose strands of her mahogany bobbed hair into her black cloche hat as she strolled alongside her father through the grand hall. Her strides were confident and graceful, the rhythm of her T-strap heels echoing with each step. Edward, eager to see his daughter carve her mark into the high society of New York, surveyed the ballroom that buzzed with anticipation of a lively soiree later that night, its opulent glittering decor a testament to Arabella's impeccable taste.

"Arabella, I'm impressed. This is marvelous, absolutely marvelous," Edward declared with awe, admiring the scenery. His eyes settled on the massive iridescent drapes spilling from an enormous crystal chandelier, a display that his daughter designed and had installed on her own dime. Royal blue curtains trimmed with silver tassels framed tall cathedral windows stained with marble jewel-toned glass within geometric designs.

"Thank you, Dad," Arabella beamed, basking in the pride and accomplishment of planning her first big charity gala. "But you made all of this possible. Without you renting the Silver Lining to me tonight, I could have never organized such a swanky affair."

"Lending a property to my heiress for the night is a small expense for the funding this will bring in for the children's hospital. Not to mention the foundations and friendships you will acquire tonight. This fundraiser is going to be your big break! The ritziest event of 1925!" Edward remarked, his gaze sweeping over the elegant ballroom. "You have a keen eye for luxury! Style! Innovation! That's something that can't be taught, and it's what I'll require of you to bring to the table when I'm ready to pass down the keys to the hotels."

She grinned as Edward strolled off to engage in conversation with Ricco, the ballroom's event manager, leaving her to admire her work. She'd hardly slept a minute the night before, keeping herself busy organizing the night's itinerary, seat charts, and vendors—which included traveling across town to pay the up-front fees to get the booze delivered discreetly. The only piece left was the entertainment, which she delegated to her closest friend, Vivian.

"Where is Viv, anyway?" she muttered to herself. As if on cue, a tall, slender woman with platinum curls appeared next to Arabella and encircled her in a hasty hug.

"It looks gorgeous, doll! The walls are just glittering! This will be the bees knees," Vivian exclaimed, her long strides quickening as they climbed the marble stairs. Much like Vivian's long, quick strides, Arabella sometimes had to move double-time to keep up with her lively energy. "Do you know how arduous it was to find a respectable orchestra open to playing jazz? I just finalized the booking, right under the wire! Belle-sweetie, you look like you haven't slept a wink! Won’t you let me do your makeup tonight, darling?"

Arabella chuckled, "You never let me down, Viv. Only you could find the right band. Why, you've saved the whole affair! And I suppose I could use some touching up before the gala. What about meeting at my place in a few hours?"

"Sounds like a plan! We can get ready together," Viv exclaimed as they reached the dressing room door. As they entered, she dropped her voice dramatically, almost to a whisper, "By the way, Belle, I have some information regarding the gala tonight."

As they plopped down on a plush emerald chaise, Arabella offered a cigarette and a pack of matches, giving an intrigued "Hmm?" in response. Vivian was ready to spill the latest gossip in New York City.

"Well now," Viv breathed through puffs of smoke, "I heard that Henry Harrington's girl ditched him, now he's out a date for the gala. And like Hell I’ll go with him. But Lillian Matthews told me that she heard that he's bringing one of his pals. A certain pal who's been spending the last three years in law school at Stanford."

"Jacob Pembroke?” Arabella felt a sharp jolt in her chest, her breathing difficult for a few seconds. “Back in New York?"

"Uh-huh," Viv smirked.

"And he's coming tonight. You're certain?" Arabella held back a torrent of inquiries that raced through her mind about her former beau. Why did he come back to Manhattan? How long has he been in town? Would he be here long?

"I'm quite certain. Apparently, Jacob arrived a few days ago," Viv stated as if she could hear her dear friend's thoughts. "He must be staying for a while. Got a job at his father's law firm. And here's the kicker—" Viv exhaled as she shot Arabella a sly side-eyed glance, "He's asked about you."

"Did he, now?" Arabella raised her eyebrows. Her stomach fluttered, but the sharp feeling around her heart grew to a dull ache. It had been so long, and she was crushed when Jacob left for California. Memories of their carefree days together flooded her mind, igniting a spark of longing. Three years seemed like a lifetime. Could it be that she still harbored feelings for him after all this time?

"Well, I guess we'll see what happens," she stated as she glanced at her wristwatch, putting out her cigarette and grabbing her bag next to the chaise. "I’ve got to get some shut-eye before the gala. See you in a few hours?"

With a mix of emotions swirling inside her, Arabella bid Viv farewell and headed to her nearby apartment. As she walked, her mind raced with thoughts of the night ahead. The anticipation of her first major event filled her with excitement and a touch of nervousness. This was her chance to shine, to prove herself in the eyes of New York's elite. Yet, amidst all the preparations and the buzzing energy, the news of Jacob's return was like a melody she couldn't ignore. The thought of seeing him after three years sent a thrilling, yet unsettling, shiver through her. She wondered how he had changed, what he would think of her now, and if the spark they once shared would still be there. Trying to balance her duties as the hostess and her personal feelings, Arabella knew tonight would be unforgettable for more reasons than one.

Part 2

Hours later, Arabella found herself in the midst of a grand spectacle as guests, beneficiaries, and reporters filled the Silver Lining Ballroom. She greeted each arrival with a dazzling smile, her navy sequined gown and jeweled headband catching the light and adding to the evening's enchantment. The grandeur of the venue, with its shimmering lights and lively chatter, wrapped around her like a warm embrace.

As the evening progressed, the success of the event became undeniable. Guests marveled at the opulent decor, the lavish spread, and the smooth flow of the evening's itinerary. Everywhere she looked, people were laughing, clinking glasses, and enjoying themselves. It was the cat's meow, and the overwhelming flood of donations coupled with the praise from her elite connections only confirmed it. Despite her best efforts to remain focused on her role as hostess, her thoughts continually circled back to him. Her eyes, ever so often, drifted towards the entrance, searching for a familiar face among the sea of elegantly dressed attendees. The knowledge of Jacob’s return lingered at the forefront of her mind, a blend of curiosity and nostalgia swirling within her.

At last, as she leaned on the railing of the marble staircase, scanning the crowd clamoring to their seats, her breath caught in her throat. There, amidst the throng of guests, stood a dashing man with meticulously combed back goldenrod hair. Dressed in a sharp black tuxedo that accentuated his towering frame, he looked every bit as striking as she remembered.

Jacob Pembroke had arrived.

The room seemed to blur around the edges as their eyes met. Memories of their shared past flooded back, igniting a spark of longing she had buried deep within her. Arabella’s heart pounded in her chest, a symphony of emotions playing a familiar, yet thrilling, tune.

As he made his way through the crowd, their gaze remained locked, and in that moment, the rest of the world faded away. Arabella felt an extra awareness of her movements, her gown flowing with the sway of her hips, the way her feet carried her through the sea of guests, and how she held her champagne glass as delicately as if it were a sacred artifact.

She smiled warmly as Jacob approached, their eyes still fixed on each other. "Jacob," she greeted brightly, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and pleasure. She wondered if her greeting might have been a bit too forced and shrill "I didn't expect to see you here!"

Jacob reached her side, his demeanor composed yet filled with a hint of excitement. "Arabella," he replied, his tone warm. "You've created quite an impressive event tonight."

"Thank you," Arabella said graciously, her gaze lingering on his face. "It's been a labor of love, but seeing it all come together like this makes it worth every effort."

"I can only imagine," Jacob nodded, his eyes scanning the bustling room. "You've always had a flair for turning dreams into reality. The Silver Lining Ballroom has never looked better. The chandelier is new. Was that your design?"

Arabella chuckled softly, feeling her cheeks warm. “ Thanks, Jacob. I think I have just as much of a knack for Art Deco as I do for galas!”

Amidst the glamorous affair, Arabella and Jacob found themselves surrounded by their old group of friends, their laughter mingling with the jazz melodies drifting through the air. Vivian was regaling them with a hilarious story from their past exploits, her infectious energy lighting up the room. Henry Harrington, always the life of the party, was charming everyone with his wit and charm. Lillian Matthews, ever elegant, sipped champagne as she shared gossip from the latest society events. Together, they reminisced about nights spent sneaking into speakeasies, dancing until dawn, and dreaming about their futures. As Jacob entertained the gang with stories from Stanford Law, Arabella couldn’t help but notice his eyes shining when he spoke of his career prospects and his love for California. It was subtle yet unmistakable, the way his gaze lit up with passion whenever he mentioned the opportunities of the West Coast. As she listened, she couldn't suppress a fleeting pang of realization—his dreams had taken him far from the bustling streets of New York, where she was building her own world and ambitions.

The orchestra slowed the tempo, and Arabella found herself lost in contemplation until Jacob approached her, snapping her out of her thoughts as he extended his hand. "May I have this dance?" he asked, his voice smooth and warm.

She nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. They glided onto the dance floor, the music surrounding them as they moved in perfect harmony. For a moment, it was as if no time had passed, and they were back in their happy-go-lucky days of youth.

"Remember when we used to dream together, Jacob? We were so young and carefree."

Jacob smiled, a fondness evident in his eyes. "Those were simpler times, weren't they? No worries about the future, just living in the moment."

"Yes," Arabella agreed softly. "Life seemed so much more... uncomplicated back then."

As they danced, Jacob leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "Arabella, it's wonderful to see you again. You’ve outdone yourself tonight. This event is the cat’s pajamas."

"Thank you, Jacob. Your words mean a great deal to me," she replied, feeling the ache in her cheeks from the laughter they had shared together, “It’s nice to have you back home.”

"Well as a matter of fact, I have some news," he began, his tone serious yet hopeful. "I’m not here to work for my father. I’m gathering my things and then I'm catching a train to Los Angeles. I’ve been offered a position as an entertainment lawyer, and it’s a dream come true. I want you to come with me, Belle."

Arabella's heart skipped a beat. "Jacob, I… I can’t just leave New York. I’m building a career here, making a name for myself. This is important to me."

He frowned slightly, his grip on her waist tightening. "But you'll inherit the hotels from your father. You don’t need to work so hard. We could start a new adventure together, it’ll just like old times. We’ll meet all the stars and who knows? You’ll be organizing parties for Clara Bow and Buster Keeton." Jacob gave her a meek and hopeful smile. “Please, Belle. Just give it some thought. You said you missed how it used to be, when we were young and cheerful with no care in the world. I can give that to you. It doesn’t have to be over.” 

She looked into his eyes, a bittersweet smile forming on her lips. "I miss those carefree days too, but things are different now. I have responsibilities and commitments. My work here matters to me and I’m finally making it."

The music swelled around them, but the distance between their dreams became starkly apparent. Jacob sighed, his expression softening. "I understand. I just thought… we had something special."

"We did, Jacob. We still do, in a way," Arabella replied, her voice gentle. "But our paths are different now."

The dance ended, and they stepped back, gazing at each other with a mix of affection and resignation. "I wish you all the best in Los Angeles," she said sincerely, swallowing the lump rising in her throat.

"And I wish you success and happiness here in New York," he replied. “I’m so proud of you, Belle. I always knew you’d do something great.”

“You too, Jacob. Your dreams have always been bigger than the Big Apple itself,” Arabella said with a playful smirk, trying to lighten the moment. “But if you throw a party here without me organizing it, I’ll have to crash it and show you how it’s done.”

Jacob chuckled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Deal.”

With a final, lingering look, Jacob turned and walked away, blending into the crowd. Arabella watched him go, a mixture of relief and sorrow in her heart. She had made her choice, and as she looked around at the successful event she had orchestrated, she knew it was the right one.

As the night drew to a close, Arabella found herself in the dressing room once more, finally able to exhale after the whirlwind of the gala. Vivian joined her, her platinum curls slightly disheveled but her smile radiant.

"Well, darling, we've done it!" Vivian exclaimed, wrapping Arabella in a congratulatory hug. "Tonight was a smashing success! The donations poured in like bathtub gin, and everyone who's anyone couldn't stop raving about your event. You've truly made your mark, Belle."

Arabella smiled wearily, a mixture of pride and introspection in her eyes. "Thank you, Viv. It means the world to hear that."

"And what about Jacob?" Vivian asked, her tone gentle yet probing.

Arabella sighed softly, her thoughts drifting to the heartfelt conversation on the dance floor. "Jacob... he's moving to Los Angeles to chase his dreams as an entertainment lawyer. He wanted me to go with him. Of course, I declined. I have a good thing going here."

Vivian nodded knowingly. "Ah, Belle. It's never easy when old flames reappear, especially when they come bearing big decisions. But I'm sure you handled it with grace, as always."

Arabella nodded, a sense of closure settling over her. "Yes, I think I did. It's time to focus on what's ahead, on building my future here in New York."

Vivian squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Exactly, my dear. Tonight was just the beginning. You're destined for greatness, with or without a certain someone from your past. And you've got me right here along the way!"

With a nod of agreement, Arabella straightened her posture, a determined glint in her eye. "Indeed. Here's to the future, Viv. Who knows what adventures await?"

They exchanged a knowing smile, their friendship a steadfast anchor amidst the currents of change. As Arabella looked out at the twinkling lights of Manhattan through the dressing room window, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and excitement for the journey ahead.

June 15, 2024 03:57

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Alexis Araneta
02:24 Jun 17, 2024

Violet ! What a delightful read ! I truly enjoyed this story. Sometimes, it is indeed like that. Your feelings for each other may be strong, but your life plans are incongruent. It is tough, but you have to let that person go. Perhaps, I would delve a bit more into Arabella's emotions in letting Jacob go, but that's just me. Impeccable work on the descriptions ! You painted such a vivid picture of New York high society in the 20s. Amazing job !


Violet Frost
07:00 Jun 17, 2024

Hi Alexis! Your comment is the first piece of feedback on my writing! Thanks so much for your input :) I'm so glad you enjoyed it. After reading this again, I definitely see where I could have honed in on the complexity in emotions that Arabella experienced. Making harder choices for oneself is a very specific bittersweet feeling, so in hindsight I couldve captured it more. I really appreciate you giving me some insight I use to sharpen my skills!


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