A Portrait Of Love

Submitted into Contest #254 in response to: Set your story at a Regency-themed fair.... view prompt


Romance Mystery Inspirational

From her tightly fixed chignon, a strand of amber hair escaped the claws of Alyssa's neatly placed clip, caressing her cheek as it fell. Lifting the tips of her fingers from where they had danced on the keyboard, she pinched the hair back into place and resumed typing. For a few more seconds, there was a hidden rhythm in the tapping of her unpainted fingernails until, in a culminating moment, the enter key was pressed. She read the message aloud to ensure its meaning could not be misinterpreted.

To whom it may concern, 

While I appreciate the feedback Mr. London provided, I must respectfully disagree. After further review of his analysis, it appears he is missing a few critical details I am more than happy to go over once I return from vacation. 

Sincerely, Alyssa Clyde.

Once the last syllable left her lips and the silent hum of the air conditioner was all that now filled the space, she let out a deep sigh. Reading the message aloud helped soothe her initial feeling of inhibition. She lifted her eyes from the screen for the first time in hours, and her attention shifted to the analog clock on her desk.

5:15 PM

"She's gonna kill me…" She thought.

In a sudden, fluid movement, she eased the laptop screen closed and began to pack up her things.


From her street-side table, Sadie watched as her sister gracefully jogged across an adjacent street, sliding past pedestrians in the sea of people crossing. The clicks of her heels provided a tempo to the erratic ambiance of the city, becoming audible as she grew closer. With Alyssa only a few paces away, Sadie called out to her.

"Didn't we say five o'clock? It's almost five thirty."

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, Sadie. You know how busy I've been trying to tidy up all the loose ends before we depart ."

"I'm just teasing you. It's alright. Here- I had them bring you a Martini."

Alyssa's vermillion lipstick left a faint residue on the edge of the glass as she took a small sip and gently set it back down.

"Thanks. Now I can finally relax."

Sadie sat across the table silently as Alyssa took in the moment. The world seemed much more vibrant in the absence of her cumbrous inbox's weight. The sun against her neck felt like a gentle hand massaging away the stiffness from her air-conditioned office. Her shoulders slouched as she slid lower into her chair. While her sister had succeeded in being patient for over thirty minutes, she couldn't keep her pep contained for another second.

"So, did you get a chance to look at the itinerary?"

"Yeah, I… looked it over," Alyssa said, abashed.

Sadie squinted her eyes, looking at her sister in askance. Alyssa decided to come clean.

"Sorry. Would you mind going over it with me?"

"Sure, just remember, this is supposed to be a relaxing trip for you, and the only way you'll be able to relax is if you know what's going on."

"You're right, and trust me, I'm ready to relax."


Sadie began reading her text to Alyssa about their trip to England; her excitement was infectious. Alyssa closed her eyes and started to visualize the experience when Sadie disrupted her mental canvas with an image Alyssa couldn't paint.

"What's a regency-themed fair?"

"Remember how Mom used to read us those Jane Austen novels before bed? 

"Of course."

"Well, I told Ted about it when we first started dating and how much they mean to the both of us. He did some digging, found a place in Worcester that hosts a ball like they used to have back then, and got us all tickets."

"That's so sweet of him," Alyssa said softly, wrestling with the happiness she felt for her sister finding such an attentive partner and her own feelings of loneliness. Before Sadie could see the hint of sadness in her eyes, she moved on.

"But, I don't know about that. I mean, what would we even wear?" 

"Were you listening? On the first day, we have a few hours to shop. He found a place that makes costumes specifically for events like this. Trust me, we'll have fun."

Vignettes of her childhood imagination sparkled throughout Alyssa's mind. She saw the ripples in the dancers' pastel dresses as they swayed and floated around their partners' dawning midnight coats, all smiling and laughing as if they were aware they were in a child's romanticized fantasy. The memory soothed her, taking her back to the days when her mother acted as a large pillow, wedged between her and her sister as their eyes grew heavy.

"So what do you think?" Sadie asked.

"It sounds fun," Alyssa said with a gentle smile.


With the crunch of gravel under their feet, the three travelers walked along the antiquated path to the castle where the ball would be held. Unfortunately, Alyssa's dress and the castle, once it came into view, had let her down thus far. The dress was made of scuba-knit material, not silk. The tag under the neckline, which she could not remove, made her itch. The shape was unflattering to her silhouette and made her feel ridiculous wearing it. Finally, the castle, if one could call it that, was an old military base decorated to fit the theme, albeit poorly. Its only redeeming quality was the natural flora outfitting its perimeter, which boasted sharp-trimmed hedges and beds of flowers with vibrant hues. They walked in tandem with other guests whose attire attempted to mimic the wealth and regality that shone through the pages of their novels. 

Upon approaching the entrance to the main hall of the fort, Alyssa peered over the group in front of them to catch a glimpse of what she was getting herself into. The steps led them to a large room, best described as a plastic version of Regency fashion. A glossy, reflective, wooden dance floor was the epicenter of the room and had been assembled to hide the native concrete flooring. A few eager attendees had begun to dance the cotillion to the speakers echoing a waltz. The walls couldn't be disguised the same way as the floor;  they were bare despite a few prints of famous paintings here and there, but their dull gray coloring seemed to engulf the room. 

Once they arrived at the front of the line, an actor playing a footman read their name tags and announced them to the ball. Ironically, his attire was the best of anyone in attendance, sporting a fine silk waistcoat and pants. While the gimmick initially caught everyone's attention, now that over one hundred people were in the room, nobody could be bothered to crane their necks again to see the new entrants.

"This isn't exactly what I had in mind," Alyssa whispered to her sister so Ted couldn't hear.

"Me either. Let's just try to make the most of it and get our money's worth".

Observing the paintings on the wall nearest them, a portrait of a handsome, brooding young man called out to Alyssa, who paused to admire it. There was something in his eyes that made her heart flutter. The gentleman was of noble stature, given that the buttons on his exquisite tan waistcoat were golden, and he had a well-groomed face. His hair was wavy and oaky brown, his shoulders were broad and imposing, and his eyes pierced through the canvas as if he were still filled with life.

Some time passed as the three talked, drank, and tried not to laugh at some of the less adept dancers who were tripping over their partners. After a while, Sadie, feeling bored, suggested that the group take a tour of the grounds. The company hosting the ball had promoted the fort's historical significance as a side attraction to the event. Alyssa and Ted agreed. 

They ascended the stairs to no inquiry from the workers and began walking around without a clear direction. They observed vintage cannons so rusted; they looked like they had been rolled in the dirt, antique pistols, muskets, and swords protected in glass cases. There were model ships made with such detail they could have sailed away. Down a long stretch of hallway, they eventually found themselves in a dimly lit kitchen. 

"Does anyone else need to use the restroom?" Sadie asked.

"Yeah, I'll come with you. Ted responded.


"That's alright. I'll just wait here for you." She said as she lifted the front of her dress and found a seat at the wooden table where the food for the event was being stored.

Alyssa sat in the room alone for a few minutes and looked around. Even the kitchen appliances were dated, with every pot hanging from the rack having a visible coarseness, as found in antiques. The dimly lit room grew darker as the sun began to set, and the natural light from the windows faded. Soon, the room would only be illuminated by the floppy yellow flames under the cast iron pots being used to heat up soup. 

Alyssa decided to do some more exploring while she waited. When she stood up, however, a sudden rush went to her head, disorienting her. She placed her hand on the table to prevent herself from falling. A brief moment of blurred vision came, then passed as quickly as it presented itself. With a new, slight headache, she decided to continue. Recalling the poor decision not to eat lunch before they came to ensure her dress would fit, she attributed her symptoms to that.

Leaving the kitchen, her vision worsened due to the fort's deteriorating lighting. After walking for a while, it became so dark that she could only orient herself by touch. She traced her fingers along the rigid stone walls until the texture of the surface changed to wood. Eventually, she found herself at the foot of a large, closed door with a beautiful floral pattern carved into it, seemingly out of place with the rest of the fort's design. The door was illuminated only by the gap between it and its frame, shining intensely from the light inside the room, acting as a beacon in the shadowed hallway. Feeling around for a handle of some kind, she heard faint music from inside, similar to what was playing in the main room. 

"This must be another entrance to the main room." She thought.

She eventually found a large, thick handle and pushed the door open. Her eyes grew wide in awe at what she saw.

It was like Alyssa had been transported to her childhood fantasy. The room was enormous, proudly boasting its regality and grandeur in its gold-patterned wallpaper, marble statues, and glistening chandeliers that watched from far above. An expertly painted fresco detailed the entirety of the ceiling, rivaling even the magnificence of the Sistine Chapel. The room was crowded with smartly dressed men and women in handsome black, red, and blue coats and exquisitely vibrant silk dresses. 

She felt like a little girl again, resting her head on her mother's chest as she eased into a dream. The soft hum of a skilled violinist and the fluidity in the dancers' movements underlined the palpable air of high society.

"Was this the real event?" she wondered.

In a mix of amazement and confusion, she tried to get a better sense of what was going on by walking around. The instant she turned, a gloved hand extended in front of her nose, and a tall man with curly brown hair lowered his head in a respectful bow. For some reason, the style and color of his hair seemed familiar.

"Pardon me, but may I have this dance?" The man asked in a soothing, articulate voice. His accent was British, but Alyssa was unsure if it was real or if he was just playing a character.

"Sorry, not right now. I need to find my sister." She said, trying to dissuade him so she could figure out what was going on.

He raised his head and lowered his hand, allowing Alyssa to see his face. His eyes were unmistakable. 

"Right then. Would you at least give me your name?" He asked, now giving her the same look she had been so captivated by earlier that night. She felt a chill down her spine. Frightened by her realization, she stumbled backward in response, still feeling a slight dizziness. He stepped in and placed his hand on the small of her back to keep her stable.

"Is everything alright?"

She caught her breath and tried to calm her racing heartbeat as he looked on warmly; his eyes were much softer now. After taking a minute or two to regain her composure, she mustered up the courage to ask the only sensible question, given her current circumstances.

"I'm a bit confused. Is…is this a dream?"

Before he could answer, the musicians had finished playing, and a round of thunderous applause ensued. Before she could repeat her question, they began another song, a waltz. Alyssa and the man watched as the people around them made their way to the floor. It seemed the entire party was eager to participate. The man extended his hand once again.

"Shall we?"

"No, I need to-" she caught herself, but she wasn't sure why. Certainly, she needed to know whether or not this was reality. If it was, she needed to find Sadie and show her what she was missing out on. Perhaps it was in her best interest to go along with it just in case she saw Sadie amongst the guests. Even if she was dreaming, she most likely nodded off in the kitchen and would be woken up soon. 

Now, having her nerves back, she got a good look at the man so patiently caring for her. Perhaps it was how his smile seemed to assure her or the spellbinding melodies of the waltz soothing her ears, but something was telling her not to worry. With his hand still extended, she took it, and they walked towards where the others had congregated. The pair had positioned themselves inches away from one another and took each other's hands without a word, marching together as their bodies swayed to the music.

"If you don't mind me asking, what made you change your mind?"

"About dancing?"


"I just figured I could look for my sister and dance at the same time."

"With all due respect, I'm not so sure that's why you agreed." He said, becoming more confident in his movements as the conversation became less formal.

"What do you mean?"

"To put it plainly, I think it's because you're brave."

Alyssa was taken aback by his comment.

"Why do you say that?"

"Dancing takes bravery. You hesitated when I first asked you, and yet, here you are."

Her cheeks grew rosy from his compliment, and she looked away out of shyness.

"I’d like to think I’m brave. I take chances in my career. As for tonight however, I don't think that's bravery. I just like to dance." She said softly.

They separated as the dance called for them to circle around other guests, briefly separating everyone from their partners. Despite their distance, they stole glances at one another, rejoining after a few more notes. The man continued.

"Bravery is a fine quality," he started. "And in my opinion, there is nothing braver than living in the moment, and here and now, my lady, you, are living in the moment."

She sighed. 

"I often don't."

"And why is that?"

"My work, mostly. The past makes the present seem dull, and the future is always daunting. Why should I focus on the present when there is always so much I must do?"

"Because, my dear, otherwise, you wouldn't be dancing."

His reply erased her reservations about him and made Alyssa feel like she was floating. For the song's finale, their bodies pressed against one another's, and they locked eyes. It was the kind of deep stare that two people can only have when they truly understand one another. Alyssa could tell they both felt the same sense of familiarity. 

"Thank you for the compliment," Alyssa said.

"My pleasure, but you never told me your name." He said longingly.

"Alyssa, and you are Edward. I was admiring your portrait earlier this evening."

"Unfortunately, Alyssa, I am the past. The portrait you admired is nothing more than a face that once was. I'm confident there's a better face, not composed of paints and canvas, in the present for you." 

He stepped back from her, and his expression changed, exuding sincerity. 

"I believe our dance has ended, but I'm sure your next one will be even more enjoyable."

Alyssa began to feel dizzy, and the slight headache from earlier had returned. The lights of the marvelous room had started to dim, and the sun was setting in the fresco on the ceiling. The musicians had ceased playing for the night, and the guests began to disperse from the floor. With her eyes fixed on Edward, her vision grew narrow and then black. She awoke to the sound of her sister calling her name.

Lying in a bed of grass outside the fort, Alyssa came to, hearing the faint footsteps of the other guests exiting down the fort's gravel path. Her sister, Ted, and a paramedic sat with her as she lay and explained to her the gas leak in the kitchen had caused her to faint, and thus, for everyone's safety, the event was canceled. As they decided how best to transport her to the hospital, Alyssa watched as two fireflies circled one another, flying higher and higher into the night sky until they became indistinguishable from the stars.

June 13, 2024 19:52

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Darvico Ulmeli
09:30 Jun 21, 2024

Nice story, Marshall. It's easy to get lost in it.


Marshall Gothage
00:35 Jun 27, 2024

Thanks, Darvico! I appreciate it!


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Kristi Gott
01:35 Jun 21, 2024

Love it! A type of time travel that took the readers on a journey to the past. Beautifully written, light, whimsical and entertaining. Well done!


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Mary Bendickson
01:25 Jun 21, 2024

Well done. Regency take me away. Hope she meets her Edward someday. Thanks for liking 'My Fair Lady'


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Alexis Araneta
02:26 Jun 18, 2024

Marshall, this was a visual feast ! Great use of imagery. You drew me in with the use of such vivid descriptions. The story in itself was very compelling too. I actually thought one of the paramedics would be Edward's reincarnation or something. Hahahaha ! Also, I love Jane Austen, but I'm the type of fan who would NOT want to go to a Regency fair. Part of my appreciation for her work is knowing we've come quite far from the Regency Era in terms of women's rights. So, no, I don't want to relive it. Hahahaha ! Anyway, splendid work !


Marshall Gothage
03:52 Jun 18, 2024

Alexis, thank you for taking the time to read my story. I'm glad you liked it! I always find it funny how people say they wish they lived in an earlier time period, forgetting how brutal reality can be and was in those times. I think that sentiment contributed to the message I was trying to convey in this piece, as Alyssa would probably say something along those lines with her romanticized view of the Regency Era. Yet the past is the past, and she realizes, like we all must, that the best way to live is in the present and enjoy our time here.


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Karen Hope
02:33 Jun 16, 2024

The world you create is so vivid. I love how Alyssa leaves behind her stressful life and enters this magical place, complete with a mysterious dance partner. I have no idea if it was all real, but I was right there with her on this journey. Well done!


Marshall Gothage
15:38 Jun 16, 2024

Thank you, Karen! While the experience was a hallucination, I think the lesson she received from it was very real. Thank you for taking the time to read it.


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