
They sat around the fire in an erratic circle in the humid night breeze, the fire crackling heartily as the fat from the roasting spits dropped into it. Grace looked on into the fire, fascinated by its dance and wondered how it would feel to be burnt alive the agony as the caressing warmth of the flames became too much to bear, licking the flesh into something unrecognisable.

 Her mother had said countless times that she was obsessed with danger, and that it had fuelled her motivation to be a surgeon. She didn't think that true. She had only been fascinated with the damage that could happen to a body and the process of reconstruction. Perhaps Chloe was right. She had a temperamental and unstable husband as proof. She had fallen hopelessly in love with a man whose gray eyes reminded her of the storm in which she had nearly drowned as a child. 

 Dispelling the clouds of gloom and doom that seemed to hover recently around her, she lay back on the grass oblivious to the discussion going on around her; the turn of the day's events displeasing her She had been looking forward to this trip for a while now; a chance to getaway from the constant demands of her job. Without bothering to unpack, Alex and her had hit the club as soon as they arrived the little town of Terrana a few hours ago. A few glasses and dances later, she had begun to enjoy herself when she caught a glimpse of him. There was no mistaking him; the broad set of his shoulder; the natural arch of his brow that gave him a questioning look; the little burn mark on his left chin; those eccentric blue eyes that seemed to nore deep into one's soul; the stubborn wearing of a wristwatch to the back. It was hard to shake off the feeling of dread that worked its way up her body, so stifling she couldn't breathe. 

Frantic, she had searched for Alex amidst the sea of heads, cooking up an excuse to get back to the cottage. To her utter dismay, there was her husband chatting animatedly with him; the duo walking towards her. Transfixed like a deer caught in the headlights, she had been rooted, all thoughts of flight evaporating. 

"Is everything all right darling?" Alex asked noticing her strange composure .

Had her eyes not being trained on him, she would have missed the shock that registered for a brief moment on his face. 

" No..uh...yeah. yes. Totally. I'm fine."

Seeming satisfied with the answer, Alex had gone ahead to introduce him to her as Ray, an acquaintance he had met recently on a business trip. Unable to calm down, she had spilled her drink while going through the motions, giving her the perfect excuse to get away. Little did she know that Alex would invite him along and he would accept.

The ride back to the rented cottage had been tense, Alex and Ray swapping stories and she avoiding his questioning stare in the mirror. He who was her legal husband in the eyes of the law; who she had left without a word five months into their marriage; who she had broken her vow to by walking out the bleary apartment they shared with a suitcase that fateful day and taking the next flight out. She had left him a message the next day just stating that she was fine and nothing more.

Here he was, gisting with her current husband who had no idea of the illegality of their marriage. She wondered how best to break the news to Alex. The fact that she was presently a criminal in the eyes of the law and that the instigator was right in front of her made out laugh out , earning a curious glance from the duo. Fetching a drink, she plopped herself down next to Alex intertwining his hands with hers, as though to reassure that he was still there for her.


The closeness of her released memories he had suppressed over the years and threatening to choke. She just left without any notice. There had been no sign that anything was wrong that morning. Infact, she had been more loving. Thus, when she wasn't home later in the day, he had felt she was only late and had forgotten to call in. It was almost midnight when it dawned on him that something was wrong. He called her severally but she didn't pick up. Beset with worry, he had called everyone he could think of but no one had an idea where was. The police didn't take a missing report because it wasn't twenty four hours yet. He had drifted into a restless sleep amidst the confusion. He had woken up to a message that she was okay and he shouldn't worry. That was the last he had heard from her and here she was, supposedly married to Alex who he doubted knew that his marriage wasn't valid.

The rage he had felt all those years threatened to surface as she came to sit with them, intertwining hands with Alex. The shadows played on her features, making it impossible to guess what she was thinking. He drank what was left in his cup in a bid to distract himself from his thoughts and focus on the story Alex was telling but it was to no avail. Deciding he had had enough, he rose to go cutting Alex off with an apology.

"Whew. It's well past midnight already. Kind of late, don't you think?" Alex asked

" This is Terrana" Ray replied chuckling " The town that never sleeps"

"I wouldn't feel good with you leaving in this weary state at this late hour. Why not pass the night here?" Alex offered

Ray almost declined. The thought of spending the night with her so close elicited conflicting emotions from him. However, her muteness throughout the whole exchange irritated him and prompted him to accept. He couldn't leave without answers.


The field stretched into oblivion, a wide expanse of green. The trees swayed gently to the tunes of the breeze. She could hear the whistling of the leaves as the wind caressed, the birds twittering away in their nests oblivious to the struggles of the homeless. Strangely, she felt hot as though she was on fire. Her throat was dry and she longer for a sip of cold water. Discomfiting as that was, she longed more for a human to talk to. Tired, she slid on to the grass to take a rest only to fall into ice cold water.

Startled, she awoke drenched in sweat. She was in the room with Alex was snoring softly to her right. No field, no trees, it was all a dream. She tiptoed to the kitchen so as not to wake anyone. She took a bottle of water from the fridge and began downing to steady her nerves  

"Gulping as always?"

She froze in shock with her heart in her mouth, beating so fast a cheetah could not match. 

"Relax Gee, it's only me"

She had forgotten how silent Ray could walk but couldn't forget the nick he had named her. The memory of that day he had proudly named her as though it was an honor despite her protests flooded. Shaking her head to clear it, she turned around to face him

"Hi there"

"When I slipped that ring on to your finger three years ago, I never imagined you greeting me with an "hi" after a prolonged absence" he replied smugly

She cringed inwardly. He wasn't going to make this easy for her. Well, was she expecting a pat on the head? 

"I'm sorry Ray. I never wanted it to be this way" 

" Why did you leave?"

" Let's talk about this another day without Alex in close range, please"

" That's not an option"

" Why? Don't do this please"

" He already knows so there's no point"

Shaken, she gripped the fridge's handle for support as her heart sunk low. She had known Ray to be understanding, sometimes too much. She didn't expect him to pull the plug on her life yet. 

"You t-t-told....fuck! Why tell him?" She managed to stutter

" I didn't. It's just that he's behind the doorway listening in"

She turned to see a grim looking Alex materialize at the door. His countenance was that of a man marked for the guillotine and it broke her heart to see. She wished she could turn back the hands of time and do things differently, but she had to face music of her folly. She was done running from the past, time to face it and make amends

August 14, 2020 10:04

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R. Cai
15:35 Aug 21, 2020

Great story! I liked how you described the fire at the beginning.


Omolola Olayioye
23:18 Aug 21, 2020

Thank you


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