
"Are you ready, Summer?" Ezra asked me. I felt my heart race out of my chest. He looked as perfect as I drew him. Tall, handsome with long black hair up in a bun, so you can see his beautiful emerald green eyes. He was perfect. Everyday I imagine him, holding me tight in his arms, feeling his soft lips against mine. "Yes." I said with no hesitation.

Hours Before~

"Come on, Belle. I have to get there before two! That's the best part!" I said, running down the street. Belle tried to keep up. "Summer! Just because you want to creep on Ezra doesn't mean I do!" Belle said. I laughed. "Hey, this is what friends are for, right?" Belle rolled her eyes playfully and laughed. "So where exactly are we going?" Belle asked. "Ms. Helen's house." I said. "That blind old lady? Is she his grandmother or something?" Belle asked. "I don't think so. But every Saturday he works in the garden out there." I replied. Belle nodded.

When we got to the house, I walked up to the gate. "Geez, who knew an old blind lady was so rich?" Belle asked. I hit her shoulder. "Rude." I said. We laughed. "What time is it?" I asked. Belle looked down at her phone. "1:51." "Perfect. Let's go secure front row seats for the show." I said with a wink. "If I wasn't your best friend I'd think you're a weirdo." Belle said with a laugh.

"How about here?" I said, sitting down in the grass. "I mean, you're the professional here." Belle said. I rolled my eyes. "Look, there he is." I exclaimed. I got out my notepad and examined closely. When he walked out, I felt a rush of joy. He looked so perfect. His hair was down, flowing in the wind. His beautiful eyes were shining bright in the sun. His skin looked perfectly tanned, and his abs made everyone stop and look. He started gardening and I drew. "Is this how you spend your Saturday's?" Belle asked. "Shhhh, he's right there!" I said. Belle rolled her eyes.

"Oh, are you guys here for the show too?" Someone behind us said with a cryptic laugh. We turned around to see Hanna, Ezra's girlfriend. "Oh, I-uh." I stuttered. "No, really. True fans. Maybe I can get you an autograph." She said. She was laughing hysterically. Belle turned red. "Let me guess, she dragged you along? Or do you want to take your shot at Ezra too?" She asked, putting her bottom lip out and crouching down. Hanna grabbed the notepad out of my hand. "Ha, you even draw him?! You freak!" Hanna said. Being the jealous person she is, she tore it off, crumbled it, and threw it at me. "Try to take your shot, but I'm warning you now, you are going to pay the price." Hanna added. Then she walked up the driveway.

"Thanks a lot, Summer. I never had a problem with Hanna until today." Belle said as she stood up. "No, Belle, don't leave. I'm so sorry. I didn't know Hanna would be here." I said. "I don't care, Summer! I don't want to be apart of this. Sorry, but I'm going home." Belle replied. She started walking back up the road. I was left there, on the ground, alone. I looked over. Ezra was holding Hanna in his arms, putting his hands through her hair as she smiled. And then he saw me. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, what do I do? I asked myself. I tried to hide, but I heard footsteps. "Summer? Is that you?" I heard Ezra say.

Oh my gosh! He knows my name. He said my name! I thought again. "Summer, what are you doing here?" Hanna asked, playing dumb for Ezra. Hanna grabbed his hand as they walked closer. "Seriously Summer, are you okay?" Ezra asked. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I just tripped and fell. I'm glad you heard it though, or else it might have bled out." I joked with a laugh. Ezra looked confused, then laughed. "Aw, Summer? Do you want me to hold your notepad for you so you can use both hands to get up?" Hanna asked with a smirk. "Oh, no, I got it." I said, turning a bright red. "Is there anything else we can do?" Ezra asked. "Oh, I got it from here, thanks.' I said. "Bye Summer!" Hanna said in an innocent voice. I waved to her in a mocking way.

I walked back home alone. This was so stupid. Ezra will never like me. EVER! Why do I even try? He's got Hanna Victor as a girlfriend. What more could he want? She is a cheerleader and a gymnast. She is a basic starbucks and scrunchies girl. Popular and pretty. Exactly what Ezra deserves. I thought as I walked. "Summer, wait." Someone said. I turned to see Ezra running down the sidewalk. "Oh, yeah. What's up?" I asked. "You, uh, forgot your notepad." Ezra said. I looked at my hands, which were in my pockets. "Sorry, I'm so stupid." I said. Ezra looked at me with his gorgeous eyes. "No, you aren't. You are an amazing drawer." He said with a wink. I turned red again. "Oh, you saw." I said. He nodded, I put my head down. Then he walked forward.

He touched my cheek. "Nothing to be ashamed about. Everyone wants to see me." He said again. "Flirty much?" I asked. "Only with certain people." He said again. My faced turned from red to flush pale. "Oh." I said. "Listen, I know how Hanna is. I don't really love her. I love someone else. Thank you for showing me how Hanna can be." He said. "No problem." I said. "I love someone else. Someone who outdoes Hanna in a million ways." He said "She sounds very lucky." I said. "I'm lucky. I'm lucky to be talking to the love of my life right now." He said. "Wait, you're talking about me?" I asked. He laughed as he pulled me close to him. "Only if you're in." He said. I nodded. And we stood there. My head on his shoulder, his hands on my waist. Like we were meant to be.

March 03, 2020 20:41

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