Secret rendezvous

Written in response to: Write a story about a pair of pen pals.... view prompt



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Once there was a man his name was jim.and a woman her name was jane.they started out as good pen pals.jim ,a lonely man only picked her out on the internet to be able for friends through penpal ship.he gotten alot of response from other people online letters one penpal mate ,Jane attracted him they had alot more on common as for both working on tv broadcast agents they were nearly same day he arranged to meet with her.and sudden he had not heard from Jane for quite awhile and jimhad gotten worried for great she may not be interested to meet up in person.then a few months later she written back to him asking to meet her in a little certain restaurant.stinned and surprise he dida little dance of joy as he gotten ready for his meeting with penpal jane.and when gotten to the restaurant he would recognise her in a red velvet dress redhead and velvet red hat walking over toet table she was too stunned seeing him in they talked and talked over a lavish dinner and a glass of wine..and then Jim offered a walk tired of course she accepted a walk through the night at local park woods.and sudden like a magnet they were pulled together with there warm embrace which turned into a hot live affair right then and there in the woods. And later just lay there on the grass sudden Jane got up .got quickly dressed and raced off to her car saying she had to go someplace and Jim ran after her and she yelled it was a mistake she had a wonderful husband at home waiting for her and she gotten into her car and drive away fast.andva year went by almost Jim gotten aresponse back saying apology for her not even writing a letter for awhile but they should never had met in person and now not even penpal connection.only.and Jim who was nearly over his secret rendezvous with Jane and sudden all coming back to him .he went then on a long drive and got to a hanging cliff and just sat on the edge and not care if wind started blowing him and the rough ocean rising up .sudden Jim disappeard along with the ocean down below. And months later helis body discovered on a sandy shore on a beach and rescued boats taking the body into their boat .and in a hospital wing of s mortuary and his autopsy came out as suicide .and whole months went by took a long while to identify this man .then police and state coroner found his id badge in an old coat pocket found on that sandy shore beach Jim Hutton the I'd read and address .alm family and relations were notified and great saf ness of tears at his cremation.and his ex penpal over heard and feeling sad too as she didn't mean to runoff from him that night after there hotlove making of there secret rendezvous and her husband then filed for divorce of her lies and receipt.she didn't care ad realising then Jim should have been the one for her then and had never even been happy to return to her husband but she did and then hearing about suicide of Jim Hutton and ex penpal friend .she then and and then went to a GP and asked for some insomnia pill medication .then she went home with some prescribed sleep pills and gobbled a dozen with a bottle of wine.and colappsed on the floor and took a month for a neghbour to discover the dead body as a deathly smell started terking out the window so the neighbour managed to break the door saw Jane laying on the floor.with half smashed bottle of wine and several sleeping tablets scattered near her and the body was taken away because already decomposed she gotten burn right away in her yard.and .more police report on two suicide.and now the mental health team had to be start some sort of suicide campaign to prevent any more harmful.srkf suicide .and why persons would take up own lives is it reallycaused lonliness like it did for jom Hutton and Jane.or were they even so sufferevwith mental health disorders.anywsu this story goes to show can't always expect things to happen right if s mistake somewhere is made or hard to solve like Jim a f Jane's secret hotnightblove affair that might in the woods andjosnr not realising she made a mistake running off from penpal and then lover the way she did .so both were hurt d then the suicide different times .there family and friends had grieved forcsong long then able to carry on with there own lives. But the news headlines of the crucial fate of there suicide will remain a real mystery by saying it really was through there mental disorders.not there own regrets of a love rendezvous sudden gonr all bizzare and a sorry loss of an affair .and much many more years more mental health team had to solve more impacted persons on more suicide rates which went quite high and noy able to find the real reason why young people impacted self harm Judy for either lonliness and even violence at thet family home .s .that all. . Jane and Jim Hutton had been diagnosed as mentally ill and refused help at some stage and place of there lives through there letter writing while through there penpal friend ship .why had Jane agreed to meet Jim in person on a date if she had no intention of leaving her husband to want to start her new love withbpenpal Jim hutton.despitebit all Jane had been labelled as spiteful andcevil woman to hurt him aninnocent man like Jim in such a evil way . Must be mental disorders with her.coulf have haf the honest band loyalty to her husband in the first place instead of sneaking off to meet up with her so called rendezvous with penpal jim.

August 19, 2023 05:16

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