Creative Nonfiction Romance Drama

“A Second Chance”


Tina Lynn

It’s a Tuesday evening, six o’clock in East Manhattan, New York at the Penrose bar. I had never had much luck dating so my best friend, Stephanie set me up with a banker, Steven. I walked into the bar in a nice black dress, it’s my favorite date night dress, long lace sleeves with a low cut. I paired the dress with these shoes I got last month at Bloomingdale’s, they were having a sale. I told Steven I would meet him at the bar at six o’clock but it’s 6:10pm and no sign of Steven. I was waiting around aimlessly looking like an idiot so I finally walked to the bar and asked for a drink, gin martini, with a twist. Five then ten minutes go by and I’m starting to think I’m getting stood up, my heart sinks and I can feel my confidence fading away. Suddenly I saw this guy walk in, he was in a blue blazer paired with a pok-a-dot bow tie and he had nice balck pants and matching shoes. He looks flushed and out of breath. He walked up to me and said, “Hi, are you Abigail?” I felt my anger rising, it’s nearly 6:30pm, but I took a deep breath and said, “Yes, are you Steven?” We went to a table and ordered our food, I was so anxious that I only ordered a salad, he had chicken with vegetables. There was an awkward moment until he asked me what I do for a living, “I’m an interior designer.” After that we started talking about our jobs and the problems that go on at work, we started laughing. The conversation flowed comfortably, Steven had apologized multiple times for being late, his car broke down and had to wait for AAA to come and fix it. I could tell he was  nervous, almost sweaty. He smiled at me and I smiled back I was full of joy, he seemed like the perfect guy for me, kind, a gentle man and very sincere but what are his thoughts on me? The evening was going by perfectly, I stared into her beautiful brown eyes, I could look at them forever, “Does she think I’m a jerk for being 30 minutes late, I really hope she doesn’t she seems perfect for me.” We laugh, share war stories, I learn about her life, I could so easily fall in love and marry this girl, she’s perfect. I thought to myself, “Oh my goodness, is love at first sight a real thing? He seemed like the perfect guy and being late isn’t the end of the world.” Suddenly the bartender called out, “Last call!” We looked at each other and cracked up, we walked about the city streets still making jokes, the conversation carried on. I thought to myself, “First impressions aren’t everything, sometimes it's what comes after that first impression that means the most.

+ Hopefully I get a kiss before the night is over.” We continued walking, the lights looked so beautiful and I was mesmerized, “I think this date is going really well and I really want to kiss Abigail… should I go for it?” My heart is racing, she is so beautiful but what if she doesn’t feel the same way? Abbigail looked at me with her big brown eyes, she pulled me close and gave me a kiss. I stood there shocked. She made the move. “I had to do that before the night ended.” Abigail said. My heart stopped, my hands were shaking. “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.” Abigail looks into my eyes and says, “Well, good. That was the whole point.” I looked into his eyes, how can he be so perfect? 

We continued to walk, just looking at the lights, we could hardly see the stars. It was a foggy night and the lights were shining so bright. This is the perfect night. It’s funny, he was 30 minutes late, I thought he was going to be a jerk, I was so wrong. He is perfect. Absolutely perfect. We walked to a bench. He asked, “So, this night has been perfect but how can I make it up to you that I was late.” I laughed, “Well, continue to be a gentleman and all is forgiven.” As we sat at the bench, we talked about the realist things, the struggles at work, our childhood, our deepest fears. The conversations went so smooth, am I in a dream, he’s the perfect man for me! The lights start to fade, I checked my watch and it's 2am. Where did the time go? Steven looked at me and said, “I don’t want this night to end.” I laughed, smiled and agreed. We walked for a while, looking at the sky trying to find stars. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and said, “How can a jerk like you turn into the perfect gentleman in one night.” Steven looked at me, smiled and replied, “Well my charm came out, do you like it?” We laughed like little kids, the night was something out of a movie. As we walked there was mist on the sidewalk and I slipped, Steven caught my fall. I felt so embarrassed, I don’t want him to think I’m clumsy, even though I am. His arms were muscular, strong and I felt safe when he caught my fall. My phone rang, it’s Stephanie, I declined the call and yet she kept calling, finally I turned my phone off. I wanted to enjoy the time with Steven. 

We walked to my car, I’m sad, I didn’t want the night to end but it was nearly 3:30 am and I had to wake up at 7 am to meet a client. We get to her car, she’s so beautiful. I almost ruined this date and I’m so happy she gave me a second chance. As she opened the car door, my heart sank. I said, “Do you have to go?” A smile had appeared on her face. She sighed and said, “Yes, but I wish I didn’t have to.” I closed the car door, grabbed her face and kissed her. It was magical. I said, “I had to do that before the night ended.” We looked at each other and I could feel her heartbeat on my chest. “Goodnight Abigail, I hope you drive safe.” She got in the car, “Goodnight Steven, tonight was perfect.” As she drove off, I could feel sadness come over my body. I walked to my car, I called my mom, “I just met the girl I’m going to marry.” As I’m driving home I called Stephanie, “I’m going to marry Steven.”

August 29, 2020 01:47

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