Science Fiction

This story contains sensitive content

~ Awakening ~

Charlie Sue woke feeling refreshed and ready for the day. She sat up in the queen sized bed stretching and looking for Dermott. He was usually a late sleeper. Oh there he was, sitting in the recliner by the door, just watching her. “What are you doing up so early Derms? Come here and give me a morning kiss.” He came over and gave her a peck on the lips, then sat on the bed, still silent. He was acting different, like he was nervous. “Somethings wrong. What is it?”

           “Nothing Honey. I was just waiting for you to wake up.”

           She went all business. “Bullshit. You never get up before me. And even if you did, you would be on the computer by now. Tell me. And don’t lie to me.”

           Intimidated, he hung in there. “No. Everything is fine. We’re going to have lunch with Miss Debbie and Shewuma today.”

           Time for a change in tactics. Charlie Sue pulled up her nightgown and straddled Dermott’s lap. She pushed her fingers slowly across his scalp through his red curls and went close to his ear, her lips nibbling as she cooed, “I know something is going on Poodle. We need to get past this because I want you inside of me.”

           That did it, Dermott’s will collapsed in on itself and he spilled the beans. She listened intently as he told her, in detail, about the events of the night before where Debbie found her outside in a zombie state transmitting information about the family to God knows who.

           Charlie Sue didn’t believe it. In the short time she had lived with Dermott she felt something about herself was different. Not broken, but off kilter, out of whack. But with her eidetic memory how was that possible? Anyone else but not her. “And we’re allegedly going to have lunch with Debbie so she can what, interrogate me or hypnotize me or something?” Charlie Sue climbed off of him and hurried to the bathroom, her whole demeanor shifting to focused purpose. Looking in the mirror at her failing sleep braid, she decided to forget the hair and make-up and grabbed the sweat suit she used for jogging. Mulling the consequences of everything Dermott had confessed, she peeked back through the door and saw him still sitting there sad faced and using a pillow to cover his erection. It would have been cute under normal conditions. “Get dressed Derms. I’m not waiting, we are going over there right now.”


           Dermott and Charlie Sue left their guest cottage and walked deliberately towards the main house. All 85 pounds of Molly was outside and ran to them wagging her tail with a happy pets eagerness. Dermott stopped, intending to frolic for a moment but Charlie Sue doggedly kept going, so he abandoned Molly’s affections and caught up to her. She was focused to the point of manic. Sitting in an Adirondack chair on his front porch wrapped in a blue blanket, Robert Hazer sucked smoke from his Meerschaum pipe and waved a morning greeting. Some 30 yards away in the target practice area, Wolf was throwing cans of sparkling water backwards over his head, then spinning, drawing an arrow and pinning it, hissing it’s carbonation, to the nearest of 6 targets in a semi-circle. Dermott wanted to watch some of this mind-boggling display of skill but Charlie Sue kept hard charging on her mission and he stayed with her.

           Shewuma gave them a jolt, suddenly appearing between them, seemingly out of nowhere and wrapping an arm around each waist. “Good morning kids. Where are you two heading so hell bent?”

           Charlie Sue stopped and gave Wu a hard look. “I’m going to see Debbie.”

           Wu eyed Dermott warily. “You told her. Debbie owes me a foot rub. We made a bet you wouldn’t…” Charlie Sue barreled forward. Shewuma grasped the back of the hoodie and spun her around. “I see from your aura that you are in riot mode. Calm down.”

           Trying to jerk free Charlie Sue answered, “I don’t have time for this chit chat, Shewuma.”

           Shewuma took her disheveled braid and pulled her face to face, wincing. Molly appeared next to Wu growling under her breath. Wu’s eyes went blank and cold. Charlie Sue remembered that same look in the eyes of a feeding Great White on Shark Week. Dark, menacing and ruthless. Her resolve didn’t falter, but fear mixed with common sense surged to the forefront. Like a fading dream she recalled experiencing this depth of dread once before but then the near memory was gone. How was that possible?

           Shewuma could see in Charlie Sue’s darkening aura how badly she frightened her and tried to soften the situation, “Now you just settle it down young lady. You go in there and be respectful. This is not personal so you act accordingly. We clear?” Wu released the lock on her braid and waved Molly off.

           “Yes Ma’am. I didn’t mean to…”

           “Forget it. Let’s go work this out.”

           Dermott began to speak and the women said in unison, “Shut up Dermott.” Then Wu heard Debbie say in her mind, “Bring them to the vault,” and she veered all three to the side door.

           As the massive 5’x7’ door layered in thick sections of steel and concrete slowly opened into the vault, Charlie Sue expected to feel claustrophobic. Dermott had told her about the vault but actually seeing it was a revelation and looking around took her breath. Debbie came to Charlie Sue and enveloped her physically and mentally in a benevolent hug until she relaxed and then embraced it with a feeling of relief. Debbie spoke softly. “Everything will be fine. Something unnatural is happening with you. We’re going to figure out what it is, you need to let it go.” The high ceilinged vault was at least 40’x 25’. As the slow heavy door glided closed with a dull thud, Debbie gave her a quick tour. To her immediate left a pantry stocked with emergency survival essentials, from sleeping bags to food and everything in between. Next to it a full bath, then a kitchenette including a refrigerator. A little further down an enormous sectional couch. In the center of the room a boat shaped conference table that sat ten. Charlie Sue realized that practically everything in the room was white, including the impressive marble fireplace fully outfitted with logs and kindling. On either side of the fireplace, hung enough firepower and ammo for a small army. AR 15s, 9mm sidearms and 12 gauge pump action shotguns interspersed with edged weapons of all shapes and sizes. But what was most impressive was the far wall. Having minored in art history in college, Charlie Sue recognized valuable artifacts when she saw them. There were many but some stood out. Rock fragments covered with Egyptian hieroglyphs. A Pre-Incan figurine of a high priest made of gold, a bronze Viking cross from 12th century A.D. And incredibly an ancient Bagdad battery. But all of these artifacts paled in comparison to the treasures they flanked. A pyramid of recessed niches in the wall, each containing skulls carved from blue crystal. The legends were true.

           Debbie said to Charlie Sue, “Yes. We call them the Sancti. They are super computers. I am their keeper until my people return to Earth.” Flabbergasted, Charlie Sue realized that Debbie could read her thoughts. Was it possible that all of Dermott’s crazy stories were true?

           With no inkling of where this was going, Debbie, Wu and David E. wanted to take the highest road and give Charlie Sue complete benefit of the doubt but there was too much at stake. Holding her by the shoulders, Debbie said “Don’t worry Honey. Dermott loves you, so we all love you. We are your family now. Sit down here at the table and watch this. Then I am going to give you a complete physical.” A hologram of all of Debbie’s memories of Charlie Sue’s actions the night before began to run like a film.

           As Debbie began the examination she telepathically asked Shewuma about the Eagle. Wu answered her mind to mind. “He’s on his way. I briefed him on everything we discussed. He’s a Shaman for the tribe, so he’s qualified and well versed in ancestral ritual. If it comes to the worst case scenario I’ll take care of it.”

           Just then the Eagle and Jimmy entered the vault carrying a satchel, trash bags, and a silver serving tray with a teapot of hot water, cups and a stack of towels.

           Debbie finished her examination and said telepathically to David E. “There is involuntary restriction in her core but no GI issues. That’s all I found.”

           “Could be muscle memory holding on to unremembered sexual abuse. You better take Dermott out of the room, this could get dicey.” He thought back to her.

           “She’s as healthy as a horse,” declared Debbie to the room. “David E. You’re up. And Jim, would you take Dermott and get him some breakfast? This might take a while. It will be boring.”

           Debbie, Shewuma and Jimmy knew that David E. spent many years in secret cold war programs. MK Ultra, LSD trials and Remote Viewing being the only examples he had ever mentioned. He rarely spoke of any of it and if he did, the deep remorse embedded into him from that time in his life leaked through cracks in his normally unimpeachable character like immoral sludge from a rusted and long forgotten barrel of heinous deeds. So they were surprised at how dramatically his demeanor and behavior hardened as his questioning of Charlie Sue quickly became interrogation and then intimidation.

           He began by asking her simple questions about her moods, sleep patterns and appetite. He logically moved on to previous relationships. Especially former lovers and her parents. Then her medical history and family medical history. Any mental illness, perhaps some trauma to her or trauma she witnessed? Is she or was she ever on any medications. His tone became steadily more aggressive and the questions more intrusive. On he went for many minutes until he was openly badgering her. Then, waving a folder of papers in front of her, he said, “This is your file from human resources at Lockheed. We know what you did. We know about the white wash at the plant. We know about your perverted sexual history.”

           “No. That’s not true, why are you saying this?” Charlie Sue started to get up and Wu snatched her back to the seat and held her firm.

           “BULLSHIT!” Hollered David E. and threw the pages in her face. “We’ll come back to this. Because I want your response to this question and don’t pretend like you don’t know or there will be consequences. What is your relationship with time?”

           “I…don’t know what you mean.”

           David E. nodded to Debbie and she pulled a plastic bag over Charlie Sue’s head. Charlie Sue kicked and squirmed to no avail as she hopelessly tried to gulp some precious air. With Eagle’s psychic help, Wu had been learning to disengage her empathic reception of someone’s emotions when touching them, but Charlie Sue’s feelings of terror and betrayal were leaking through and taking a toll on her. She knew she couldn’t keep it up much longer. Debbie removed the bag to gasps for breath and wracking sobs. “Why?” Charlie Sue could barely articulate.

           David E. put his finger in her face. “Last Chance girl. Last go. What is your relationship with time?”

           Tears streamed from her eyes and she cried out, almost hysterically, “I DON’T EVEN WEAR A WATCH!”

           He sighed heavily, with finality. “That’s it Deb. No tics, no traumas, no phobias, no psychosomatic or buried mental illness. No sign of mental conditioning, mind control or torture.”

           Shewuma stepped away, fighting back tears. Then quickly regained her composure. Debbie noticed her pain and asked her silently, “You all right Baby?”

           Wu simply nodded.

           David E. looked at Charlie Sue with true regret. “Sorry Honey.”

           “Sorry! SORRY? You people are fucking crazy. I’m calling the cops! I’ll sue your asses! Does Dermott know about any of this?”

           As she rose from the chair, Debbie pressed a nerve in Charlie Sue’s neck and she sat back, suddenly calm.

           “Want to try the Amobarbital?” David E. asked. Debbie looked at Shewuma with consternation. “What do you think WuWu?”

           “No. Dibs, when she thought she was suffocating, there was a muddy dull swirl in her aura over her head. I think that’s where we need to go.”

           “I saw it too, Chieftess,” Said Eagle. “A disconnected level of consciousness.”

           Debbie was fascinated. “So what do we do?”

           “I think we can access it, but I will need your help Comista.” He held out his hand and Debbie and Wu both took hold. After several seconds Eagle said, “Good?”

           Both women were in.

           Jimmy came back, oblivious to the hell that had been imposed on Charlie Sue. “Jims,” Asked Debbie. “How is Dermott holding up?”

           “He’s fine,” Jimmy stated. “He’s up there playing video games. Making any head way?” He noticed that Wu seemed distant and took her hand. “You okay Woser?”

           Producing a forced smile, she kissed his knuckle, then looked at Eagle and said, “Let’s do this.”

           Eagle looked around at his companions and said, “ For the time being, I ask that all of you move counter clockwise if you have to walk in a circle.”

           Shewuma went to her knees and softly recited a Hopi prayer over and over while Eagle built a roaring fire and slid Charlie Sue in her chair about 3 feet in front, facing it. Addressing the sacred fire by name, calling it Fuego, he then asked the fire for five results from this ceremony: “Make me less judgmental of those I encounter. Help me forgive others when forgiveness is not my choice. Keep my wife Luce, safe and happy. Help my new daughter learn wisdom and respect for Mother Earth and her ancestors. And please Fuego, help us unravel the mystery of Charlie Sue and her secret life.”

           The next minutes of preparation were uneventful. The Eagle made tea. Crushing several buttons of what Debbie realized was Peyote. He separated them into three China cups on a silver tray and poured the hot water over them. While they steeped, He put a large black trash bag and the bath towels next to Charlie Sue. After setting the serving tray on the floor in front of the fire, he handed Charlie Sue and Shewuma each a cup and took the third one for himself. “Can you drink Charlie Sue?”

           She nodded yes, still in a compliant state from Debbie’s earlier application of acupressure.

           Within moments of drinking the gritty liquid, Jimmy and David E. were startled and reacted as all three began to vomit. Debbie stopped them, explaining it was normal to throw up after drinking Peyote.  Expecting it, Eagle tried to contain the mess in the trash bag as best he could. Then continued cleaning up with the towels. He paused and said, “You guys should get comfortable. We are going to be here for a while.” Wu and Charlie Sue appeared to doze off.

           Jimmy sat on the couch and began fiddling on his phone. David E. started around the conference table towards the laptop. Debbie interrupted him telepathically with, “Counter clockwise David E. Remember?”

           “Sorry.” He whispered and turned to the other direction. Debbie went to its perch in the wall and joined with her Sanctum. As she covered the 13th Sancta with her hands, all of the Crystal Skulls emitted a blue luminance that enveloped her.


           Jimmy turned off his phone and stretched. Three hours of computer spades was enough. He was bored and scanned the room hoping for something, anything to happen. David E, was typing away on the laptop. Lord only knew what crazy conspiracy he was working on. Debbie, still covered with blue light, had not moved a muscle. Computers are supposed to be so fast. What the hell did they talk about for three hours. Eagle had been just sitting and staring at Charlie Sue the whole time. But then Eagle stood with urgency. He touched Wu to bring her around. “Debs. I think something is up.” Jimmy whispered. And she hurried over.

           Eagle and Wu holding hands so he could talk to her silently, were pointing and commenting about the space over Charlie Sue’s head. Debbie placed her hand on theirs. “Don’t wake her Comista. See her aura through my eyes.” Debbie was fascinated. She saw it. Shimmering layers of colored light projecting outward from the body. And there, over her head as they said, a swirl of darkness. “It’s an independent level of consciousness, Comista. Only connects to her Delta state. I’ve heard they are possible but I never believed it until now.”

           Debbie’s Sancti addressed the event full bore and it made sense. Of course. A separate altered state of consciousness. With no connection to her other levels and brain waves of sentience, it could work unimpeded while she slept and then disappear as if it never existed when she left Delta sleep.

           “Comista. I need you to pull her Delta state into her Beta frequency. She should wake up and remember everything. Can you do that?”

           “Yes Eagle. I think I can.”

           “Okay. Give us a second to prepare. I don’t know how this will go.” He gently picked up Charlie Sue’s limp body into a firm hug and Wu put both hands on her shoulders to feel what was about to happen. “Comista, do it!”

           Debbie pulled the delta waves and the unknown state of being into Charlie Sue’s Beta consciousness and all hell broke loose. Charlie Sue awoke in shock, struggling and clawing the air as she let go with a bloodcurdling scream. Shewuma cried out and dropped to the floor, unconscious.

January 22, 2025 18:02

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