Mystery Fiction Sad

Resilience, experience, and robustness are all features one would typically cherish and aim for, but they become the bare minimum in the face of Chomolungma, the Goddess Mother of the World. To climb it, one would need to be humble and respect the course of the snow and wind. Not doing so shows great arrogance, and those who dare to will pay their tolls.

Thus, the mere sight of its grandeur from below is a gift. The opportunity to climb it is a challenge. Regretting and turning back is wise; to survive it is mercy, but to reach the peak is everything.

Throughout the treacherous terrain, before the peak where death awaits each mistake, there is a man sleeping, lost in endless dreams with possibilities that aren’t for us to know. However, clutched tightly by his frozen hand, there are a series of letters with poems and happenings. Whether they are real or the fabrications of a deluded man, I for one can’t say, but I feel compelled to share this with the world at large.

–Letter 1–

Dear Manish,

The month of July is upon us! It was rather disappointing to not see you here in May. It was a lovely sight all around. During one night, I actually saw warm, orange lights emitting from the little town. I wondered if you had gone there.

Nevertheless, poppies bloomed, the sun shone brightly, and most of all, you could actually see where the hell you’re going in this frozen hell.

My sincerest apologies; where are my manners? I forgot to congratulate you on making it to the first camp site! There was a time when this place was much cleaner, but you know how people are. Speaking of them, did you know that more people have died reaching here than anywhere else?

“So that means the hardest part is over!” I can hear you mutter it out. Haha. No. That was only a test! A mere taste of what’s to come. So rest well, little one. You chose to test your luck.

With love, your secret admirer

–Letter 2–

Dear Manish,

Congratulations on arriving at the second camp! One certainly wouldn’t expect the sun to be your worst enemy during this climb. I have actually heard cases of people going mad and taking their clothes off. Though I’ve only heard of a few cases that turned fatal,

People have taken things for granted, haven’t they, little one? First, they discover fire, and then they think they own it. How arrogant. You are not so different from them, even if you believe that isn’t the case.

I could state a number of reasons why. You could’ve chosen to not travel alone, for example. No, none shall rival your biggest arrogance, that being your ineptitude to imagine. Still, you know what’s best for you. So, as always, keep on running, little one. I hope to see you up there soon.

With love, your secret admirer-

-Letter 3-

Dear Manish,

You are currently at the world’s fourth-highest peak. You’ve survived what many couldn’t, and you are almost close to the summit. Bravo, little one. We shall meet one another soon.

You know, it will take quite a while until then, so I’d like you to ponder a few questions. Let’s start with a nice one, shall we? How is the view? Magnificent, isn’t it? Everything seems so small that you might even forget about where you came from. I can assure you that there is an even better one.

However, there comes a time when one has to ask when they'll be satisfied. Look at yourself. You’ve climbed all the way up here alone, during the harshest time of the year, in an unforgiving wind that, with each gust, seems to stab deeper into you. Not only that, but you’ve come here with a disability. How is your heel, by the way?

Putting aside how imprudent all of this is, I would advise you to think. Think about your family, your friends, those who care about you, and most of all, about yourself. Be selfless or selfish, however you want to look at it. It’s still not too late to turn back. The road ahead is steep and unforgiving.

Hahahaha! Of course, my words hold no meaning to you. As a matter of fact, I might even dare to claim that no one’s words do. So what’s the point of doing anything else? I can only encourage you! I hereby dedicate the following poem to you!

“Why do you run, little one?

Do your legs not ache with each step you take?”

Is your life so bleak

that there are no other ventures you could partake?

You wake up every day,

at the same hour, go through the same streets,

no matter the weather.

Do you not get tired of the same old view?

The world, so large, so beautiful, and full of mystique,

With love and comfort so close to your reach,

Yet, you choose to sweat

In the cold, alone.

So run along, little one,

As forever is only an instant.

If it’s the view from up here you wish to see,

It is there where we shall meet.”

–Letter 4–

Dear Mannish,

I apologize for not being able to meet you there. Due to certain reasons out of my control, I can’t let myself be seen. I do hope that you found what you were looking for. It was beautiful, wasn’t it? Still, I want to ask, were you there for the view or was there something else you wanted to see? What are you running from? What are you trying to prove?

Your kind was always a curious one. You weren’t the first one, of course. Many have come for the very same reason, though not in the same circumstances. I don’t think I’ll forget about you for a while, at least. I see you have decided to take a rest here. No worries; I have personally come to leave this final letter in your hands. You may read it when you wake up.

With love, as always, your secret admirer.

February 01, 2024 14:05

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Paul Littler
10:35 Feb 08, 2024

Intriguing and thought provoking Thanks


Arter Grim
18:02 Feb 08, 2024

And thank you for reading this tale!


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