Horror Mystery

This story contains sensitive content

TW: Self Harm, Suicide, Death, Gore, Forced Insanity, Manipulation, Gun Shots.

“The sounds of the hospital always seemed to put me on edge, the beeping, the yelling, the screaming, the blood… and the chains,” I spoke calmly.

“The what?! There aren’t any chains in hospitals.” The voice said.

I looked up at the ceiling and saw nobody, but I decided to answer anyway. “Yes there is, that’s what they used to restrain us. All of us.” 

“That’s not normal, are you sure that was a hospital?” 

“I mean that’s what they said.” They did say it was for the best but why?

I jolted awake from my nightmare, I was in my bed… again. 

“I thought I escaped, I could have sworn I was free. But I guess not, oh well. Can’t get any worse right? …Right?”

“I swear none of this is real, I am a sweating mess. But it’s cold, I don’t understand. I can’t get up, can I?”

I lay still in my sweat-soaked bed, when I finally decided to look around my room all I saw was-...

“Let’s move on shall we, this isn’t something we should be discussing right now.” There it is again, that voice.

“No, let’s discuss this. After all, it is important to the story.” Another voice!? I didn’t know there were two!

“Continue please.” 

All I saw was a pair of large scissors sitting on a table close to me, why not take it? Even though I couldn’t reach it, I still tried. 

“Why don’t we help you with those chains, my dear?” 

Okay, okay. Voice 1 is more weary and protective, while Voice 2 is more curious and mysterious.

The chains are… gone. “How did you-”

“Don’t question me. Just know I can easily restrain you again, so be wary of what you decide to do.” Voice 2 is very rude, but who can blame it? It is just a voice after all.

I sat up quickly, observing my surroundings again. My wrists burned but I didn’t care, I needed those scissors. I ran towards the table and grabbed the scissors. 

“Cut, Cut, Cut.” Voice 2 mumbled.

“Cut! Cut! Cut!” Voice 2 now starting to yell.

“CUT! CUT! CUT!”  Voice 2 screamed.

“SHUT UP!!” I screamed, holding my head and falling to my knees. The scissors dropped to the floor with a thud. Wait, a thud? Scissors don’t thud. You look around the floor and instead of scissors, you see a binder, with two notebooks on top. 

“School supplies?” I picked up the supplies and looked around. The room had changed, I was in school? Why, how did this happen? I stood up and started walking down the hall, my clothes had changed. I was wearing all white but now I’m wearing ripped jeans, a green hoodie, and black converse.

“Well, look who decided to be the good guy.” Voice 2 spoke but I know it wasn’t directed at me.

“At least I care about them, you tried to get them to harm themselves!” Voice 1 yelled back.

“Voices, what are you?” I spoke aloud.

“Well, we are um- how do I put this?” Voice 1 hesitantly spoke.

“We aren’t real is the way to put it!” Voice 2 snapped.

“Aren’t real, but I hear you even though I can’t see you?” I looked around and still saw no one even though it was a school. All of a sudden, there I go falling through the floor. Into nothing but darkness, emptiness, nothing at all.

I jolted awake again… again? What!? I already woke up, I thought. I’m here again, why!? No! Not again.

I jumped up and ran towards the locked door, the same door. I didn’t check for the scissors or wait for the voices. I just ran, the hallways were a dingy off-brand white. There were no doors down any of the halls, it was just white… all white.

“WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!” One of the voices screamed at the top of their lungs, I didn’t care enough to figure out which one it was.

I ran into the door that had light coming from it, maybe it was the outside. I opened the door and slammed it behind me. Finally, I’m free, I’m outside. But wait, everything is getting blurry. And everything went black.

I woke up for the third time! OH MY GOD!!! I’M SO DONE!!! I didn’t move, all I did was sit up. 

“WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?” I yelled as tears started streaming down my face.

“We need you to oehfeniegb.” A voice? The ending was a static muffled noise.

I didn’t move, I just sat there. Waiting… and waiting… and waiting. I finally decided I had enough of this. They finally broke me, as they wanted all along. I got up and walked towards the table, picking up the knife. I didn’t hesitate before I plugged it into my heart and blood started pouring out of the wound. The last thing I remember was everything going black and staying black for longer.

I didn’t wake up this time, I didn’t want to. I was done with the games and the toying around. I wasn’t going to give them what they wanted. I went back to sleep and didn’t move again.

 White light shone in the dark, waking me up. I didn’t understand what it was until I realized I wasn’t in that room anymore. I was in that school again, hiding in a closet with police shining lights in my eyes. They led me down the hallways, there was blood splattered everywhere. I had a backpack on, it was blue with 2 zippers. When we got outside, I sat down on a bench and opened the smaller pocket. There was a phone, thank god it was fingerprint unlock. I unlocked the phone, I’m assuming it was my phone since it unlocked. The second I looked at what popped up I realized what all happened, it was a school shooting and I caused it. I planned it all, from the time all the way down to the last detailed second of when the cops would arrive. 

I caused this, I was… I was the mastermind behind it all…

I woke up for the fifth time, my god I’m so done with this. UGHHHHHH!! I didn’t wake up in the room though, just like last time but this time I woke up at a desk. The bell rang, and we all rushed out the door and headed to our next class. I already seem to know where I’m going but how? I don’t know why. How did this happen? What’s going on? 

I walked towards the doorway of my next class, Ms.Lee. I walked into her class and she didn’t greet me, she just looked at me and looked away. Nobody talked to me, they just stared at me weirdly, I sat at the very back of the room. Away from everyone, all of a sudden the alarm went off. The teacher yelled lockdown, and everyone panicked. This school had a safe zone where everyone would move in case of a lockdown. We all ran towards the room, but not everyone made it.

Gunshots were heard down the hall, and I almost got shot. I ran into the nearest room, it was that closet again. The same one from last time, the same thing occurred and my phone buzzed while I was in the closet. It was a message from someone named Sparrow.

“Hey the job is done, but no police are showing up. I think I actually killed everyone so fast no one had time to call the police!” The message said I was in shock. Did I plan this and no police this time? Why? How?

“This was your fault and you don’t feel bad do you?” Voice 2 spoke.

“I don’t feel bad they deserve it!” I yelled, what was I saying? It’s like I’m not in control of my own body.

“You shouldn’t feel bad, they all treated you horribly. But there is one piece of the story you messed up.” Voice 2 continued. “I’ll text you the message.”

All the message read was…

“You Pulled The Trigger”

Ending 1: Self-Aware

Ending 2: Escape

Ending 3: Never Woke Up

Ending 4: Suicide

Ending 5: Mastermind

Secret Ending: Homicide Route (True Ending)

!All Endings Complete!

December 27, 2023 01:33

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19:44 Jan 03, 2024

This story had the best plot twists ever.


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River Nanos
18:38 Jan 11, 2024

finish it pls its good


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