See You on the Other Side

Written in response to: Write about a moment of defeat.... view prompt


Coming of Age Friendship Fiction

"How many stars are out?" I asked Darlyn as we lie in the trenches, enjoying one's company. For the time being. We've been scouting for a good four hours and so far, the enemies hasn't done anything for us to be alarmed anyways. So, we just ended up looking at the stars for the time being since we were on night duty.

"I'm counting 56," he replied without giving much of a second thought.

"Wait a dang second," I started. "There is no way you've counted that many in a short period of time. I'm calling your bluff, Darlyn."

"Call what you what, Phillip, but I think I'm close enough."

"Good enough to be a guesstimate, bud," I kid. "Besides, there's still a million of other stars we still can't see given from our naked eyes."

"You speak the truth, brother."

"Hey, Darlyn."

"Yes, Phillip?"

"Do you ever miss home?"

"Of course I do. Every hour of every day."

"Even though there's literally nothing to do in Utah."

"Hey, now, there's plenty."

"Oh yeah!? Name a few; humor me, Darlyn."

"Well for starters there's a lot of ravines and canyons which are gorgeous by the way for the average hiker. Then we got mountains perfect for skiing. Have you Texans ever been to skiing? It's worth trying out."

"Yawn," I joked with him. "I think I'll just stick to rodeo. You'll never caught me skiing down a landslide."

"You never know until you try it, Phillip."

"Yeah, well I'm betting you never rodeo before."

"I have. Sort of."

"Mechanical bull does not count."

"It so that too. I haven't even told you how long I lasted on one the last time before I got transferred."

"Oh yeah, how long did you last?"

"30 seconds."

"Hahaha, my grandma could have hold on longer than that."

"Oh yeah, Mr. Big Shot! What's the longest you have lasted."

"Well for starters, I'll easily get 1 minute on a mechanic bull. I could last longer go toe to toe with the real thing."

"Yeah, right," said Darlyn as if calling my bluff.

"I'm serious man. Back in my day, they all should to called me 'Hand-Me-Tem Phillips'!"

Darlyn bursted out laughing: "They so did not!"

"They did so. Tell you what, when we get back home, I'll have you come over so I can show you pictures and trophies."

"You can make that one a done deal. I'll also gladly show you what Utah has to offer."

"Sounds like we already have our mindset of goals once we've returned home."

"Sure does."

"Whatcha going to do once you get home?"

"I'm going to go outer space, Phil."

"Outer space? Why did that, Dar?"

"Well, you see I always wanted to be an astronaut since I was younger. I only joined the military cause my folks wanted me to. Plus I also joined because I felt like it was my duty to serve my country, especially considering what it has done for me."

"Wow, Darlyn, I had no idea. But what does this country ever done for you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"A freedom to dream and to achieve my goals."

I see. That's one hell of a dream. Well, all I can say is that you'll need to withstand the G-Force test. A mechanic bull in 30 minutes is nothing compared to that beast."

"Hahaha," Darlyn said sarcastically. "You think I don't know that!?"

We both laughed there and Darlyn then asked me: "How about you, Phil?"

"Mine isn't as ambitious as you. I just plan on drinking some beer while watching NASCAR."

"Oh, the life of a normal Texan."

"Yeah now, we Texans are known to be astronauts so you might become a Texan before you know."

"I will certainly count my blessings."

A hour has passed and we somehow ended up sleeping from where we lie. The moment we were resting our eyes the shut, the next thing we knew we heard guns shooting. Darlyn and I have awoken up to our enemies attacking us!

We immediately grabbed our guns and aimed to our prosecutors as our remaining comrades come forth with their own weapons, preparing to fight back.


Just before we could speak, Lt. Orespring responded: "I don't want to hear it. Right now, we have important matters in our hands. We'll figure out what to do with you two later. Ready now, man the fronts and take out those shooters."

Darlyn and I replied in unison: "Aye, aye sir!"

We then focus on the task at hand. We were to shoot our aggressors. Luckily for us, Darlyn and I were excellent sharpshooter. We're been sniping at this branch for a good decade. A decade that honestly feels like blur. I can still recall the first time Darlyn and I met at camp all those ages ago as if it were yesterday. We were so young then and we still act like a couple of teenage boys to this day. At least, Darlyn has came a long way. He used to be so shy and timid. Eventually military life gave him a backbone and he can finally stand up for himself. As for me, I got a lot to figure out.

As we snipped one by one of our enemies, the odds seemed to be at our favor. Judging from the scope, they had to be at least a good dozen left over. We still have double the men power so I shouted to Lt. Orespring about this news: "Lieutenant, I think we got the upper hand now."

"We do!? How many on their side?"

"I'm seeing at 12 men sir."

"Excellent work, Private Phillip. Seeing as you have killed more people out there, I'll have you continue your progress. Men, let's flock out!"

Literally everyone but me and Darlyn got up and followed orders.

"That includes you Private Darlyn," the Lieutenant commands.

Darlyn looks at me and asks: "See you on the other side?"

I grinned: "See you on the other side."

My friend then follows the lieutenant and our comrades into the battlefield as I covered them. I snipped one to the far left, another to the front right, even one that was far into the camp. As I have done so, my group was midway through the field when suddenly I saw something emerging from the floor directly behind them.

I looked into my scope and found there was a door swung open revealing more of our enemies in that one location.

"Dear God, this is a freaking trap!" I uttered the words.

As if a bunch of clowns coming out of a small car, there at 4 more enemies getting out of that one hole.

"IT'S A TRAP!" I shouted trying best to sound urgent, and not to impersonate Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars.

I was already too late. For the enemies quickly shoot off their guns to my crew. I even got one trying to head shoot me but thankfully I dodged it in time. Now, it's time to shoot back. As chaos unfolded, I took three deep breath and got back to scoping this damn bastards.

I first shot the other who try to killed me, then I made my way to the others. Each one I killed with deadly precision. Eventually all of the enemies have fallen and the course was officially clear but my comrades were amongst the fallen.

I quickly grab my gun and headed to the battlefield. Upon arrival, I saw all of my comrades and enemies lie completely dead. This included my dear friend: Darlyn.

My legs went numb when I finally came up to him. I kneeled there sobbing as I cradle my dead friend. "Dar, no!" I pleaded. "Please, you can't go! You have space to conquer, remember?"

There was obviously no answer for it was already too late. I continue to sob as a helicopter from my branch retrieve me.

I never got to see Darlyn on the other side...

June 22, 2024 04:49

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Kristi Gott
02:58 Jun 23, 2024

Fast paced, with rapid dialogue that moves the plot along briskly. The storyline and concepts are compelling and they draw the reader into the world of the characters. The backstory and current time story woven together make this have depth. Very well written. I especially admire the good writing of the dialogue. Well done!


Sean Sorce
00:30 Jun 27, 2024

Awww thanks Kristi for your kind words and encouragement!


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