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Have you ever been in that situation when you are in a serious emergency but you can’t tell anyone. Well if you have you might have a similar story to mine, it all happened last year. I was at McDonalds for my best friend's birthday party when it happened, I was just walking around when a man in a Ronald Mc Donald costume walked past me. He looked at me and said “Come here child…” Ok, that was a bit weird and I was now questioning if this really was a man in a suit. So I kept my distance, that made him mad. “I said COME HERE child…” He sneered. By this point, I was freaking out. This man was crazy, I had to warn the others. So that was when I did the only thing I could do, I screamed. That is… I tried to scream, Ronald looked at me and grinned. “Do you want your precious voice back?” He asked. I ran, unable to warn anyone of this monster that was all I could do. And now, 1 year on I still am…

Ok, I know you're wondering, ‘What on earth does that have to do with anything?’ Well, Mc Donalds is about to close down so they’re throwing a GoodBye Party. I’m going to go, I know, my first party in a while. There is but one reason I’m going… My voice, I knead my voice back. I would give anything, just to hear it again. I’m getting this Ronald Mc Donald guy back for what he has done.


My trap has worked, for years I have stolen the voices of children and added them to my collection… Each child has had their life ruined and they don’t have the brains to write a note to warn everyone else. But I have now become bored with my collection and I decided… Why not just capture the kids? I do have an enormous basement to put them in, and who would miss those brats anyway? My plan is simple: capture all the kids that go to the throw away party. 


The party is on! There are sales everywhere I look, kids run around like crazy. I try not to get sidetracked by all the sales but soon find myself in the queue. That’s when I saw him, Ronald McDonald. It was time for revenge…


I can’t believe how dum this kid is, after I took his voice he still comes to the party! Oh well, I guess I’m in luck. So far I have caught 30 kids, I’m going to give this one a jump scare…


Wait? Where on earth did that guy go? I sigh, maybe I might see him again soon. That’s when I felt a tap on my back, I turned around and there he was. Ronald McDonald, his lips a blood red colour. “Come child,” he says. It’s all a repeat of the first time we met, I forget revenge and run, and I won’t stop this time.


The kid took the bait, he’s running straight into my trap. Now it’s time for some fun…


Ok, I'm no your wondering how I ended up in this trap, but not even I know. I hear a creak as Ronald and McDonald enter the room, he holds my voice in one hand and a knife in the other. “Do you want your precious voice back?” He asked with a grin, a grin of Pure evil. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t, I had no voice. That was when Ronald did something horrid… He killed my voice, he stabbed it. My voice screamed and my throat went numb, my mission had failed. Ronald laughed, a wicked laugh. It was the type of laugh that freezes fire and melts ice, then it occurred to me, I was going to die.


This kid has been an interesting type, the type that I like to turn into food. I seized him by the throat and carried him down a long passageway, to the food processor. What food would I turn him into? A child nugget! Perfect! What a snack they will be. I’m drooling just thinking about it, time to drop him in…


I can’t believe this! Pure cannibalism, Ronald let go. I fell down through the machine, landing in a pile of bread crumbs. Before I could relocate, a huge roller ran over the top of me. I was knocked out cold, when I woke I was in a FREEZER marinating. ‘Ronald Mc Donlad sure has a bad recipe,’ I thought. It was COLD, I was surprised I wasn’t dead, yet. Then out of nowhere, a claw grabbed me and- I still shudder to think about it… It dunked me in GREASE! The grease was boiling, and that's when I realised I was being deep fried. I could feel life draining from my body, I tried to climb out of the grease but it was too slippery. I was going to be a snack for RONALD MCDONALD.

By now, I was just a blob of food in the universe. My breathing slowed, and with 5 minutes left I would be ‘cooked.’ Every second became a struggle, I was dying. 1 minute left, “you can do this,” I told myself. 30 seconds left, “you can do this,” I said between each gulp of air. 10 seconds, I gave up. The heat swallowed me up the way Ronald Mcdonald will when I come out of here. The truth was clear… I couldn’t do this.


Ding! The door creaked open and slammed down on the floor, out came my child nuggets. I licked my lips, ‘tasty.’ They smell delicious. I lifted one up and took a bite, ‘crunchy.’ Soon I have eaten them all, they should be on the menu! Oh well, I guess it’s time to go upstairs… You never know who might be up there, just waiting to be taken!

May 14, 2021 05:27

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1 comment

05:38 May 14, 2021

That is an amazing story! I never thought Ronald Mcdonald was so evil! Well done. Keep writing your amazing stories. :)


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