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Drama Historical Fiction

Praefectus Atticus surveyed the scarred terrain in front of him , his two legions had put paid to the Carthaginians finally and fifteen years of suffering was ebbing to a close. His mounted cavalry cut a red swathe through the decimated infantry lines , once regimented and strong , now buckling , wounded by defeat and Carthaginian blood spread like growing shadows under the sunset.

The war weary General had an unenviable task to shoulder even yet. The two legions were inspired to victory by two of the finest officers in the Empire and as he returned to his tent quarters and sat , he heard two stallions drawn to halt and boots thudded in their dismount. 'Hail Caesar!' echoed twice at the guard as Primus Pilus' Adolphus and Evander ducked to enter the Praefectus' quarters.

'Hail Caesar' again to their commanding officer , as he smiled , held a flat hand up and said 'At ease , men of Rome. We have little to discuss and much to applaud. Adolphus , Evander , the Legion owes you a debt of gratitude and the time has come for me to haste back to Rome and the tribulations of the Senate. The Senate , which I might add , have charged me with appointing my successor. But for now , we feast the victory , gentlemen , and in the morning , one of you will assume my command.'

Rome's champions glowed with the exertions of battle , the flame light glinted off their lathered skin , but there was no feeling of camaraderie. Adolphus ventured 'Perhaps , the learned philosopher Evander should accompany you to the Senate , sire?'

Evander bristled at the sleight . He was an excellent military leader and was reknowned for the mercy he'd shown prisoners , particularly the women and children in Carthage. 'Mighty Adolphus , you must never darken the Senate , I fear your bravado would founder the great temple' at which Adolphus whirled and abruptly barged past Evander , colliding with his left shoulder on the way.

'Dismissed , both of you. In case you were wondering' , Atticus waved them out as he lifted a flagon of Roman wine and retired to his bedchamber.

Evander , now strode from the tent as his contemporary , ten years his senior , had strode past the horses to a prostrate figure on the ground. He could hear Adolphus murmuring angrily as the small figure begged , pleading to the large figure bearing down on him as Adolphus began to unsheathe his sword. Evander set off running towards the raging officer , fearing his vile temperament and the consequences for the defenceless camp intruder.

Evander now drew his sword as he charged in on the marching Adolphus , sword held above his head. Adolphus roared as he dropped his hands backwards , the child trembling and crying beneath him as Evander swung his blade , cutting it down into the ground behind Adolphus and swung a mailed shoulder into the officer , barging him over in a heap.

'You pious , pompous , sentimental bastard!' roared the spurned Adolphus.

Centurions eased backwards from the scene as the child stood up and ran to the cover of a nearby tree. ' He's a child , Adolphus , a boy of ten. In the name of Hera , he's of no threat to you!!''

'HE'S A CARTHAGINIAN!! HE IS THE ENEMY. He will grow and his hate will grow with him.'

'Carthage is dead!'

'Not yet it isn't' he snarled , and rose , pulling his sword out of the ground and set towards the child again. Evander strode across and levelled his own sword at Adolphus ,'I can't let you,' said Evander and Adolphus attacked the sword presented to him slashing at the blade as Evander countered , locking the two blades , each man snarling over the cross of steel like lions.

'Tell it to the Senate , philosopher' spat Adolphus grunting with exertion. 'Even war has laws , soldier , ROMAN Law. We do this for the glory of Rome!' claimed Evander. The bigger man shoved the two apart and swung his sword in a backward arc. Evander ducked and retaliated with a thrust which Adolphus stepped back from. As Evander thrust again and again to repel the force of his adversary , Adolphus parried to the right but not enough as the point of Evander's sword scythed past his eyeline and scratched his forehead. Blood now streaming into his eyes , Adolphus' rage now unleashed. He stepped forward into Evander's lunge , thrust a mailed fist into his ribs and kneed him solidly in the mouth as he fell back outstretched. Adolphus rained blow after blow down on the flailing Evander and felt the younger man's parries begin to weaken. 

Adolphus now towered over his opponent , raising the steel blade above his head as his eyes widened in anticipation. He felt a sharp jab in his calf and yelled for the second time as he dropped the sword backward as the fleeting little rodent from before fled back to the safety of the tree , minus a stiletto dagger. The pommel of a short sword stamped Adolphus's cheekbone like a horse kick and he fell to the earth again. The point of Evander's sword now tucked neatly under Adolphus' chin as he smirked, 'Now you are a warrior , ha! Do it! Do your duty for Rome!'

'What profit the world with your death , Adolphus?' as he swiped the sword away and strode off waving the boy over.

As the morning rose on the first day of peace in eons , Atticus viewed both men , a little perplexed. He was accustomed to seeing scratches and bruises , such was the nature of battle , but both men looked like the trebuchet had thrown them to the Carthaginians.

'Gentlemen , after long deliberation , I have reached my decision. The new commanding officer of this Legion will be - Adolphus'

Adolphus , unmoved by the appointment slowly raised his head , the pain in his head and calf a timely reminder ,'Sire , a thousand thanks but I must respectfully decline. Primus Evander has taught me there is nobility and respectability , even in the hellfire of war.'

Adolphus lifted the Tribune sword from the table and presented it to his conqueror.


June 15, 2024 00:33

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Alex McColm
00:46 Jun 15, 2024



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