High School Romance Teens & Young Adult

My name is Naya, almost 18 and this story is a very weird story that I love to tell, but sometimes I feel really ridiculous about it. Like vert naïve, but I was a teen, so please forgive me!

So I decided to do something out of my comfort zone, for once, and now I must say that I regret it.

That is what I thought when my worst enemy arrived at our first art class and waved at our professor who appeared to be his mom!

I hate him! Ouh... I hate him so much!

I got up of my chair and walked toward the desk where Miss Melinda was sitting, a paper within my hands, and glanced at Tom who was just besides her. He noticed me immediatly and throw fake lighting at me with his eyes.

« Well. You are here. » he said.

« I am. » i said with a smirk on my face.

My head turned to be facing Miss Melinda.

« Excuse me, but I just received this paper and it says that I have to be in team with your... son? »

« Yes, Naya. That is correct. Today, we start a new art project. We will do some skating with paint and big canvas. It's going to be fun! » said Melinda with enjoyment. Her hands did some shaking to show her excitment about all of this. She clearly loved her job.

I can't believe my ears.

« Why do we have to be in team, then? I don't understand. I can do my own canva. » I insisted.

Miss Melinda suddenly laughed and got up. She took Tom's hand then my hand and forced us to hold each other's skin.

« Together, you will learn to work in team, because you will have to create a choreography to roll on your painting. We are going to have fun! Trust me! »

As soon as she let go of us, we wiped our respective hand on our clothes.

« Disgusting. » I heard from Tom.

« I am disgusting? I should be saying that! » I said with frustration in my voice.

Before Tom could say something else, Miss Melinda clapped her hands together to get the class attention. She explained what was the worst idea ever for me and Tom to everyone and gived us the go to start.

When the others were already fabricating the most original choreography of their life, my enemy and I were only fixing each other in the eyes without moving. Miss Melinda had to push us by telling the truth of why we were doing that.

« Ok. Listen to me. I know you hate each other, but I need you to participate. Especially you guys. »

« Why? » said Tom. « Let us do the thing seperatly! »

I have never seen Tom so desperate about something. He really didn't want to work with me. This shows that I was far more mature then him. What was is problem?

Miss Melinda glanced at her son. She looked at me and looked at Tom and then I saw him shake his said like he was saying no. Now, I really wanted to know what was the problem.

« What is going on? » I finaly asked.

Our professor sighed. Tom did a step forward with a hand in front of me like he wanted to catch a disastrous outcome.

« No, mom, don't say anything! »

« Let it go, Tom! I am doing it. » she said. « Naya... Tom needs your help. »

« What do you mean? »

Is that what I feared? Why my worst enemy who hated me more than I hated him needed my help? It was impossible. Ridiculous!

« He can't eat or sleep or think about anything else, anymore. He needs to tell you how he feels about you. »

Without skipping a beat I trew up my words:

« You like me? » I said, shocked.

Tom didn't say a word. He just pinched his lips. He was clearly embarassed.

« Doing the dance was his idea because he wanted to feel close to you. »

I shaked my head.

« Stop it, that is so not the real reason. »

Then, suddenly, I was right. Tom launched his hands up and down like he was giving up and changed his face completly.

« I knew it wouldn't work! » he said. « I told you she doesn't have an inch of compassion in her body. »

« What? » I said, about to throw hands.

« Ok. Stop, stop, stop. » said Miss Melinda. She tried to seperate us with both of her hand distancing us. « Listen, Naya. Tom wants to be in a dance group, but he has to do a video where he shows that he can dance with another person and that he can work in team. »

« But he can't. » I said and I clearly seemed rude. « Sorry. »

While everybody around us was starting to put their rollers on their feet, Miss Melinda, Tom and I were still debating. I would have loved to do my own canva, but I was stuck in this situation. This stupid situation. I crossed my arms.

« I know you hate him, but you guys have chemestry. And he needs your help to create the perfect dance video. It is his dream to enter this class. It is for his future dream job. Please! »

Seeing Miss Melinda begging for my help was a little weird for me, but seeing Tom embarassed because he needed me was fun. I decided to accept and help him, but on one condition; if one day I needed him, he would owe me.

We did a beautiful choreogarphy. I found it a little too sensual to be honest, but we dit it. Tom entered his dance class because of me.

Later, I found out that it was true. Tom had a big crush on me. He couldn't sleep, eat or think about anything else but me. That is why his mom picked me to be in his team. She was tired of his love for me.

Today we are together. Yes, you heard it. That is how I met my futur husband.

June 24, 2024 18:31

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