Peregrine White - Part 2 ‘Rite of Passage’

Submitted into Contest #205 in response to: Make your protagonist go through a rite of passage.... view prompt


Historical Fiction Speculative American

[The story is based on real people and true historical events. The narrative is fiction.]

Susanna and her five year old son, Resolved, stood on the deck of the Mayflower as they watched her husband, William, and several of the other men row to shore in the schloop. The men were going to the mainland to decide where to build houses. It was a chilly November day in the harbor at Cape Cod. Susanna wrapped the shawl around herself and it barely covered her protruding belly. She felt a hard kick that took her breath away and felt as though it bruised the inside of her ribs. She thought to herself, “This baby is going to come out fit for fighting and it’s a good thing because this is a harsh and unforgiving land.”

A big wave slapped the side of the ship and sprayed salty mist into the faces of Susanna and Resolved as they huddled together and walked back inside to their small stateroom. It was warm and cozy inside. They were thankful to have their own room as most passengers didn’t. There was a knock on the door. 

“Come in,” said Susanna.

“Hello, how are you doing today?” asked Elizabeth Winslow.

“I’m having a lot of contractions and they are getting stronger and faster.” replied Susanna as she sat in a chair and gently stroked the top of her large belly.

“The baby will be here soon. I’m sorry the houses won’t be built in time. At least you are safe here on the ship.”

“Yes, it is unfortunate that we won’t have a house on land before the baby arrives. As everyone, I’m so tired of being on this overcrowded boat!” 

“At least they have been able to catch fresh fish and dig for clams. That is a welcome relief from all the salty meats. Edward told me he saw deer in the clearing where they are building the houses. He couldn’t load his gun in time but wouldn’t it be a treat to have fresh meat?” 

“I’ve enjoyed the fresh drinking water William brought back. At first, we were afraid to drink it as so much of the water in England was rancid. Several of the men took small sips and waited to see if they got sick. It has been such a relief to have good drinking water instead of beer. We were almost out of beer anyway. The captain is reserving enough for his return voyage and has stopped allowing anyone else to drink it.”

“I’m making good progress on my knitting with all this time on the ship. It’s a good thing I brought so much yarn with me.”

“You were smart to bring yarn. I’m not very good at needlework but I am good at baking and jam making. When we are settled, we will have to barter. I’ll trade you bread and jam for socks and mittens.”

“That sounds good to me. You know I am a terrible baker. I do not have much experience with cooking as we have always had servants. I have a feeling I’m going to be learning to do a lot more for myself in this new world.”

Susanna stood up and felt a warm gush. She looked down and there was a puddle on the floor. “Oh, goodness! My water just broke!”

Elizabeth jumped up and grabbed Susanna’s arm to steady her. She asked, “Shall I go fetch the doctor?”

“Yes, and could you please ask someone to keep watch over Resolved so you can stay with me?”

“I will. I’ll stay by your side until the baby is here.”

“I wish William was here. There’s no way to send word and if this goes fast like it did with Resolved, there will be a baby by the time the men return. I hope the doctor can come quickly.”

“I’ll be right back!” Elizabeth said as she hurried away. 

Susanna was lying in her bed moaning and breathing heavily as the doctor entered the room. Elizabeth pulled a chair close to the head of the bed and held her friend’s hand. Beads of sweat pooled on Susanna’s forehead as she labored. Elizabeth went to the side table and returned with a cool damp cloth. She placed it on Susanna’s forehead. 

“Susanna, have you felt an urge to push yet?” asked the doctor.

“Can it be time already? This is happening so quickly.”

“It is indeed about time for you to start pushing. The next time you have a contraction, if you would like to push, go ahead.”

Susanna’s natural instincts took over. It wasn’t painful anymore. She drew a long, deep breath, gritted her teeth and pushed hard. She felt some relief. She was making progress. She relaxed, closed her eyes and drew more deep breaths while waiting for the next contraction. Five minutes later when the next one came, she pushed hard again and collapsed to catch a moment of rest before the next contraction came like a wave in the ocean. 

“Susanna, you are very close. I can see the baby crowning.” Said the doctor, “Just one or two more good pushes.”

“Agh!” Susanna let out a deep throated groan as she pushed as hard as she possibly could. She knew this would be the last one, if she gave it every bit of strength she had left. When Susanna heard the baby cry, her eyes filled with tears and she was overcome with relief and joy.

“It’s a boy!” The doctor exclaimed as he wrapped the baby in a soft blanket and wiped his eyes, ears, nose and mouth with a warm, wet cloth. Then he placed the child on Susanna’s chest. She held the child in her arms as Elizabeth propped up pillows behind her. The baby opened his eyes and looked at his mother. 

Susanna looked onto her sweet newborn and whispered, “My baby, you are here! I’ve waited so long for you. Look how strong and healthy you are. My dear Peregrine, you are such a blessing.” As she spoke, the baby stopped crying. Susanna lifted him to her face and kissed his cheek as happy tears ran down her face. 

“Elizabeth, will you hold him a minute? I’d like to get myself cleaned up before I nurse him.”

Elizabeth stood and took the baby in her arms. She cradled him and swayed side to side. She cried tears of joy as well. She always cried at the birth of a baby. It is such a miracle to witness. 

Once cleaned up, Susanna extended her arms to Elizabeth who returned Peregrine to his mother so that he could be fed. Susanna gently poked the baby’s cheek with her finger, he opened his mouth, and she squeezed her breast and pushed as much as she could into his tiny mouth. He began to suckle gently and Susanna relaxed.

“Thank God he latched on easily and is sucking already,” said Susanna to her friend and the doctor. “Resolved did not take to nursing so easily. I’ve been terribly worried about what would happen if a baby couldn’t latch on. With no cows or milk or any way to feed a baby besides its mother’s milk, that would be a terrible predicament. I’m so relieved!”

“It is important for you to stay relaxed to produce enough milk. Try not to worry. He appears to be a strong and healthy newborn. Good job, Susanna. You did well. Please call for me any time and I will be coming to check on you daily,” said the doctor as he left the room.

“Elizabeth, do you think we could keep this secret from William until he returns to our room tonight? Wouldn’t that be such a nice surprise for him?”

“Why yes, that would be such a fun surprise. I’ll go ask the doctor to help us keep it a secret from William. I’ll also ask my servant to go to the kychen and request a tray of food for you. Is there anything particular that sounds good?”

“Fresh clam chowder sounds lovely, if they have it. The cook seems to be making chowder daily. I’d also take a biscuit no matter how tired I am of them. It is nice to dunk in the soup.” 

When Susanna was alone in her room, she laid the baby on the bed, washed herself, and changed her clothes. She let out her long braid and brushed her hair until it was silky smooth. Then she wound her hair into a loose bun and pinned it in place. The baby was sleeping soundly. She admired his soft rosy cheeks and tiny red lips. He had a little round pucker at the top of his upper lip that reminded her of Resolved as a newborn. His eyelashes were dark and curled. She held his tiny hand in hers and she was filled with gratitude and love. She thought to herself, “I feel so energetic right now. I should think I would be exhausted but it is so exhilarating to see this miracle unfold before my eyes. Each time I look at the baby, he seems to be changing and growing.”

A while later, after some warm food and fresh water to drink, Susanna felt a little sleepy. She nursed the baby, changed his diaper and cuddled him next to her and drifted off to sleep. She awoke to a knock at the door.

“Hello, it's just me, Elizabeth. How are you doing?”

“I’m well, I just had a little nap while the baby was sleeping. It's getting late. I should think the men will be returning soon.”

“Yes, just now, I was up on deck and saw the men rowing the schloop back.” 

“How is Resolved doing?” 

“He’s playing games and having a good time with the other children. He’s very excited and happy to have a new brother. He told me how he’s looking forward to teaching Peregrine all kinds of things like how to catch frogs and go fishing.”

“I’m so glad. Thank you for watching over him while I recover. You are a good friend to me.”

“I know you would do the same for me. In our new community, it is imperative that we all watch out for and help each other in order to make this a success.”

As Susanna peered out the small porthole window she exclaimed, “Look, it is snowing!”

Just then, there was a knock on the door and in walked a snow covered man with ice in his beard. “Susanna, I’m home!” exclaimed William.

Elizabeth quietly sneaked out the door and shut it behind her. 

William took off his hat and cloak and hung it on the peg of the door. As his eyes adjusted to the dim lit room, he walked over to where Susanna was sitting and realized she was holding a baby in her arms. He began to weep with joy. He pulled a kerchief from his pocket and wiped his eyes and nose. 

“My dear husband, look what happened while you were gone today.”

“Susanna, this is quite a surprise! I can’t believe I made it to our room without anyone giving away this secret. I’m sure if I would have run into Resolved, he would have spilled the beans.”

“My love, it happened very fast. I was in labor for only a few hours and only pushed about five or six times. The doctor and Elizabeth attended to me and everything went well. I feel so thankful and blessed.”

“Is it a girl or a boy?”

“It is a boy and his name is Peregrine.”

“You got your wish. His name is very fitting. Our little foreigner; our blessed first born Pilgrim in the new world.”

“Will you ask Reverend Brewster about the Christening? Can we have one aboard the Mayflower?”

“Why certainly. I’m sure that will be possible. I will go see him after dinner.”

Three days later, on November 23, 1620, in the largest meeting room of the ship, where they had recently signed the Mayflower Compact, they held a small Christening ceremony for Peregrine. 

Reverend Brewster prayed, “Heavenly Father, we thank thee that by water and thy Holy Spirit you have bestowed upon these your servants the forgiveness of sin, and have raised them to the new life of grace. Sustain them, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit. Give them an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and to love thee, and the gift of joy and wonder in all of thine works. Amen.”

July 06, 2023 15:45

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April Schofield
03:06 Jul 11, 2023

I was really surprised when I saw your title, as Peregrine White is actually one of my ancestors. I enjoyed reading your story. It allowed me to think of him as an actual person instead of just a name on a page. When he was young, he was actually quite the troublemaker. My family has copies of documents charging him for “fornicating in the church” before he was married! Interesting character.


Amanda Rantanen
22:53 Jul 12, 2023

Oh, wow! We are like distant cousins! I recently discovered I'm from Resolved's lineage. I was reading Nathaniel Philbrick's The Mayflower at the time I made the discovery of my lineage to Susanna and William White. I recently read a new book called The Life of Peregrine White by Stephen O'Neill. He does sound like a cantankerous old geezer in his later years. The book mentions that his wife was pregnant before they got married and it was a bit of an issue but he just paid a fine. They ended up staying married and had more kids. These thing...


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