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I am Cella! I love writing fiction books, but no one knows. Once I wrote a story about a princess who wanted to fly. Once a dragon came to her to fly with her. Anyways when I write a fiction book, I come with a completely crazy idea that doesn't really make sense but then transforming it in something that is still crazy but makes sense! Like a magical spoon, you know? I thought I knew everything about fiction books, but yesterday I learned that fiction books are sometimes something else then I thought. They are sometimes something based on your life, but you add some crazy things like unicorns until the reader thinks that this is your imagination. Yes, from some angles it is my imagination, from other angles it's just my life with crazy things! When you write a fiction story you need to travel inside your imagination and look for the main idea. Then when you got your main idea you need to add details, lots of details to it. Then you got a story like mine. My main idea was that the princess wanted to fly, then I added a dragon how he shook her off and other things and then I have a story. When you write a fiction story let's say a fairy tale you need to include some things so the reader knows that it's a fairy tale, The main things are it starts with "Once upon a time...." or "In a land far, far away...". Things come in 3's and 7's, something royal. There are lots of other things but these are the main things you could include. Once when I was in school I needed to write a personal narrative. We needed to have like a thousand words and it needed to be true. At that moment I didn't love fiction stories, I didn't love to write stories I just liked to write stories. Then I started reading fractured fairytale books, they had like 36 chapters or between two hundred and three hundred fifty pages. First, we had homework to read one after we finished it, I bought another one and read it, and another one. Then I loved reading and writing, it just felt like I could do anything. When I wrote I had crazy ideas and then dreamt about them. It was just my life. Then I started writing and writing and writing! Sometimes I just write ideas down on a paper and then add details to them and then see which one is the best idea. Then I start writing a book. Some friends know about me writing fiction books and my family knows but no one else. If I become a writer I want it for my family and friends to be a surprise. I want to help my dad to approach his dreams and all my family. When I grow up I want to be an architect and a writer. No one knows what destiny is holding for me, but you can always hope and try and never quit! I have other areas of expertise but I want to learn more about writing. I am very, very young while writing this story, 10 years old. When I try something I never quit, so that's why I'm still here. I want to approach my dreams so I'll never quit! I have the best parents in the world! They always encourage me to try. I have more reasons why I never quit bu this is the best one! I know tons about fiction writing, but not that much about other types of writing, like non-fiction stories. You start a non-fiction story by something based on your life or something informational, like a kangaroo. You write what a kangaroo eats, or other things. Something based on my life, like when I jumped in the sea with the sharks. Even if non-fiction stories are not that exciting ( for me ) like fiction stories, they have advantages. Like informational or you share your life with other people. Fiction stories have advantages too they get you hooked up, you can use your imagination. Most things in life have advantages and disadvantages. Not everything in life can be perfect, but if you're very good at it you have more advantages. Sometimes you share good things with your friends, sometimes not. You make the choices for you and you make your destiny not anyone else. When you love something you're going to do it no matter what! Maybe you love a very weird thing that others don't understand why because they don't know why you love it! You can do what you love and what you want to do anywhere at any time. That means that we have a passion no matter what, even if you don't think you have one you actually do but you haven't discover yet. This is my passion for writing!

November 09, 2019 18:04

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1 comment

Mark Newman
21:22 Nov 23, 2019

As I read your story I'm thinking how very much I like to write that way too. Your story is insightful and thoughtful. I wouldn't have known you were ten years old by the way you write. Thanks for sharing.


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