Skela's Tale of a Human's Encounter

Submitted into Contest #250 in response to: Write a story in which someone is afraid of being overheard.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Friendship Middle School

My family is just informed that a new patron is moving in across from us. They are all anyone ever talks about nowadays. Even the kids at my school whisper in their little groups. The new guy; slim and tall, dark matter hair, dressed in all black and gray casual clothes. How he appears gloomy and lonesome, yet none tried to get close. Even I’m at fault for this. Despite my parents asking me to make friends with the new guy, I just couldn’t. There was something off about him that just drove me and others away. A few days prior to him registering into the school system, I was asked to show him around till he got used to the place. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but again he made me nervous. I didn’t personally say these things to him, but I think he understood my body language.

It is after I agreed to take him and we got out into the halls, he distanced himself to walk behind me a little ways off. I felt bad, but still couldn’t bring myself to face him. A week later and rumors had spread about the new guy. He apparently got kicked out of his old school for misconduct and aggressive behavior towards fellow students. I knew better than to believe the rumors, but I think deep down, I wanted to justify my actions of keeping away.

Justify treating him as if he didn’t exist. If he was a terrible person it would make sense to avoid him, right?

That changed when the school was hosting a party and I was paired together with him. All we need to do is put up streamers and balloons for the gym. The problem?

I had to talk to him, the problem child. Daydreaming of many ways to avoid him. I didn’t hear my name called by my friend, Clay. If you were wondering, he's a cyclops. Clay and his family usually came over to my parent’s house to have dinner with us. We mainly hangout in my room playing a board game called, Skull Island. It’s about a human choosing to be young forever, but to do so he needs to defeat a set of pirates that protect the secrets of the world. While yammering on in my thoughts something cold touches my ear and that makes me jump up in a shriek. Clay sighs as the teacher looks up from reading behind the desk and looks over to see what the ruckus was.

“Miss Skela, what seems to be the problem?” He asked dryly in an uninterested tone.

“N-Nothing, just the cool air making me jumpy,” I explained hastily, as my bones rattled from the sudden jumping.

With a sigh the teacher just brushes it off and returns to his reading telling the class to continue their quiet studying. Looking over to Clay who holds an apologetic smile, I nudge him with my foot.

“Clay, what gives?” Grumbling, I wait to hear him out, although thinking of a way to get even.

“Sorry, I’ve been trying to get your attention for a while now, but you just hadn’t been noticing me,” he answered me with a worried expression.

“Oh.. sorry about that,” understanding now I feel sheepish and look away embarrassed. “What did you want to ask me?”

“It’s about the new guy, you’re supposed to be getting together to discuss the party coming up, right?” He asked for double checking.

“Yeah, if there is some way to avoid him altogether I would, but we have to converse so we can get the work done,” sighing I just rest my chin on my desk.

“Well I was thinking Skela, what if you ask the teacher for a different partner,” Clay proposed. “Ya know, like, in private or something, tell the teacher you feel uncomfortable or something and get him swapped for a different classmate.”

“Clay shush,” quickly I covered his mouth looking at the new guy anxiously as he sat only a few seats away from us in the corner to himself. “If I did that, he would know for sure I didn’t want to be his partner.”

“Isn’t that the whole point?” Clay replied as he looked at me questionably.

“I- I know that, but without a proper reason for disliking him, I would feel guilty if I did that and it turns out he’s actually really cool.” Mumbling I sigh defeated. “Plus since he’s across from me my parents want me to be friendly and try getting along with him.”

“I see.. And if you were to ask for a different classmate that could put a damper on the mood later if you were to try and be friendly after the fact,” feeling puzzled, Clay sighs with me. “It just looks like your only option is to be straight with him or openly admit you want nothing to do with him.”

“Yeah, plus there’s the rumors that he’s actually a delinquent from his school,” as I said that, the bell rings for lunch time and I pack my things away. “If the rumors are true, staying away from him is a greater must.”

“Maybe he’s not so bad, just give him a chance,” Clay gave a small smile, putting away his things to be ready to head out.

“Yeah right, I wouldn’t -

Before I could finish my sentence the new guy quietly passed us by leaving for lunch. I dare not start the conversation with Clay up again for fear the new guy would overhear. The last thing I wanted was for some troublemaker to hear me talking behind his back. Once he had left, though there was an unspoken word between us to continue our talk later. So together we headed to lunch talking about how some of our grades are doing. It wasn’t till about 30 minutes into lunch that a teacher asked me if the new student had come to eat as well, as they usually did an annual headcount to make sure all would be accounted for. I wasn’t sure why they would ask me considering the new guy left before us so I told them that.

“Skela, have you seen the new guy?” asked my mummy science teacher.

“No actually, me and Clay saw him leave for lunch before us,” I told her truthfully as I pointed my boney finger to my jawbone in thought.

“Yeah, he should've got here before us,” add in Clay concern.

“I see.. Well if you see him let us know,” she told us, sighing concern. “It's almost time for classes to resume and none’s seen him.”

“Yes miss, we will,” I told her as I turned my graze to Clay who gave me a knowing look.

“So.. are you gonna look for him?” Clay asked as the teacher walked away.

“Wh-What, why me?” I complained knowing full well what he would say next.

“You know the homeroom teacher wanted you to look out for the new guy, plus your parents will wonder why you didn’t offer to take him to lunch if he got lost,” He explained.

“Ugh…I know I know,” sighing I stood up. “Will you come with me though? I really don't wanna be alone with him.”

“Sure I can come,” Clay said, joining me in my search.

With that, the two of us look high and low for him. I check the library, the garden at our school, while Clay checks the men’s restroom and other classrooms that weren’t in use. By now we were missing most of our third period of class and felt like we weren’t making much progression. Before I really wasn’t worried, but now having looked around I am. Where could he have gone? And as I grew more worried I also felt guilty. Maybe he overheard us after all and decided to run away. Or maybe he got lost and wound up trapped somewhere. Or he felt so miserable with how everyone just avoided him and gave him not a moment of their time he took his own life. So many thoughts started racing in my head and I felt it was all my fault.

I knew I wasn’t the only one who did those things, but I certainly didn’t help by doing the same. Clay wasn’t sure where else we could look, before we got in trouble for skipping most of our third class and I agree. We were about to head back when we came across the set of stairs leading to the roof and to the lowest floors of the school. We have yet to check both, and frankly they were off limits. However, I knew if he really didn’t want to be seen by anyone, that wouldn’t have stopped him. So we decided to split up. Clay would investigate the floor below and I would check out the roof. It works out because Clay has had a fear of heights since he was little. Since classes were back in sessions teachers weren’t really strolling the halls unlike if it was lunch time or even recess. So we had a limited time to access these areas that weren’t normally accessed by the students. With that, I made my way to the roof, there I found the door slightly ajar. Cautiously, I open the door to find the new guy overlooking the garden and school grounds from the railings. Terrified he would jump, I quickly ran out towards him forgetting my fear at that moment.

“Don’t do it!” I exclaimed, tackling him to the ground and my bones rattled loudly. “I-It’s not worth it! There’s more to life than you think, so pleased do-don’t jump.”

“Wh-what are you talking about?” Confused and in pain he winces, falling on his back with me hovering over him. “I wasn’t going to jump.”

“Y-You weren’t?” Embarrassed I panically sat up, my cheekbones a shade rose in disbelief. “I-I’m sorry. I thought you were going to jump and that’s why you avoided everyone.”

“Oh that, well, I just felt suffocated being in the crowd and needed some air,” he retorted, a bit puzzled by me, a skeleton girl.

“But how come you didn’t come back?” I ask, feeling much more compelled to talk to him now that I finally have the chance to. “Everyone was worried sick about you.”

“Sorry about that, it felt so nice out here I was starting to doze off,” he replied, seeming glad.

“That’s it?” Surprise, I felt dumbfounded that I was so worried a minute ago that he was in a crisis or that he was lost even. “W-Well I’m glad you’re okay, but seriously, you can’t just up and disappear.”

“I wasn’t aware my ab scent would give you such a problem,” he responded, taking me by shock.

“Why wouldn’t it?! You’re the newest student we have and you just suddenly go missing,” It was then I was reminded why.

“Well you and everyone else seem to want nothing to do with me so I figure it wouldn’t cause any problems as long as I show up when it is time to continue lessons,” he informed, although with a sad look in his eyes. “I’m sorry if I still cause you and everyone else trouble.”

“N-No I’m sorry,” feeling guilty I hug him. “We should be the ones apologizing. We unfairly misjudged you and thought you were a delinquent even. I’m not sure I can speak for the rest of my class, but I know I avoided you for it.”

“W-Wait, me a delinquent?” He hugs back then pulls away to look at me questioning. “Why would you think that?”

“Well there was a rumor going around that at your old school you got suspended because you’re a delinquent. At least those were the rumors I heard. Plus you don't look anything like us. You’re not hairy like a werewolf, covered in bandages like a mummy, or even falling apart like a zombie. You’re just… Mundane.” Feeling like I had to come clean about everything, I explained.

“Well, where I come from we don’t exactly have werewolves or mummies and zombies, not even skeletons I’m afraid, so you’re quite different too,” he retorted snickering, and finding my concerns humorous.

“I will admit I too was scared of everyone and everything here, but after a few days and realizing no one really wanted to be around me I took it as a relief at first.”

“So then..I had no reason to think you were a delinquent or to avoid you?” I query, really just relieved to hear that.

“Yeah, you really didn’t,” he answered. “You could’ve just asked me too, ya know. I would’ve told you, but then again, it seems we were both scared to talk to each other.”

“Yeah, and now that I have talked to you, you’re really not that bad at all,” Smiling, I felt I could finally move forward and make a new friend. “Sorry about avoiding you and letting myself get carried away believing a rumor. By the way, I’m Skela, what’s your name?”

“The name’s Phantom, Tom for short though,” he smiles, glad to have finally made a friend himself. “Hey Skela, thanks for coming to talk to me.”

We smile at each other having enjoyed the company of another when the door open to Mr. Gregerr. He held Clay by the back of his shirt standing at 6ft. His fuzzy tail and pointed ears, indicated he’s a werewolf and sometimes is temperamental like one. Holding up Clay and leering at us for making the teachers' worried growls low.

We were of course in trouble and our parents were notified of us missing the rest of lunch and third period. However, that is a very small thing compared to what could’ve been. After explaining to the rest of my class what he told me we all grew to become quick friends with Phantom. And when the day of the party came, I had nothing to worry about. Since we had the easiest jobs we could lend a hand to the other students still preparing, making everyone’s job easier. It was like a switch had been flipped, and that was how I became good friends with the human across from me.

May 17, 2024 18:01

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