Interview in a Passenger Car

Submitted into Contest #209 in response to: Set your entire story in a car.... view prompt


Drama Suspense

S: May I take this seat, friend?

B: Yes. Yes. Of course. I’ll just move my ba—As I live and breathe.

S: Well don’t stop on my account.

B: Preston Strong in the flesh.

S: Never leave the house without it.

B: You’re Prestige, the Honorable Strongman.

S: That’s me… [pause] about that seat.

B: Yes, apologies. Here.

S: Thank you.

B: What brings you to my–this passenger car?

S: It’s a tad embarrassing, but I suppose you seem trustworthy enough.

B: Careful, I’m with the press.

S: Well, friends close. Enemies closer.

B: Ha, too true.

S: Truth is, while I have unpierceable skin and super healing in abundance, I lack flight or super speed.

B: Yes, I’m well acquainted with your abilities.

S: Are you also acquainted with the ongoing alien invasion in New Aeon?

B: I once again direct you to my press badge.

S: Then let’s see if this reporter can piece the story together.

B: You’ve been called in to help with the invasion.

S: Major happening like this? They’re calling everyone in.

B: And the other heroes who would typically give you a lift (literally) have their hands full.

S: I wouldn’t dare ask them to stop their efforts just for me.

B: Honorable as ever, Prestige. And no shame, rail travel is the most reliable transport in the nation. You’ll be there in no time.

S: Much appreciated.

B: [pause] You know, I have an admission of my own.

S: Oh?

B: We share a destination.

S: Right, press. Which paper?

B: Pinnacle Post. Heavy-hitting coverage of Pinnacle City’s heavy-hitters.

S: It’s a catchy tagline.

B: I was planning on arm-grabbing a hero or two after the invasion was dealt with, conducting a few post-victory interviews, but since we’re both here.

S: Since we’re both here.

B: Mind if I record?

S: Be my guest. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.

B: Peyton Bek. Nice to meet you again.

S: That’s quite the hardware you’ve got. Never seen a prosthetic hand quite so… industrial.

B: Built it myself. Machinery is a hobby of mine.

S: When you’re not conducting hard-hitting interviews.

B: You’d be surprised how time-consuming it can be.

S: the job or the hobby?

B: Both.

S: I’m sorry, did you say again?

B: Again?

S: A moment ago. You said, “nice to meet you again”?

B: We met once, believe it or not. Three years ago. The collapsed overpass near Cremont. Do you recall the incident?

S: How could I forget? My first big outing.

B: I was driving beneath on the 90 when I was crushed by the collapse. My arm was pinned against the dash. And you, well, you were stronger than human flesh.

S: I’m sorry, Peyton. That was my first heroic act after the accident that made me Prestige. I was inexperienced. Didn’t know my own strength. Literally.

B: Life is funny that way, isn’t it? I should have died. I only lost an arm.

S: That’s a wonderful way of looking at it. Count your blessings.

B: You should have died in your accident too, the story goes. You only gained powers, fame, and fortune.

S: I have been blessed more than most.

B: Life is funny that way.

S: Is this what you wanted to interview me about?

B: No, you’re right. Forget me and my fiancé. Again.

S: My condolences, Peyton. But sometimes, even with all this power, it’s not possible to save everyone. Many died in the collapse.

B: Do you fear your upcoming encounter with the aliens?

S: Sorry?

B: The interview, if you will. All reports are that these invaders are an extremely advanced race with telepathic powers.

S: Nothing the Super Alliance hasn’t handled before.

B: You don’t worry they may peer into the mind of you or your friends and discover your weakness?

S: What? No, of course not. For that to be a concern, I’d have to have a weakness to exploit. Besides, every member of the Alliance is trained to mentally combat telepathic attacks.

B: But not everyone completes their mandatory training, I hear. Blitz, for instance. Hard to keep that man in one place for more than a moment. Perhaps he found the training unstimulating and is therefore more mentally susceptible than the others.

S: He signed a statement, the same as everyone in the Alliance.

B: And heroes never lie?

S: We are all still human, Mr. Bek. But this training is vital. He wouldn’t lie about this.

B: Just like you wouldn’t lie about the accident that granted you powers?

S: What is there to lie about?

B: That’s what I’d like to know.

S: I have told no lie.

B: Glad to hear it, wouldn’t want to impugn your prestige. But there is this rumor going around the Five Cities.

S: Rumor?

B: Last month, Blitz was kidnapped and by all accounts tortured for days on end. Someone disabled his powers entirely.

S: Yes, the Alliance has been fully apprised of the situation. I will not comment on it further.

B: Yes, but what information could he have been tortured for?

S: As I said, I will not comment on it further.

B: Rumor is—Preston, Mr. Strong—that he told the supervillain mastermind during his torture that you were never part of a secret military experiment gone wrong. That instead, you created your power-filled wonder drug yourself.

S: Did he, now?

B: That is what’s being reported.

S: By whom?

B: Would that change your response?

S: …I will not comment, regardless.

B: It goes on to state that your powers are temporary. That all one has to do is wait until after a big battle, after you have exerted yourself and the drug is no longer in your system. And then, you could be crushed as easily as a young woman in the passenger seat.

S: Good thing it is just a rumor, then.

B: Yes, just a rumor. Good thing. Could you imagine what someone could do with such information were it true? Oh, my recorder has run out of tape. One moment while I change it out.

S: Oh, look, we’re pulling into the station now. Not that this wasn’t pleasant, but–

B: –you’ve got an alien invasion to deal with. No worries, Mr. Strong. I’m sure I’ll see you around after the battle.

August 02, 2023 00:30

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Kay Smith
14:48 Aug 17, 2023

This is so cleverly written! It's an easy, quickly-paced read and the dialogue is believable even if Mr. Strong's powers are clearly not. This was a fun piece to read! I enjoyed it!


SJ Shoemaker
04:41 Aug 18, 2023

Thank you so much for reading and for the kind words. I'm so glad you enjoyed!


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