My Cabin Experience

Submitted into Contest #23 in response to: Write a short story that takes place in a winter cabin.... view prompt



I was finally granted that 7-day long overdue leave, i giggled as i make my way out of the office, i could see myself in my boyfriend’s jean and an oversized winter coat, it’s about to be the best 5 days of my life!!! I was to leave for the cabin, the day after tomorrow with Jack, my boyfriend, who is supposed to be here today. After several calls and text messages with no response, Jack finally showed up the day we were to leave, with apologies and excuses, but it didn’t matter, all i could think of was the lovely cabin we’re headed and the tons of excitements it promises.

The cabin is as beautiful as i pictured it, the quiet woods, the beautiful view, fire crackling, and snow falling. I turned to Jack to cuddle up with him, but he has disappeared, i thought he stepped outside. I dropped everything to meet him outside and enjoy the beautiful nature together, but he wasn’t there… Jack! Where are you? I shouted on top of my voice, took a walk round the cabin, still no sign of him. Okay, maybe he’s back inside, so i went back in still looking for Jack when suddenly he appeared behind me…. Jack! Where have you been? You scared me to death, didn’t you hear me call your name several time?” he just stood there staring at me like a deaf person. Before i could utter another word, his fist was up, heading towards my face and that was the last i remembered till i opened my eyes and found myself tied up.

It took me few minutes to regain consciousness, there i was in a bathtub, naked, my hands tied to the back, my legs tied together, my mouth plastered with a duct tape, my head started to bang, some sort of migraine. Jack was in front of me sitting on a chair with a laptop on a stool and a bottle of liquor, a gun right on his lap, a belt on his neck and a catapult on the floor. What? Jack? How? Why? What is going on? So many questions in my head, but my lips were sealed. He leaned forward to remove the tape off my mouth, he must have guessed my thoughts or he reads mind, as of now, anything is possible with this guy.

So many questions came out of my mouth all at once, then he looked at me with the most disgusting look ever and said “i’m only going to say this once, you’re going to stay there as calmly as possible, till the gang pulls up and claim you and we won’t have any problem. I removed this tape so you can speak if you need food or water, don’t make me seal your mouth again, if I do, no taking it off! Understood? I stared in utter confusion and all i could say was “what?” i proceeded after recovering from my confused state and i said; jack! What is going on, what are you doing, why will you tie up your girlfriend in the middle of nowhere with no phone reception or anyone around to call for help? That is when it occurred to me that i’m so dead!

It is winter, the weather is freezing and i’m naked, awaiting my fate, i don’t know why, all I did was book a cabin together with my boyfriend whom i’ve been dating for a year and half, to come here and cuddle up and enjoy nature away from the hustling and buzzing of the city, only for me to discover that i’m dating a monster. Oh God! Then i started begging, i’m sorry if i have hurt you in anyway, please let me go, i promise not to tell anyone, please Jack, please. 

After so much begging and apologising for God knows what, he smiled at me and burst into an uncontrollable laughter and said to me, “baby, i was only messing with you, thought it would be fun to see how you will react if a thing like this ever happens to you, now I can see you’re just a scaredy-cat” he moved towards me to untie me, and carried me to the bed, i was dumbfounded into silence, i want to speak but i couldn’t, as he laid me down, with his tongue licking my face, his fingers running through my hair, his lips on my perky breast, while he unzipped his trouser and inserted his hard penis in my dry vagina, i still couldn’t mutter a word, i just laid there, when he finished he got up smiled down at me, kissed me on my forehead and said to me, you know I love you right? What kind of twisted fellow is this? Anyway, i nodded in agreement, God forbid i disagree and end up being tied again.  

He went to the bathroom and out of nowhere i got the strength to get up and put on my jean and top, thank God i had not unpacked, i don’t care how long i walk for, before i get a cab as long as i am not here. I rushed out of the cabin and headed towards the road, when all of a sudden i heard footsteps way faster than mine. Oh no! Jack! He caught me and said, where the hell you think you’re going with a mighty slap that landed me on my back.

I opened my eyes on the bed, this time not tied. He said to me again in a very calm voice; “you know i love you right? This doesn’t make any sense to me, am i not your girl anymore? He moved closer and tried kissing me, i moved back and he said; you see? 

Then i went all mad, are you crazy or something? You hit me, tied me up, raped me and you have the guts to talk about love, what kind of sicko are you? You know what? Let me just go, i promise never to mention this to anyone and we both go our separate ways, please Jack please, let me go. Jack went all red, he was fuming with so much anger and grabbed me by my throat and said; “get this in your head; i am never letting you go, i own you, you’re my girl and no one can take you away from me. You know you asked to come to this cabin with you, and all I’m trying to do is to make it less boring, why are you making it hard? Thought you like adventure and love to be wild. I’m merely given you what you ordered. 

Jack made me a cup of coffee, put on a movie, gave me a pillow to rest my head while i sit up to watch the movie, brought out some junks to snack on and snuggled up to me. Oh well, i wanted these, the cuddles, the mug in hand, the movie, the nature, i wanted all the cabin love but only with Jack, my Jack, not this twisted psycho i’m now trapped with, how did i miss all the signs? Was i so blind in love that i didn’t even catch a glimpse that he isn’t normal? Now i’m here in a winter cabin so far away from home, surrounded by bushes and water and no way to escape than pretend i understand this madness till we leave here! 

With tears in my eyes, i murmured; how did i get here?

January 09, 2020 14:19

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