The Silence That Screams

Submitted into Contest #238 in response to: Set your story at a silent retreat.... view prompt

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Horror Thriller Suspense

Sanctuary in the Stillness

Silence. For renowned author Alexi Kirilenko, it was both a curse and a tantalizing promise. For their dopamine-seeking brain, words—the tools of their craft—had betrayed them, choked by a writer's block borne of exhaustion and a troubled heart; their head was full of concepts, topics, and stories - all dancing around each other like crazed squirrels, sending them off on tangents, but never pouring forth to the paper any longer. Anything that did dribble out was quickly forgotten as another shiny thought caught their eye. Even their beloved songs betrayed them, no longer keeping them company, their jingles playing on repeat in their brain. From the ashes of their last best-selling novel to the empty pages, mocking them now, their reputation crumbled as surely as the relationships that they never could manage. When the brochure had arrived, it sounded perfect: this silent retreat, tucked away like a secret within a hushed expanse of an ancient forest, was to be Alexi's last gamble. Here, they believed, peace might seep into their bone-tired soul, dislodging the dam that held their creativity captive.

Their journey had been an exchange of noise for tranquility; maybe external silence would do what Adderall-laced caffeine could not - focus the stray ideas bouncing around their head. Alexi had left behind a clamorous city, its streets humming with an unending symphony of voices and engines—a world forever in motion. Now, the only sound was the soft crunch of gravel beneath the tires of the antiquated bus that brought them to this refuge. As they stepped off, birdsong seemed to falter mid-trill, replaced by a profound quietude that wrapped itself around Alexi like a shroud.

The retreat was less a building than a silent sprawl of moss-covered stone and weathered wood that appeared to grow seamlessly from the forest floor. Its low angles and natural materials harmonized with the surroundings, whispering a promise of sanctuary more so than announcing its own existence. A slight, gray-haired woman in a simple linen dress greeted Alexi with a gentle smile and expressive eyes. Silence would be the rule, but not unkindness. She led them through a labyrinth of understated corridors, an absence of decoration creating a sense of otherworldly stillness.

Alexi's room was Spartan—a single bed, a desk, a lamp—yet the view from the wide window was mesmerizing. The forest stretched out, an endless tangle of emerald and shadow. A strange comfort settled over Alexi; the weight of the world seemed to dissipate here, where time itself felt less significant. This was both a relief and a sliver of disquiet.

The other participants gathered in a communal dining hall with the day waning. Their muted existence was an odd tapestry: a harried-looking businessman, a young woman with haunted eyes, an elderly couple clutching at each other as though against an unseen storm. Some seemed desperate, while others carried an air of quiet hopefulness. Alexi was both drawn to and repelled by their shared vulnerability.

That first night, Alexi's dreams were a jumbled assault on the senses—twisted fragments of half-remembered conversations, faces of critics dissolving into laughter, the endless clatter of a typewriter that never produced a single word. They jolted awake to an unnerving sound... a soft shuffling outside their door. But the vow of silence bound them, forbade them from seeking an answer. It was then, curled tightly in their sheets, that Alexi became aware of the true weight of the stillness. It was a devouring silence; it whispered and creaked and pulsed around them like an unseen beast.

In that chilling quietude, the seed of Alexi's terror was planted. It would blossom in ways they could never have imagined.

The Vanishing

In the days that followed, Alexi settled into an uneasy rhythm. The rituals of the retreat – shared meals, silent walks, meditation – unfolded with a chilling predictability. The silence, initially a source of disquiet, became a numbing force. It pressed against Alexi's skin, making their own heartbeat seem unnaturally loud. And lurking beneath it all, the disappearances.

They'd begun subtly. A vacant place at the dinner table, a discarded notebook left unclaimed in the common room. At first, Alexi wrote it off as forgetfulness, perhaps even a silent departure. The retreat's focus on inward journeys made such abrupt exits plausible. But a knot of dread had twisted itself in Alexi's gut, especially when it was the woman with the haunted eyes who vanished, a flicker of shared understanding in their shared silence now swallowed by the void.

Determination hardened in Alexi's gaze. They couldn't ignore this any longer. But how to investigate in a world without questions? Their first inquiries were indirect - watchful glances at mealtimes, careful observation of the dwindling group. Yet, there was no reaction, no ripple of concern among the staff or remaining guests. It was as if the disappearances were a part of the retreat's unspoken design.

Fueled by anxiety, Alexi turned their attention to the hidden corners of the retreat. An old library held untouched volumes of forgotten lore, their musty scent tinged with something metallic that made Alexi's stomach churn. A small, illegible piece of paper was tucked into a sundial in a neglected corner of the garden. It bore a single symbol – a jagged circle with lines reaching out like grasping tendrils.

Fear prickled Alexi's skin, but they pushed past it. The forest was ever-present, its silence a living, watchful thing. The trees seemed to lean in closer, their mossy trunks bearing shapes that danced on the edge of perception. Alexi found themselves drawn to the forest with a force both frightening and compelling.

One morning, an absence of birdsong served as their alarm. Slipping out undetected, Alexi followed the unseen trails they intuited more than saw. The forest floor was a carpet of decay, each step a muffled betrayal of the retreat's rules. And then, the path - barely visible, yet distinct. And upon it, etched into the bark of ancient trees, was that same jagged symbol from the sundial.

Alexi's heart thrummed a frantic beat. This was not a mere coincidence. They followed, driven by a desperate need for answers, even amidst the terrifying notion of what those answers might be. And then, there it was: a clearing, bathed in a strange, iridescent light. The air itself vibrated with a dissonant hum that drilled into Alexi's skull. It was as if reality itself thinned here, revealing a glimpse of... something other.

Suddenly, a hand gripped Alexi's shoulder with surprising force. They whirled, and their breath caught. A staff member, their usual benign expression replaced by a deep frown, stood sentinel. She gestured firmly, pointing back in the direction of the retreat. No words were needed; the message was clear.

The walk back was tense, and Alexi's mind raced. As they neared the retreat, a horrifying realization struck them. The forest was closer, reaching out with grasping branches. The boundaries of the retreat had contracted, and with sickening dread, they watched as a section of the tree line twitched and shifted, moving with impossible fluidity.

They were trapped. The retreat was shrinking, and escape, the only hope that had kept Alexi sane, was becoming a fleeting illusion. Whatever lurked behind those encroaching trees, whatever force was responsible for the disappearances, it was closing in. Tomorrow, Alexi knew with bone-deep certainty that they might be the ones who vanished into nothing.

Breaking the Silence

Alexi awoke to a world bled of color. The forest, once a symphony of greens and browns, now pressed against the window as a blinding expanse of white. It mirrored the empty rooms they roamed, devoid of any sign the others had ever been. Food appeared plates set and cleared by unseen hands, reinforcing the horrifying reality: Alexi was utterly alone.

Panic clawed at them, the silence no longer meditative but oppressive. It seeped under their skin, a chilling reminder that a scream would die just as surely as their hopes of rescue. This was their tomb – a single room, an endless white void, and a silence that threatened to swallow their sanity.

Despair curled around Alexi's heart. Had they been wrong their whole life? Was the silence they courted to unlock their voice instead a harbinger of the oblivion they had always feared? Memories flooded back – harsh words left unsaid, fleeting connections allowed to drift away, the constant hum of self-criticism that had drowned out every attempt at creation. They were the architect of their own desolate world.

Days bled into each other, a formless torment. It was in one such indistinguishable hour that a sliver of defiance ignited within Alexi. If this horror was a creation of their mind, a manifestation of their inner demons, they would force it into open confrontation. Perhaps it could not be escaped, but neither should it be endured passively.

A scream bubbled in their throat, bursting against the self-imposed barrier of their silence. They clenched their fists, fingernails digging into their palms, their body straining against the urge to break their vow. Instead, they drew blood and ragged breaths, the tension a noose around their spirit. Images flitted across their mind's eye - the scornful face of that long-ago critic, the unanswered letter from a forgotten friend, their name fading on unread book jackets.

Yet, their silent resistance was no match for the creeping void. The white began to leak through the window, slithering across the floor like an insatiable mist. The room shrank, walls blurring at the edges until nothing remained but the bed Alexi clung to, an island in that stark expanse.

A strange peace washed over Alexi. All their life, they'd battled against the silence. They had feared it, embraced it, courted it. Now, it consumed them whole. This was the true erasure they had always dreaded, not the fading of their name on a book but the disappearance of their very being into unrelenting quietude.

The silence, once a weapon, a tool, was now master. And with a final sigh, no louder than a whisper, Alexi surrendered. Their eyes strained for any trace of the world they knew, but there was only white. And then, even that faded, leaving nothing. Not a scream, not a whisper... nothing at all.

February 22, 2024 22:23

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1 comment

John Rutherford
09:10 Feb 26, 2024

Interesting concept on the prompt. Very dark.


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