Different topics have different meanings.

Submitted into Contest #219 in response to: Write a story that includes the line “I think someone’s listening/watching.”... view prompt


Fiction Inspirational Teens & Young Adult

This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

Title: Different topics have different meanings.

Hello my dear imagination, my old friend.

”I think someone is listening and watching” So let's get down to business, and talk about the things that no one talks about.

In this day and age, the truth is, I question myself at times, ”Am I missing out?” What are the things that I need to feel fulfilled”? Do I need a boyfriend?’’ Do I need to get married and live in the suburbs just like in the movies, have the latest cars packed in my garage, and of course, become best friends with plastic surgery and plastic surgeons.” Yeah, it's the new way of feeling like YOU have accomplished something according to society.

Chapter Two- Let's get back to school.

Let's talk about love. I will honestly and jokingly say that it's tough in the street (haha) Everyone wants to be the boss. Our new generation is quite interesting. Fuck(Pardon my French)honesty and real love. Everyone is playing games and breaking each other hearts. Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat will replace the emptiness that we feel when the light goes off, Not! Hello to the people in the middle and back who still believe in love at first sight. Speaking from my own experience, the thing about love is that it comes to you when you least expect it. Love is such a beautiful thing, love is "an intense feeling of deep passion and affection that often mingled with sexual desire, for another person. " I am not a love therapist, but love is accepting and loving someone for who they are, this allows you to also fall in love with who they will be.

Hello World, It's me, KK

A little description of my surroundings. It's midweek, so I decided to continue with my daily routine. This is something that I do three days a week, some people might find it odd, but I do it to see and live life from a different perspective. I enjoy taking long walks in nature to feel the morning breeze because as the saying goes, “Time waits for no man” and as we are all familiar with this saying, let's be honest. This is absolutely true. I have realized that time is like a river, it doesn't flow from the same place over and over again, and it also cannot stay in one place, so the way a person spends their time determines the extent to which they achieve success, and to lead a good, peaceful and fulfilling life, one must therefore, make sufficient use of their time in all aspects regarding life.

Time indeed waits for no man, here I am being as open and honest as I can be, and that's because I am not trying to live my life in a way that pleases society. Here's the thing, I live in a house that is close to a river which allows me to hear beautiful waterfalls. I live in a house that is surrounded by beautiful trees that come in all shapes and sizes. I live in a house that allows me to hear birds tweeting, and see natural-born hustlers- animals learning how to survive. I live in a house that allows me to see the true beauty of nature. I live in a house that looks so simple from the outside, but yet so lively on the inside. I live in a house that allows me to fall asleep as raindrops on my tin roof. My favorite thing about my house is that I have access to fruits that grow in nature, for example, an apple tree that keeps the doctor away. Lemon fruit, an excellent source of vitamin C. And plums which are high in vitamins and minerals.

I don't know about you, but I enjoy visiting The Land of No Return (The Graveyard)

I love being productive, learning about new things, feeding my mind with positive thoughts, changing up my routines, and carefully choosing what I put in my mouth/body.

You see, my house is twenty-five minutes away from the graveyard, fifty minutes to go and come depending on how fast I walk. Truthfully, I visit the graveyard three days a week. In the beginning, I went two days a week, and then when I noticed that my spirit felt so alive and connected with each individual who lay in the grave, my curiosity got the best of me, and I got so interested in reading each headstone. Every headstone I came across had interesting details about the dead, their unique names, and who they were while alive. The person that stood out the most was a young man in his twenties. His headstone reads: ”Chibundu, our beloved son, a loving brother and friend who died by suicide” I felt goosebumps as I stood over his grave. The reason is because his name has such a powerful meaning, Chibundu- God is life. I cannot judge this young man because I don't know how hard he fought. All I can say is that life has different categories and stages. I immediately imagined this young man who tried his hardest to navigate his way through life. I always remind myself that: ”This precious thing called life comes with so many challenges, it starts while in your mother's womb, and once you are out, the fight for your life continues until you willingly choose to let go of your weapon. It is only the brave souls facing life's difficult challenges with their strength will survive.”

”Trouble comes from the left and right

But you don't have to surrender yourself

Keep your head up high

And you will be alright

Life is tough

But darling

So are you

Keep your head up high

And you will be alright

Don't cry, my loves

Don't cry, my loves

Don't cry, my loves

Don't cry”

”The strength to carry on when everything tells you to quit is what makes you a conqueror. It may look like you are not where You want to be, but the good news is that you are not where You Used to be, your future ahead looks bright, keep fighting, young soldiers, and remember that “God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.


October 08, 2023 14:16

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