Drama Horror Suspense

I woke up early as usual. But I slept at night abnormally because of horrifying dreams I dreamt of disasters that started just three days ago. I've been dreaming about a tsunami that happens in Los Angeles and the dream felt so real and it's kind of hilarious and scary.

“Van! Vanessa! Eat your breakfast now and don't be late.” My mother called as I immediately walked out of my room and finish eating my breakfast since the entrance exam will be today.

I stood up on my standpoint preparing to go to the washroom to brush my teeth when the unexpected news shows up. “The biggest tsunami in Los Angeles is swallowing the whole city. Thousands of people die...” The broadcaster on the helicopter declared that made me languish. This is it! This is the exact place and this is the exact thing that happened. I know... The broadcaster will die too. My mind whispered that makes me shiver and my heart almost skips a beat.

After a minute, the signal was off. That means there was something that happened to the person who is broadcasting. I knew It! The broadcaster's helicopter was caught by a hurricane. He never noticed it.

“Sweetie, what are you doing on the floor? Stand up or else you might get a cold.” Mom stated, helping me to get up but my attention was still glued to the television.

In a blink of an eye, I'm back in my consciousness but I have never noticed that tears already rolled down my cheeks.

I immediately hugged my mom as I screamed.“Mo-Mother!” I imbedded my face on my mother's chest that made her confused.

She mildly held my head up as she asked, “What's the matter sweetie? Is there something wrong?”

I nodded and hugged her tightly as I pulled my face away from her, preparing a word to say. “Mom! I dreamed about that Tsunami in the News that was just shown up earlier!” I exclaimed holding my mother on both shoulders but she just looks at me with disbelief.

She chuckled. “Sweetie, what are you talking about? There's no way you could dream about something that has never happened unless you already watched it. Let's just think about the news that was updated late.” She states still not believing me.

“Mom, I'm saying the truth! I know that the broadcaster died because of the sudden occurrence of the hurricane that's why the signal was cut off—” My mother cut my explanations as she yelled at me. “Stop the nonsense and go to school immediately or else you'll be late!”

Her words bring a lot of pain into my chest. I didn't expect she wouldn't believe me. The only person I could tell my worries and rants was also disbelieving me. How pathetic!

I answered my exam but I've never put my concentration into it instead of my dream that just happened. I never realized I slept at school for the first time in my life. I was shocked because of the explosion in my dream. It happened in school. Yes in school! I immediately run out outside that causes everyone to get puzzled.

“Oh no... The school is going to explode!” I screamed but I guess no one hears me. I run out in the gate since that's the safe place I found when I was still in my dreams. I'm an introvert so I have no friends I can tell about this. If I tell my classmates, they will probably think I'm weird.

It's been two hours but there's no explosion happened. “Am I wrong? Or maybe mom was right about that I'm just spouting nonsense.” I mumbled holding my chin up with my thumb and index finger as I was thinking deeply. I chuckled. “Maybe what happened on the news earlier was just a coincidence?” I chuckled again as I left a sigh of relief.

I was about to walk back to school when a loud sound echoed in my ears. My eyes widened as my jaw dropped. My knees weaken because of what I saw. “This is exactly what happened in my dream. No! This is much worst.” I whispered as my voice was filled with nervousness. The school was covered on fire as the neighborhoods started to scream and the sound of upcoming fire engines is making a noise on the street as well as the ambulance. My eyes witnessed how they rescued the other students that lose their limbs and arms because of the erosion.

Soldiers gathered at the back of the school as they found out that we were attacked by another country. The other city already collapses and I also dreamt about it after I dreamt about the Tsunami matter. My mother rushed out of school; when she saw me safe she immediately gave me a tight hug. “Are you alright? I was very scared after I received the news sweetie let's go home now!” She exclaimed as her voice was cracked, showing a hint of nervousness.

Tears escape from the corner of my eyes. When I woke up, I realized that it's been one year since my mother died. I smiled bitterly. I recalled the day when I warned her not to come to her amiga's birthday party because I dreamed of her being murdered. But she never believed me so I come together with her. As I expected, we are targeted and my left eye was also dabbed by a knife and now I only have one eye.

Starting from that day, I live my life alone. I never intended to tell anyone about the disasters I dreamed of since they will just laugh at me and think of me as a weirdo. I don't like it as well. I'm sick of it. Witnessing how people die, how my loved ones die, and how my world changes every day.

Mother left me without saying anything. Even if it just “You are right sweetie. I should have believed in you.” But no. She died without a word. And most importantly; in my dreams, I thought it was just a random man who killed my mom but it was my father who killed her.

June 14, 2021 13:30

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