
The night was young and tranquil in the small town of Chester, Vermont. A young man walked the undisturbed streets with his head down. Anybody to pass by could tell there was something troubling his heart. The streets were dark with only the moon and a few street lights illuminating the area. The man grew tired of walking and decided to settle himself inside a bar, empty just as the streets were. He sat there waiting for his drink in his own solitude. The slow patter of rain sounded on the windows making the night even more dreadful. The man sighed, laying his head on the counter. 

“Hey what’s going on man?” the bartender inquired. He was a hefty man but had soft facial features. The bartender sat the man’s drink gently beside him. The man looked up at the bartender, noticing the concerned expression upon his face. He could tell his soul was pure but could never know his true intentions. The man wondered if the bartender really did care or if he was just putting on a welcoming act. The man’s eyebrows furrowed, the look of confusion crossing his face. “I'm not here to judge man, what's troubling your mind?” The bartender’s eyes softened as he stared at the man longer. He noticed the bags under the man’s eyes indicating he hadn't slept well. He knew this man was hurting inside, a dream had been crushed.

The man sighed, “I give up.” He took a sip of his drink, the alcohol burning his throat. He knows alcohol isn’t the answer to his problems but it gave him a sort of comfort nonetheless. “Every one of my movie pitches have been declined.” Tears peaked at the corners of the man's eye. The bartender could tell he looked defeated. An upcoming director with his dreams crushed by every producer he came in contact with. The man took another sip, indulging himself in the taste. 

“I see.” The bartender paused, looking at the man in front of him. He got to thinking, he wanted to help this man.  He was interested in the situation and thought to take the responsibility of this man's career into his own hands. The bartender wanted to watch him succeed, he hated to see the desolate look on the man's face. The bartender snapped his fingers and with a loud click of his tongue he knew, “I know someone.” the man's eyes snapped up to him, a confused expression crossing his face. The bartender flashed a toothy smile towards the man. “Trust me,” he leaned forward to get close to the man. “Provide me with a movie pitch by the end of the week and I'll send it to a guy I know on the inside.” The bartender looked excited. He knew exactly how to make this guy's career take off. The man stared at the bartender in shock. It took him a minute to process the words he's just heard, the bartender can help him. Why, the man wondered. Was it out of pity, or was he actually interested in the man's work. Could he actually help him? The man had many questions bottled up in his mind. The bartender kept staring giddily towards the man. “You better get off now and work on that movie pitch!” the bartender waved his hands towards the man, letting him know he needs to get the job done fast.

The man jumped up suddenly, realization setting into his brain. This man can save his career! The man rushed home to his apartment not caring about the pouring rain, he could worry about that later. As soon as the man was home he grabbed his notebook and began to work. He looked through all his old ideas, the ones that were rejected and tossed to the side. He came up with some new ones but they were not to his liking. He heaved a sigh feeling frustrated. How could the bartender help him if he can't even come up with a good idea? The man felt defeated once more. He decided to take a break and make some tea to calm himself a bit. 

The man sat in silence, no thoughts roaming his brain. He sat there with his hands on his head feeling frustrated. Why couldn't he think of anything? The only noise that broke the dead silence was the tea kettle hissing, indicating the water was ready. The whistling of the tea kettle set his mind off. Thoughts started roaming here and there. He knew exactly what his movie pitch would be about. The man quickly forgot about his tea and got to work. He spent hours upon hours writing for his movie pitch, but finally it was ready. 

The next night he quickly rushed to the same bar he had been at just hours before. He walked in with a bright smile upon his face. He noticed the bartender from the night before was there working once again. He sighed in relief. The bartender looked up as the bell on the door dinged letting him know someone just entered the building. His face lit up as he looked over the excited man. He knew he got it done and he knew it was good. The bartender noticed the stack of papers the man held in his hand,  “I'll give it to him as soon as I am off my shift.” The man's eyes had a sparkle to them. They were filled with wonder and hope. Hope that the bartender could save his career. The bartender noticed this which gave him a warm feeling in his heart. He knew he had made the sad and desolate man from last night into the happy and hopeful man he is today. 

The man slowly set the stack of papers onto the counter while the bartender pulled out his phone. “Put your number in my phone so I can get a hold of you when I hear back from my buddy.” the man blinked more excitement filling into his heart. He quickly entered his number into the bartender's phone and gave it back to him. 

“Thank you,” the man looked at the bartender, grateful he found someone to help him through his hardship. Someone to stop him from giving up on his dream career. The man left the bar walking back to his apartment. What would he do with himself until he got the call? He knew it would be a few days till he heard back but he was excited nonetheless. The man felt all his motivation setting in. He noticed his apartment was in shambles, dishes and papers scattered everywhere. So he cleaned, using his motivation to his advantage. Cleaning was a good time killer because by the time he was done it was now time for him to go to sleep. 

The man woke up with a jolt when he heard his phone ringing. Could it be the bartender? He quickly grabbed his phone and answered without looking at the contact. He heard a sigh on the other side, that’s not a good sign. “Hey man,” it was the bartender. His voice was dull with no hint of emotions. The man's face dropped, they didn't like the pitch. His career was over and that was it, his dream of being a director crushed. The bartender chuckled, making the man's face contort with confusion. “I’m just playin’ man, they loved it!” The man laughed with excitement and confusion laced in the undertones. He was in disbelief that someone actually liked his movie pitch. This would be his big break!

The man burst into tears even though he was still laughing. All the hardships were over and his career was about to take off. He didn't know what to feel whether it be excitement or nervousness. “Thank you,” the man sighed. He can figure out how he feels later, after his movie makes it out there.

September 07, 2024 02:01

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