The Demon And The Angel

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: End your story with a truth coming to light.... view prompt


Middle School Coming of Age Drama


Hi, My name is Lexi I’m a demon. I love it too. I’m 17. I can be as bad as I want and not get in any trouble.‘Cause nobody cares what I do just so long as I don’t act like a goody-two-shoes. Which I would never do because being a goody-two-shoes it’s not really my style. I can Teleport to places I think of or I can change into people to hide. But, I don’t have many friends I used to but… We moved so I can’t see them unless I Teleport to them or the other way around.




[Me] Hey Mom [Mom] Hey how’d you sleep? [Me] Ok.[Mom] What’s the matter? [Me] I can’t believe I have to get up for school at 6 in the morning I’m still tired! [Mom] Then tp to school. [Me] I forgot I could do that…Bye mom! Bye Cola! [Mom] Bye! Have a great day![Cola] Woof! [My mind] My Dad left when I was 6 and my Mom took care of me since and My Dad Married some woman she is not nice so I just stay here with my mom.

[Narrator] At school…

[Teacher] Ok class! Today we have a new student her name is? [Me] I’- I’m Lexi [Teacher] Nice to meet you! Ok, go have a seat by… Oh you can sit by Fae Fea! [Me] Where is she… [Fae Fae] Over here! [Lexi walking towards Fae Fae] Oh… hi… [Fae Fae] Hi. So you’re Lexi? [Me] Yup…[Teacher] Ok.. so today we are…[Fae Fae quietly] Nice to meet you I’m Fae Fae! [Me] Nice to meet you too!

At Lunch…

[???] Hey Fae Fae! [Fae Fae] Hey! [Me] … [Fae Fae] Oh That’s Maleki! [Me] Oh… hi I’m Lexi [Maleki] Nice to meet you! I’m Maleki! [Me] Nice To meet you! Are you a demon or an angel? [Maleki] I’m an Angel[Me] What are you Fae Fae?… Why are you looking at me like that? [Fae Fae] Like What? [Me] Like that [Fae Fae] Nothin. Anyways I’m a human and an Angel[Me] Oh Cool!…Who’s that?[Maleki]that’s Rebekah. We’ve tried to get her to sit with us a couple of years ago, but we’ve not tried since so um I-anyways we should probably leave her alone…[Fae Fae] unless you wanna try but I doubt you’ll do any better than we did.[Me] What kind is she? [Fae Fae] She’s a demon [Me] Oh

Fae info: Female

Half angel Half-Human

Age: 17

Rebekah Info:


Type: Demon

Age: 18

Maleki info:

Gender: Male

Type: Angel

Age: 18

Early on

[Fae Fae] You guys wanna go to the park? [Maleki and Lexi] Sure! [Fae Fae] Ok let’s go! [Narrator] At the park…

[Fae Fae] Did you guys see that!? That dude over there just did a backflip and landed on the top of the bench! [Me] I can do that [Maleki] Really? [Me] Yea! Watch and learn -Does backflip and lands on top of the bench- [Whole park claps][Maleki and Fae Fae] Go, Lexi! Whoo!! [Lexi Laughs and her form starts glitching] [Crowd gasps] [Everybody runs away][Maleki] Lexi! Lexi! STOP! [Fae Fae] What’s happening!? [Maleki] Her forms coming off! [Fae Fae] Is that a bad thing?! [Maleki] Yes! She’ll lose control of her powers! [Fae Fae makes it stop] There! [Lexi faints] [Fae Fae and Maleki] Lexi![Fae Fae] Why is there a crack on her face?! [Maleki steps back][Fae Fae] What are you doing?! [Maleki] She isn’t just a Demon…she’s… More powerful than any normal Demon![Fae Fae stops for a second and then screams] THIS IS SO EXCITING!![Maleke] MY EARS![Fae Fae] Sorry…

I’m A Princess!!?

[Lexi picking at her food] Mom?… [Mom] Yes? [Me] What am I?[Mom sighs] I was afraid you’d ask me…you’re not a…how do I put this…you’re not a regular demon you are stronger than any other demon…you’re a demon princess…[Me] WHAT WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME SOONER?! [Mom] Becau—[Me] This is amazing! Oops…sorry mom you were saying?[Mom chuckles] Because you weren’t old enough to know, if I had told you when you were younger you’d probably order people around and you would be able to destroy the world! [Me] That does sound like me [they both laugh and then Mom stops][Mom] Go to bed [I stop laughing] ok…


Me] Hey who’s that? [Maleki] Oh that’s my cousin Alice! Hey Alice! Over here! [Alice] Coming! Hey! What’s up? [Maleki] I wanna introduce you to my new friend. Lexi [Alice] Oh hi my cousin’s girlfriend! [Lexi laughs] I’m not his girlfriend I’m just a friend [Maleke quietly] sure… [Me] What? [Maleki] Nothin.. [Me] Ok…So Fae Fae wanna have a sleepover at my house? [Fae Fae] Are you sure your mom will let me? [Lexi] Nope But let’s do it anyway! [Fae Fae] Ok!

Alice Info:


Type: Angel

Cousin of Maleki

Age: 15

Truth Or Dare!

Lexis Room

[Me] Ok. Truth or Dare? [Fae Fae] Hmm..Dare..No Truth! [Me] Who do you like? [Fae Fae] Ok so there’s this guy named Drake and he’s so CUTE! Ok, now your turn….Truth or dare? [Me] Truth. [Fae Fae] Ok who do you have a crush on? [Me] Don’t tell anybody and do not write it down! [Fae Fae] ok [Me] I like…Maleki.. [Fae Fae] I KNEW IT!! [Me] Shhhhh! [Fae Fae quietly] sorry…[Me] It’s ok. Ok, so I was thinking to have a party on Saturday. [Fae Fae] Did you ask your mom? [Me] Yes. She has to go somewhere on Saturday and won’t get back until Monday. [Fae Fae] Ok; I’ll be coming I don’t have to be anywhere. [Me] Ok Invite some friends. Oh, and it will be in the basement because it is huge down there! [Fae Fae] “Ok!”

At School The Next Day (Thursday)

[Me whispering] Maleki there’s gonna be a party at my house on Saturday. [Maleki] Ok [Me] Tell anyone you know just not too many people! [Maleki] Ok! [Fae Fae] Hey! Rebekah There’s a party at Lexi’s house on Saturday. If you wanna come [Rebekah] I’ll be there… [Fae Fae] Ok.[Maleki] Drake! Party at Lexi’s on Saturday! Pass it on! [Drake] Ok! I’ll be there! [Maleki] Ok See you then! [Narrator] Later On at the park… [Me] Ok so who did you guys invite? [Maleki] I invited Drake, Levi, Justin, and since Alice wouldn’t stop bugging me I also invited her, and then I invited Lilly, Janovy and that’s it [Fae Fae] I invited Rebekah, Snow, Kinsey, Quint, Jackson, and I think that’s it [Me] Ok. I invited Marco, Ash, and the other new Girl [Fae Fae] Who’s The New Girl? [Me] Her name was Troy [Fae Fae] Oh! Ok, now I remember she’s in my science class [Me] Oh cool! 

Time To Party!

[Mom] Ok honey I’m leaving! [Me] Ok Have fun mom! Bye [Mom] Bye - [Narrator] Party night… [Music Blaring] [Lexi] Whoo! This is so fun! [Maleki] Yea! [Fae Fae] This is the best party I’ve gone to in years! [Lexi] Whooo! Do you guys need a drink? [Fae Fae] Yea sure [Lexi] Ok I’ll go get you one [Maleki] I’ll come with [Lexi] Ok. So… What’s up? [Maleki] Nothin just wanted to come with ask you a question. [Lexi] Okay.. what’s up? [Maleki] Fae Fae said you..uh…— [Lexi stops] She told you what….? [Maleki] that you…like me…? [Lexi turns red] Hm?… she told you.[Maleki] yea..and why are you red? [Lexi] I’m just embarrassed… [Maleki] you don’t have to be embarrassed [Lexi] … [Maleki] So you do like me?[Lexi]well….ok yeah…truth is I do like you…[Maleki] well I’ve got news for you…I like you too. [Lexi hugs Maleki] [Lexi] Hopefully Fae Fae wasn’t watching… [Maleki] yea…. Let’s just get her drink.. [Lexi grabs her drink] Let’s go!- Here you go Fae Fae! [Fae Fae] Jeez what took you so long?! [Lexi] …BATHROOM! [Fae Fae] Ok? What’s up with her? [Maleke] A heh.

After Everyone left

[Lexi sighs] You guys don’t have to help. [Fae Fae] That’s ok we want to help! [Maleki] Yea [Lexi] You might as well just sleep here. [Fae Fae making a weird face] Thanks but I’m fine! [Lexi] Ok..? -Cola barks- Hey cola! [Fae Fae] I didn’t know you had a dog! [Lexi] Yea when you were here my mom was taking her for a walk. [Fae Fae] Oh That explains it [Lexi] Yea.. [Maleki] Soooooooooo….[Lexi] so what?[Maleke] I’m bored.[Lexi well what do you wanna do?[Fea Fea you still haven’t shown us any of your powers you know-[Rebekah]hey guys! Umm, can I stay here I guess somebody broke into the house and my dad doesn’t want me to come home yet so yah….[Lexi] just means more friends which also means more fun. Maybe we can all teach each other our powers then we’ll all know how to do the same things.[Rebekah] sounds good to me![Fea Fea] cool[Maleki looks at Lexi]let’s do groups.[Lexi and Maleke] I’m with him!- I’m with her![Rebekah] I guess that means you and me? I’m hungry and tired. [Lexi] There are some snacks on top of my dresser [Maleke] Why are they in there? [Fae Fae] We had them when we had a sleepover… me and Fae Fae [Maleke] Oh ok

Getting snacks

[Maleki’s thoughts] Where are those snacks? Oh found…them. What’s this it has a bunch of notes..and one says…” Tell Maleki how I feel…and ………….” what does it say? It’s scribbled out… I should probably stop going through her stuff.. [Maleki getting a snack] Hey! Great choice of candy! [Lexi and Fae Fae laughing] WE KNOW! [Maleki] hey. Lexi Can I talk to you for a sec..? [Lexi] Sure! What’s up? [Maleki] What does that sticky note say? [Lexi] That…uh…that says i— -Maleki kisses Lexi- [Lexi blushes] [Fae Fae dancing] Uh-huh Uh-huh Uh-huh [Maleki laughs] What are you doing? [Fae Fae] Uh…Nothing… [Lexi] Ok… well Imma go clean some more.

When they left…

[Lexi humming] hmm~ [Mom] I’m back [Lexi] What happened why are you back so early? [Mom] Well.. let’s just say I’m not going back there. [Lexi] Why? What happened? [Mom] So this lady was coming with our drinks and then she spilled it on me… And then, well long story short I got banned.. [Lexi] Ok.. well I’m gonna go to bed. [Mom] Ok good night [Lexi] Good night  

I'm in love....

[Lexi sighs] Mmm [Maleki yawning and rubbing his eyes] What are you doing up so late? [Lexi] Couldn’t sleep [Maleki] Well…I’ll stay out here ‘til you fall asleep [Lexi] Thanks [Maleki] No problem -Maleki kisses Lexi’s head- [Lexi smiles] So why are you up? [Maleki] couldn’t sleep either…[Lexi] Hmm. [Maleki] Aren’t you cold? [Lexi] No not really.. [Maleki] Ok If you get cold I have a blanket [Lexi] Ok. -Lexi gets beside Maleki- You’re warm! [Maleki] I’ve been under a blanket.-Lexi stares off at the distance and Maleki stares at her.[Maleki] what’s wrong?[Lexi looks at maleki]huh?[Maleki] I said, what’s wrong?[Lexi]promise me you won’t tell anyone.[Maleki]I’ll only tell if it’s something serious like when you were cracking[Lexi] ok so I guess I’m some kind of demon princess or something.[Maleki]oh that yeah uh I know. [Lexi] How? [Maleki] Your mom wanted me to be able to help you if something bad ever happened like when we were at the park the other day.[Lexi scoots closer to Maleki]oh.-Maleki wraps his arms around her. [Maleki] I love you... [Lexi] I love you too... [Maleke kisses Lexi]

May 04, 2021 18:20

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