The Ghost That I Never Will See Again

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



(sorry for the cringy title and bad plot and writing.)

The light-brown haired girl handed me a glass. She sighed as she looked at me.

“Eds, when are you ever going to grow up?” She asked me when her eyes made contact with mine. The warmth of her hand touched mine and she grasped my wrist tightly. 

“I don’t know,” I admitted, being careful not to look at her in the eye, not wanting to look at the painful glare she was giving me. I shook my head knowing that she was mad for me for being sad.  She shook my hand again, waiting for me to make direct eye contact with her. After a moment of silence, I finally looked up at her.

“Eds, don’t be sad because of me. I know that I am moving,” she replied to my muffled sniffles to her blue eyes that I was never going to see again.

“But, I don’t want you to go,” I mumbled while my tears dropped into my water. My eyes started to water. I was going to break.

“We can keep in contact,” she suggested. She felt bad because I was crying. Her soothing tone made me happy and sad at the same time.

“No, I-I am sad that everything is going to change,”

The girl smiled. Her sunshiny smile that I will never see again. The smile that brightened my day. But that just made me sadder. The fact that I can’t even see the person I love, and rely the most on again. The girl just chuckled at my whines of trying to convince her to stay. But then after I quieted down, she just looked at me sadly and gave me a wan smile.


5 days later…

“I don’t want you to go,” I whined as I pulled her hand.

But she just kept going. I held onto her hand until my hand got tired. And finally, my grasp let go.

And then, the brown hair girl I always knew disappeared into the pink horizon and looked at me and gave a sad goodbye. She seemed like a ghost even 5 feet away. She glanced at me for the last time. And went into the horizon.

She’s gone.


After months she had left, I had never stopped crying. I didn’t get used to her not being there. I was a mess. I hated the change. I hated everything. I hated her. “Why did she have to leave?” I cried. Maybe I was over-exaggerating. She said that we will meet soon. 

But we didn’t. We never did. I never saw her again.

Her friends that I thought were her friends don't even know her anymore, doesn’t even recognize her.

Was she a ghost?


2 years later, I saw a small note taped on my door. It read:

You will find me again.


I didn’t know what it meant before. It just seemed like one of those things a troller/stalker would say nowadays. I just shrugged and went inside to change.

But then, after I saw the cat, it was my friend’s cat! I noticed on the back of the note, it said something. It said something that I didn’t realize before. It said something that was about the girl.

Have you ever noticed my necklace? It said something, remember? 

I knew that it was the brown-hair girl who wrote it. The necklace was unusual. It had rocks from Hawaii I recall? And on the back?  What did it say? I don’t remember what it said.

After the questions that popped up in my head, I continued on to my day like nothing happened. I was too scared to think more about it. Was there something I didn’t know about the girl? I mean, she couldn’t be a ghost, right? I was confused with all of these thoughts inside my head. What could they mean? But like I said, I didn’t think about it more. I was too tired to think of what could happen too. And then after a couple of exhausting blinks, I fainted. 

I flopped on my bed knowing nothing of what just happened. It seemed as if everything I saw was a dream. The fire of 1992? Why was I thinking that? The fire was in, the girl’s town?

“Kanna my child, go!” said the brown hair girl’s mother.” I guess my friend’s name was Kanna, She never gave me her name. 

Kanna nodded her head. She looked at the exact same age as now. How can she in 1992? She is not that old... Kanna grabbed her little sister ( I think) and went outside of the town.

But she didn’t make it. I saw everything in terror. The screams of Kanna and her mom, the whole entire town was in the fire and was dead. 

I wanted to go and save everybody. But I couldn’t. I was trapped in one place forever like I was a ghost, but I couldn’t move. I was scared and confused. I was scared for Kanna, but who is exactly Kanna? Kanna was born way back then if the dream is true.  I didn’t understand anything about that dream, only that everyone was in danger and Kanna was dead.

“Kanna!” I screamed even though I knew I lost her. I wanted to wake up and get out of this unbelievable dream. I wanted to scream and just shut out everyone. I wanted to save everyone badly. I thought that I couldn’t get out of this horrendous dream.

I woke up screaming with fear and was frightened. I looked around. I was sitting on the floor of my kitchen. I was back home. But I wondered something that made shivers on my back. “WHO IS EXACTLY KANNA?!” I screamed, shaking my head. “WHY CAN’T EVERYTHING BE THE WAY BEFORE?!” 

I sigh, tired of my screaming. I scanned for my laptop, now calmed down, I wanted to research about Kanna.

I typed “Kino Town, Fire 1992”. Almost instantly, the results of “Kino Town, Everyone Dead: Article” came up. I looked at the dead people list on and saw that my friend, the brown-haired girl, was dead.

Was Kanna just an imagination?

June 08, 2020 22:39

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Kathleen March
23:32 Jun 17, 2020

Is the first line actually part of the story? If not, leave it out. There is a lot going on here and I was rather confused as to where the story was going. I'm sure a few changes here and there, with some grammar revision, and the story will shine more.


Cookie Lovere
18:53 Jul 06, 2020

Oh thank you so much, I will take the advice.


Kathleen March
20:40 Jul 06, 2020

Good luck. I just wanted to be helpful.


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NJ Van Vugt
02:45 Jun 15, 2020

Hi Cookie, great first story. If I may offer some advice - never apologise for your writing, and don't feel you need to explain anything in your comments. Writing is about stimulating the readers imagination and emotions. Sometimes it's a good idea to let readers interpret a story their own way, or even leave them guessing.


Cookie Lovere
23:07 Jun 15, 2020

Thank you so much for the suggestion, I will be sure to use it in the future! That really seems like a good idea :)


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Cookie Lovere
22:46 Jun 08, 2020

Sorry everyone for the bad writing! I have just taken interest in writing and found this website! I hope you enjoy it! Here are a few points I would like to clear out: Kanna is indeed a ghost. Kanna is the person who left the main character, Eddie, or Eds. Eddie has mental health issues, so he cries a lot. And that is it!


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