Move On Guilts, Way to Peace

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story told entirely through one chase scene.... view prompt



"Bye bloke", said to my friend and started walking towards my residence. There is a small market which looks link a holocaust, it takes about 10 min to cross a 100-meter road. I always make a strike to my mama's brain, that I turned 20 last summer, "what matters, if you get robbed in that market, be careful while crossing it", she shouts in return. That incident strikes in my head whenever I cross that market road, I had that strike now. My eyeballs start to roll to the left and to the right, to check if there is any misfortune waiting for me. I got bumped into a man fully covered with black, wearing a cap, kerchief around his nose, making only the eyeballs visible, a mole to be notable in the forehead, wearing a formal black shoe with a track pant, slightly shorter than me, which gave a strange vibe. Clever enough to cover his identity, white-skinned male, unblushed. It's not that cold to cover oneself like that.

The second he bumped in me, I can feel my heartbeat from neck to stomach, but he is just a passer-by. After the incident, I started analyzing the market step by step. In the halfway of the market someone just pushed me from the back, and ran over the vegetable shop in the road. By wiping the dust in the eyeballs, I got up and saw a girl baby crying on the ground near her mother helpless, shouting "help help". I am naive. I am a guy, who does not bump into other problems. I just turned to the other side and started walking, as everyone is started doing their job. I can hear the voice of the lady shouting, I peeped to see what is happening, I had a pang of guilt watching her crying and shouting. Just thinking of it as fate and started walking. I again peeped after taking a couple of steps. Nothing has changed, everyone is doing their job, my body shivers and the guilt in my head is just collapsing my whole body. My head warned me to be sneaky. Without having a next thought, I started chasing that mugger. The mugger is about 20 meters from me, we got out of the market. The place out of the market is closely packed, the buildings are somewhat up and down but no space between them. He just got on to a building, so am i. Others looked like we are traceurs (one who jumps from building to building). He jumped a gap of about 5 meters, I got down from the building and ran by road. We are running parallelly, me on the road, and that brat on the buildings.

It felt like I am chasing Tom Cruise. Getting down from the building, he tried to get on to a bike, as the road is slightly slippery, the wheel drifted at the same spot as the bike slipped to the right of the road, so, he again started running. I am running in about 10 meters from him, as I got closer he started running in a zigzag motion, the people watching, scolded us as it looked like we were playing Tag (touch and go) game in the city highway, but that is not the case in my situation. I saw a throng around me, but no one had an idea of helping me in catching him. He went into a two-story building, which is under construction. He got to the first floor, I too followed him, the hall was big, it had about 2 rows of 10 pillars each, and 4 rooms at the left and 5 rooms at the right. I started from the right, I slowly pushed the door of the first room, the creaky sound came from the door, no one there. I went to the next door and tried that one. My heart was in a fluctuation mode, when I touch the latch of the door, the blood pressure is at peek and while moving to the next door the blood pressure is somewhat moderate. Finally, I moved to the final door, the latch was already opened and the same as other doors the creaky sound came. I saw that brat behind the closet, but he did not notice me. I took a wooden rod and thrashed his leg with it. He is standing in front of me, now he grabbed a knife for support. That guy is the same one, with whom I got bumped in the market. With that leg he just jumped out of the window, my heart skipped a beat, my body shivered to the core and went to a dizzy state for a minute. I peeked through the window,

Thank god!!

There was sand dumped at that Spot. He just dropped the chain he snatched from the lady and ran, I got down by steps, took the chain and got back to the market. The lady and the child is given water by the roadside shop, the baby has cooled but the lady is still crying, surrounded by 10-12 by-passers, I saw the solidarity there, but solidarity is not the one which should be set up after the problem is over. I gave the chain to that lady, she was so happy, she held on to my leg and said thank you. By the time I gave her the Jewell the police came. Police just asked me to describe him.

I returned home, I had a smile all the way home. The moment I returned, my mother started explaining something.

“I told you right, that market is a bad place, half an hour ago a chain is snatched from a lady, thank god a boy helped her is chasing the thief and got back the Jewell, but the boy was unable to catch the thief. If you come across this kind of situation don’t even have an idea of chasing the thief, just run back home.”

“mama I am already 20”

“ so what?, do as I said”

My father came in when this conversation was going on, he starred at me and mother for a minute, said a good job in my ears and went to fresh up, seems he heard about me. I just smiled and got back to the room. The next day morning, I heard the news that the mugger was caught while getting treatment in a nearby hospital. That day I was prideful, smiling on my own.

When I got down the building, I saw the mugger struggling to run, if I further chase him, he might have his leg broken by trying to escape, so I took the Jewell and came back to the market. My smile would have flown, if I had left that place without chasing the mugger or if had brought the mugger back to the market. Thankfully it ended this way, that the lady got her Jewell and the mugger got his treatment in the hospital.

Its good to take over the guilt and be at ease instead of regretting for the rest of the life.

July 13, 2020 14:43

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Khizra Aslam
06:36 Jul 15, 2020

Hey there, I saw that you liked my story so i am here to check your story as well. I just love the way how you end up the story in a beautiful quote. Overall the story was fantastic. Great job ❤


Harish S
07:07 Jul 16, 2020

Thanks for reading the story. I loved your story too. 😊


Khizra Aslam
12:14 Jul 16, 2020

You are welcome ❤


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SIMON Prathap
16:13 Jul 13, 2020

That's really a pack of action.. Well done Harish ✍️.. Enjoyed it, and it suits the topic perfect ✨👍


Harish S
16:17 Jul 13, 2020

Thanks bro😀


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Piraichudan N
16:13 Jul 13, 2020

Nice story


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