Written in response to: Write a story involving a noise complaint. ... view prompt


Fiction Contemporary Drama

In a  5 storey building apartment 401 was occupied by Fred a famous song director. He was nearing middle age, was tall and thin with a bald head and a thin grey moustache. That morning he was seated browsing through a film journal when his wife Leena joined him. She was short and rotund but was even better known than Fred for her voice: She was an acclaimed playback singer.

She said “Fred, you remember I was telling you about Charlie in 501 directly above us”

”What about him? I see he is arrogant. I was told he is moneyed as he has bought 501 whereas we’re only tenants down here.”

“I got to know he is a highly qualified engineer and is an inventor. He is quite young and is well-spoken.”

“So what? He drives that big car much bigger than ours. He has been here over a month but seems to have made no friends. I made no attempt to make friends with him.”

“They say he keeps to himself. But It seems he’s friendly towards people.”

“I don’t like these moneybags.”

“You’re only prejudiced without reason.”

“Leena, I’ve a meeting in half an hour and have to leave. We’ll continue talking about Charlie later.”

Leena remained sitting wondering about her husband’s unreasonable stance. They had settled here and would use the flat as a second studio. Fred had hired a specialist to make a room of the apartment unechoic and they would use it as a studio to rehearse songs. Now remembering she had a song to rehearse she took up studying the lines.

A week later, in the night, Leena was singing softly when Fred was recording it. Suddenly the sound was broken. Fred cursed and said “Something went wrong. Only120 seconds were left and it goes off! It’s going to be a hit song.”He said “It’s now past 10.30 in the night and we can’t call the maintenance fellow as he lives far off.”

“It could be a small fault. Why not ask Charlie?”

“No I won’t. He’s an arrogant fellow.”

“Wouldn’t you like to hear me conclude the song?”

On second thoughts Fred went up and knocked at Charlie’s door. Charlie who opened the door was in pyjamas with his top bare. Fred introduced himself.

Charlie said “Come in Fred. Sit down on that sofa. The AC is being changed and so I’ve to use the ceiling fan.”

Fred said “I don’t know if it’s right seeking help at this late hour.”

“No problem. Please be informal.”

Fred explained his problem and added “There seems to be a small snag preventing the audio coming on.”

“You would like me to help. Sure I will. What are neighbours for!”

He pulled on a dressing gown and they made their way to 401 where Fred introduced Charlie to Leena. Charlie said “I’m lucky in getting to meet the VIP of songs informally. “ He said “This seems to be a specialized equipment and may require only an expert’s attention. Anyway please tell me what went wrong.”

Fred explained and after tapping and probing Charlie said “There seems to be trouble due to a bad joint here. Let me try.”

In moments the system was in operation again and Fred and Leena thanked Charlie.

 Fred said “Leena, we must have Charlie for dinner with us some time.”

After Charlie had left Fred said “Let us complete the song.” She sang and Fred said “It will surely score in the box office.”

A fortnight later as Leena was rehearsing a song there were loud noises from 501. The sounds continued and the rehearsal was stopped. The noises again came on a couple of days later when Fred got terribly irritated. He said “Leena I must warn that fellow Charlie.”

“Stay! He came to help us when we had a problem.”

But a week later when the sounds continued even when it was near midnight Fred went to Charlie’s flat. It was open and Charlie was seen chasing a wheeled contraption with a remote in his hands.

Fred said “Charlie, the noise you make interrupts our rehearsal.”

Charlie stopped the machine and said“Can’t help! I’m designing a new type of vacuum cleaner. It is an advanced robot version.”

“But you could surely put polymer or rubber wheels to stop noise.”

“Of course that will come later. But right now I’m still experimenting. I’m helpless about the noises.”

Fred said “If you don’t stop I’ll have to find another apartment to live in.”

“Please do as it suits you.”

Fred returned with great anger. He said “Leena that fellow Charlie’s arrogance is now seen. He told me to move out if I found it inconvenient . Now we must decide.”

She said “Let us not be in a hurry.”

A month passed when Leena said “Fred, I saw Charlie with a nice looking girl this afternoon. They were coming into our apartment in his big car,”

“Good. I wish he got married so that those noises his gadgets make stop.”

“But we know they’ve already stopped. May be he has stopped work on the robot.”

Some time later Leena said “Fred, you know Harvey who owns the film studio you work in?”

“Of course I do. What about him?”

“The girl Charlie is moving with is Harvey’s daughter.”

It came as a surprise to Fred. He said “Both Harvey and Charlie are moneyed people. They could come together.”

“That is what is happening.”

The wedding was on a grand scale with a massive wedding list of invitees. Fred and Leena were important guests. When they went up to wish the couple, Charlie said to his bride “This is Fred and this is Leena his wife whose golden voice we hear almost everywhere. They live in the same apartment where I reside and I’m sure we’ll all be friends.”

Fred was overwhelmed that Charlie had completely overlooked his fight about noises in the night. He said “Charlie, you know apartment 401 has come up for sale and I’ve settled to buy it.”

“Good. May be I should’ve been more considerate while experimenting in the night particularly when the queen of melody lives as my neighbour. Also I won’t bother you any more with noises as I’ve taken up a building near here to house my lab.”

Fred and Leena were happy that what started well ended well and all noises had been stilled.


May 30, 2022 08:27

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