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“Can you keep a secret?”

Jordan’s eyes were wild, darting every which way. They flicked to my own every few seconds, but kept surveying the area around us.

“Pax, can you keep a secret? Like a really, really big one. Seriously, I gotta know.” I noticed his hands shaking, and he kept wiping them on his black cargo pants. Sweat beaded his hairline despite the chilly air whipping around the rooftop.

I shoved my hands into the pockets of my dark coat, bunching my shoulders to ward off the cold seeping into my turtleneck. 

“Of course I can keep a secret, J. It’s not like we’re secret agents or anything.” The words bit out of me before I could check myself. I just wanted to get my ass back inside before it froze off. The wind nipped at the tips of my ears that had slipped out from under my beanie, turning them to ice. 

“What the hell is so important that you had to drag me up here to tell me?” I gave him a pointed look, wanting him to hurry up and spill. He shuffled closer to me, leaning down to my ear. Considering he was a good eight inches taller than me, he had to bend down a considerable amount. I savored the warmth of his body so close to mine, allowing him to block the wind howling around us. 

“I’m the mole.” 

Despite his whisper, the words were like a blow to my gut, knocking me back a step. 

“You - what?” My voice came out breathless. I was in disbelief - shocked at what I just heard. “What are you talking about?”

“You heard me, Pax. It’s me. I’m it.” He crossed his arms over his chest, walking backward. 

It took me a painfully long time to process what he’d just said. I’m the mole. This seriously couldn’t be happening right now.

“Thought it through yet?” Jordan was now leaning against the railing, a foot propped up on the lowest bar, the hood of his jacket pulled over his head.

“You’re lying to me, Jordan.” I began pacing. “This is all some stupid ass prank that Cooper put you up to and he’s probably hiding behind the shed right now, recording me. Right? I’m right, aren’t I? This is all just some stupid joke…” 

My hands scraped through my long brown hair. It was all just a joke.

“Listen, Pax - the people I’m spyin’ for, they have Sadie. Sadie, for Christ’s sake! I have to do it, you know. I don’t have a choice.” He shrugged his shoulders up, his arms tightening across his chest. Almost defensively.

I understood it better now. Jordan would’ve done anything for Sadie, even though she had no clue he or the organization existed. Agents weren’t allowed to have attachments - you know, like the Jedi - and a kid was certainly considered an attachment. 

But that didn’t mean it wasn’t stupid.

“God, Jordan. Do you understand the position you just put me in?” I rounded on him, coming up close enough to smell the cheap aftershave he’d used after his shower following combat training. 

“You could’ve gone to Hawthorn! He would’ve helped you! Jesus, what the hell were you thinking?” His eyes were full of sorrow, and I knew he wanted to apologize - profusely apologize. But he couldn’t, because that would show a weakness he couldn’t exactly afford right now. 

“I needed someone to know. I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. You’re my best friend, Pax. You’re the only person I could’ve trusted with this.” His eyes turned pleading then, and I had to turn away before I socked him right in his stupid mouth. I couldn’t believe he’d just dragged me into the stupid game he was playing. 

“I need you to keep this secret for me, Pax. Please. I’m beggin’ you.” I hated it when he begged me. Hated it because I knew I’d give in to it. Hated it because I knew that when I turned around, I’d take one look at the sad puppy dog look on his face and crumble. 

“I really frickin’ hate you, J. No, you know what, I loathe you. Seriously.” I finally turned to face him just as a look of relief passed over his features. He let out a shaky breath and clasped his hands together, shaking them at me.

“Thank you, Pax. Thank you so, so, so much.” I scowled at him. I hoped he rotted in Hell.

Before he could say anything else, I walked back towards the stairs, cursing him under my breath.

- - - - -

My arms burned as the muscles flexed beneath my skin. A familiar stinging pain sang through my fist as it connected with the hard leather of the punching bag. It swang violently as I pummeled it with blow after blow.

It had been nearly two weeks since Jordan had told me his little secret. Although it wasn’t exactly little; not at all, actually. I’d tried to avoid him ever since, not able to stand being around him.

What he’d done to me had been really shitty - putting me in a position like that. We were literally conducting a witch hunt throughout the entire organization to find the mole at this very moment. We’d been combing through every email, phone call, text message, even meeting minutes to try and find this damned spy. And now I knew, and I had to keep it a secret, to hide it from everyone.

“Someone’s clearly working through something,” Cooper sniggered as he entered the gym, dropping his duffle bag onto the bench. He sat down on the wooden bench, straddling it. He looked stupidly boyish, even though he was 28 and had been credited with over three dozen assassinations since he started at the organization.

“Want to talk about it? Or maybe we can fight it out.” Cooper chuckled as he took out his tape to wrap his hands. “I wouldn’t mind wrestling with you.” 

I noticed his eyes drift to the dip of my sports bra, revealing my cleavage to the world. 

“No thanks, douchebag.” I steadied the punching bag and walked over to the bench beside his. I took a long swig from my water bottle, not caring that rivulets of water cascaded down the sides of my mouth and onto my boobs. 

He let out a low whistle. I shot him a glare that meant, Do it again and I’ll gut you. He put his hands up and shrugged, an offering to back off, then continued his tape job.

“What’s got your thong in a twist this morning?” He smirked devilishly at me as he tied off the ends of his wrapping. I strode over to him, giving him a withering look before smacking him so hard upside the head, I swore I could hear his teeth rattle.

“Bitch,” he hissed at me, rubbing the spot I’d hit. I smiled sweetly before taking a seat in front of him on the bench. My legs were stretched out in front of me, crossed at the ankles. 

“Oh, nothing. Just thinking about how badly I wished that punching bag was your face.” It was his turn to glare at me, and I batted my eyelashes at him. I tightened my ponytail and took another swig of water. I was aware of his eyes on me the entire time.

“You goin’ to the meeting today?” His brows were raised in question, and his eyes were hopeful. I knew Cooper liked me, but as I said, attachments were frowned upon in the organization. Even if they were with each other.

“Duh. It’s mandatory.” I watched him as he rose from the bench and found a spot to stretch. His back muscles flexed as he lifted his arms above his head, extending them to the left, then the right. That was quite a view. 

“I didn’t think ‘mandatory’ really meant anything to you.” He turned to look at me as I rolled my eyes, a chuckle escaping his lips. 

He wasn’t exactly wrong. I had a bad habit of missing “mandatory” meetings, mainly because I didn’t deem them all that necessary. Usually, it was just boring stuff I already knew and had no interest hearing again.

“This one actually is mandatory. They’ve got new info about the mole.” I glanced away as I thought about what I knew of the mole. 

Cooper returned to his stretches, this time going into a deep lunge. 

“So I heard. You think they found out who it was?” 

I stiffened. If they knew who it was, they would’ve already told us. They wouldn’t wait until some stupid meeting to inform us of it. Right?

“I doubt it. They would’ve done, like, a press conference or something immediately if they had.” He shrugged at that, going into some quick pushups. 

I took that as my cue to leave, gathering up my things. I sponged off the remaining sweat on my body before shoving the dirty towel into my gym bag. 

“You’re leavin’?” Cooper sounded disappointed, but I had no intention of actually working out with him.

“Yeah, I’m done for the day. Enjoy your workout.” He nodded to me as I exited the gym, eager to get back to my room and freshen up before the meeting.

- - - -

“What’s up, Paxy,” Glenn called to me as I entered the assembly hall. I smiled at him and patted his shoulder, grateful to be have found a friend amid the throngs of people in the hall.

“Lots of people turned out for this meeting, huh?” I glanced around as I spoke, recognizing most of the faces in attendance. Others were new - people I’d never seen before.

“Bureau people,” Glenn whispered to me, obviously doing the same thing I was. “Everybody turned out for this meeting.” I nodded as I surveyed the rest of the room. 

“I heard they’re gonna tell us who the mole is. Make it a public spectacle or something.” Glenn shrugged, totally unbothered by the whole thing.

My heart rate quickened. I searched the room for Jordan, finding him leaning casually against one of the walls. He caught my stare and inclined his head to me before returning his gaze back to the stage at the end of the room.

A single microphone stood in the center of it, and no one had ascended the stairs up to the stage yet. Chatter rang through the hall as everyone talked to each other.

“So, how have you been?” Glenn’s hands were shoved in his pockets, and he swayed back and forth on his feet. Perfectly chilled. Leave it to Glenn to be nonchalant in these situations.

“Pretty good. How about you, Glennie?” He smiled at his nickname and shrugged.

“Can’t complain. I hacked into the Russian space station’s database the other day, so that was pretty cool.” My eyebrows rose in surprise. He’d just mentioned it like it was another regular day for him. Although, I guessed it was just another day for him, being one of the organization’s best hackers and all.

“You know, Glennie, you’re, like, one of the coolest guys I know,” I said to him, and totally meant it. My heart warmed as I took in the slight blush creeping across his cheeks. He looked down at his feet and shrugged a little.

“Oh, um, thanks Paxy. I appreciate it.” I chuckled a little at his embarrassment. 

Feedback squealed through the speakers mounted to the ceiling, making everyone cringe.

“Sorry about that. Technical difficulty.” Hawthorn was on the stage now, speaking into the microphone. No one had adjusted it to his height, and so he was forced to bend down a little to be able to speak into it.

“If everyone could quiet down, we’ll begin this meeting right away.” He straightened and clasped his hands behind his back, patiently waiting. He looked like a schoolteacher waiting for the class to shut up before continuing on with the lesson.

Silence followed his command, and he nodded curtly.

“Alright, let’s begin.” He straightened the lapels of his suit jacket, then his tie, before speaking again.

“I just wanted to thank everyone for coming today. I don’t want to waste any more of everybody’s time, so let’s just get right down to business.” He paused a second before continuing. “We have discovered the identity of the mole within the organization.”

Surprised gasps filled the room, followed by murmuring as everyone wondered aloud who it could possibly be. Dread filled me as I processed what was about to happen. 

Jordan was going to be arrested and led away in cuffs. They were gonna put him on trial, but it would all be for show - everyone knew the outcome anyway. Execution. The Bureau had a no-tolerance policy for treason. 

Jordan was going to die.

My mind raced and my heart rocketed into a full-fledged gallop. How had they found out? Had someone told them? Had they overheard Jordan and I’s conversation?

How did this happen?

“Who do you think it is, Paxy? I literally don’t have any clue who it could be! I mean, who would do something like that? Betray all of us?” Glenn shook his head as he tried to figure out who it could be. I couldn’t answer him; all I could manage was to hold my breath and wait for the inevitable announcement of Jordan’s name over the speakers.

“Quiet, please. I need everyone quiet.” Hawthorne’s voice had everyone shutting up immediately. The entire crowd pushed forward towards the stage, expectantly awaiting the reveal of the traitor in our ranks.

“Yesterday evening, we received an anonymous tip containing the identity of the mole. After comparing the information with the evidence we’ve gathered during our investigation these past weeks, we have confirmed that the tip is, in fact, credible.”

As Hawthorne continued speaking, large hands clamped around my biceps, yanking my arms behind my back. Cool metal bit into my wrists. I froze as I heard the unmistakable clink of handcuffs being closed. 

“Paxton Reynolds, you’re under arrest for treason. Come with us willingly, or we will make this very difficult for you,” a gruff voice spoke into my ear.

I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t think.


“No, no. This is a mistake.” The words rushed out of me as they began pushing me towards the front of the room. Glenn stood stock still, disbelief coating his features. I looked to him pleadingly, silently begging him to help me. He didn’t move.

“Keep moving,” the guard to my right said, gripping my bicep harder. He shoved me forward, and I stumbled, but his death grip on my arm kept me upright.

“Agent 2247, Paxton Reynolds, has been revealed to be the mole.” Hawthorne’s voice rang out across the crowd. Shocked gasps followed, then furious cries rose up.


“Kill the bitch!”

“You lying bastard!”

I was punched in the gut, hard. I doubled over in pain, the wind being sucked out of me by some unknown force. The guards didn’t do a single thing except for continuing to push me forward. 

I looked up at the crowd, just in time to catch Jordan’s stare. His eyes were cold, hard, unflinching. No feeling detectable in him at all. 

Rage tore through me as I stared right back at him. Right into his dead eyes.

I’d trusted him, and he’d done this to me? He might as well have been the one to pull the trigger and put the bullet in my skull. 

I couldn’t quiet the hurricane wreaking havoc within me. I thrashed against the guards, did everything I could to try and break free. The back of my head connected with the face of someone. I felt a warm, sticky wetness drip down my neck as blood gushed from their nose. 

Another blow was issued to my body, right in my ribcage. I heard more than felt the sharp crack of a bone before pain exploded in my side, doubling me over.

But all I could focus on was the betrayal I’d just been exposed to.

He was the traitor, the liar. He’d played me, and he’d played me good. To save his own skin, he’d given me up. He’d ruined my life.

He’d killed me. 

August 16, 2020 19:59

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1 comment

Leane Cornwell
21:22 Aug 26, 2020

Intense! Full of very believable characters and totally real dialogue. Everything flows nicely; each sentence drawing me to the next. I only stumbled once in the sixth paragraph where you used the word 'considering' and the word 'considerable' very close together. Love it!


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