"Spectral Reconciliation"

Submitted into Contest #221 in response to: Write a story from a ghost’s point of view.... view prompt


Contemporary Fiction Inspirational

Andrew paced through the aging rooms of the old house, his steps echoing off the worn-out wooden floors. The place had been his family home for quite a few years, but lately, he'd been growing weary of its creaky stairs and leaky roof. Also, living alone was exacerbating his usual feelings of depression.

"I need to move. I will look for a modern condo with its sleek, shiny surfaces and easy, low-maintenance living, ideally near a beach, although I'd rather not have sand between my toes. Mountains are a beautiful option, but I'm concerned about the strain on my heart. So, perhaps a modern condo in the city, even if it's a bit noisy, might be the perfect fit for me."

As he whispered his innermost thoughts to himself, a voice from behind startled him. "What's stopping you?" The voice was calm and filled with a hint of amusement.

Andrew spun around, his eyes wide with surprise. "How did you know what I was thinking?" he asked, his brows furrowing in disbelief.

The man who had spoken stepped into the faint light filtering in through a cracked window. He looked remarkably like Andrew, the same piercing blue eyes and unruly dark hair. "Well," he said with a wry smile, "You seem to forget, we were once brothers until, you know, that thing happened."

The man before him was his long-lost twin brother, whom he hadn't seen in years due to a bitter family dispute. It was an incident that had torn their relationship apart and Andrew had often wondered where his brother had gone and what he had been up to.

After one year that Andrew had been living alone, he and his brother had made a connection only three months prior and talked for hours about where Alex had been, what he had done, whom he had hung out with.

Andrew was genuinely happy for his brother, but a lingering question plagued his thoughts - how long would this happiness last?"

As the past came flooding back, he realized that this unexpected reunion might hold the key to not only resolving their differences but also making his decision to leave the family home, easier. Perhaps they could find a way to put the past behind them and forge a new beginning.

Andrew, despite his seemingly ordinary appearance, had a secret that he had been keeping for quite some time. He was a ghost, lingering in the world of the living. His ethereal presence was known to very few, and his estranged brother Alex was one of the select individuals who shared this unique connection with him. In the dimly lit room of their old, creaky family house, the two brothers sat across from each other. Andrew 's transparency was more evident in the subdued light, making it clear that he wasn't entirely of this world.

"You do realize that this can't work. It's impossible," Andrew sighed; his voice carrying the weight of the afterlife.

Alex, who had long accepted the extraordinary nature of their renewed friendship, leaned forward and met Andrew's ghostly gaze. "I don't see why not. We are communicating now."

Andrew's concern was rooted in the nature of his existence. He knew that his spectral form was bound to the physical world by unpredictable forces, and his interactions with the living were tenuous at best.

"Yes, but how long for?" Andrew questioned; his tone filled with the sadness that came from knowing he was a mere visitor in the realm of the living.

Alex, undeterred, reached out to Andrew's incorporeal hand. "For as long as we can, my dear brother. We'll make the most of the time we have together, whether it's minutes, hours, or years."

"Okay," Andrew suggested with a mischievous grin, "Let's have some fun. There's a fantastic movie playing, and it's none other than Ghostbusters.

Their laughter filled the room.

“Let's head over and see what's on the big screen." said Andrew.

Alex playfully raised an eyebrow. "Deal, but only if you promise to behave yourself," he teased, as they set off for what promised to be an entertaining evening.

Andrew was undeniably fortunate, possessing a remarkable gift that allowed him to traverse the boundaries of parallel universes and alternate realities, seamlessly assuming a human guise. His irrepressible sense of humor was as much a part of him as his extraordinary ability.

The significance of Alex's warning to behave stemmed from a previous encounter. During their last outing, a boorish individual had directed a rude comment at them. In retaliation, Andrew whimsically embraced his spectral form, and an eerie chill coursed down the spine of the inebriated offender. The man's overindulgence in alcohol had left him teetering on the edge of coherence, leading him to question the reality of the supernatural encounter before him.

This amusing episode remained etched in their memories, but Andrew promised he would have more patience with the next human encounter.

They enjoyed a good movie, lots of popcorn and a huge soda.

On the way home Andrew was very quiet.

“Everything okay?” said Alex.

“Yes,” said Andrew unconvincingly.

Despite the impossibility of their connection, Andrew found solace in the fact that their unique bond stood as a testament to the enduring power of connections that transcended the boundaries of life and death. However, the weight of the situation bore heavily on his mind, and he recognized that this protracted state needed resolution.

As they settled back into the familiar confines of the house, the two brothers sipped their coffee. Alex, attuned to Andrew's contemplative mood, knew that the moment had arrived. He turned his gaze away, concealing the tears that welled up in his eyes, the guilt gnawing at his conscience. He understood the depths of his responsibility, for he had been the one behind the wheel that fateful, stormy night. His guilt consumed him. He was the one who had had one drink too many. He was the one who lost control of the vehicle. He was the reason his brother was in a different realm.

Andrew knew what his brother was thinking and said gently, “It´s okay Alex, I forgive you.”

In that poignant moment, Andrew's ethereal presence, which had brought them together in an extraordinary friendship, faded away, leaving Alex alone in the room. The weight of the past, the guilt, and the unspoken emotions had finally found closure.

Alex turned, his heart sinking as he failed to see his brother's ghostly form. He pushed back the tears, smiled, and thought, I hope he has found that nice modern condo to haunt.

October 26, 2023 11:13

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