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Adeline was rushing around her apartment looking for her purse. Once she found it she quickly shoved back all her scattered necessities. She tsked to herself as she looks at the time, 2:15p.m., exactly 15 minutes late to her blind date. Sure, she was nervous but she didn’t expect to oversleep and make such a bad impression already. It was hard to wrap her head around the fact that she would date so suddenly. It had been at least 3 years since she got back in the dating scene, finding love wasn’t her biggest issue because she came to terms with being single after what happened with her last failed relationship. But, her best friend Reece, unexpectedly made plans without any of her knowledge, and here she was dreading the moment of meeting her mystery person. All she remembered was getting a ride from Reece after work and him saying, “There has to be a special someone out there waiting for you. I mean- I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a girl, and you both are the perfect fit for each other. You can meet her on Saturday if you want.” Adeline wrinkled her nose and replied back, “Reece, I’ve said it a thousand times, I REALLYYY don’t want to meet anyone right now. I’m happy the way my life is and besides I’m busy on Saturday.” Reece threw his head back against his car seat and laughed. “I knew you would say that so I already went ahead and accepted your invitation. Take it as a thank you from your best friend who wants to see your love life prosper.” Before Adeline could even put up a fight, Reece had reached her stop. Smiling innocently Reece said, “Don’t get too excited for Saturday now. Also, I’ll text you the address in an hour or two. Take care!” That was the last she could remember and when she snapped out of her memory time seemed to be going even faster because it was 2:18 now. She cursed under her breath and ran to her local coffee shop. She certainly had no excuse coming late, considering that the spot was picked in her convenience. Before she entered the cute and little shop she adjusted her clothes and patted down her hair. If she couldn’t make a good impression through time then it had to be through her appearance, it was shallow of her to think like that but that’s all she had to offer. Adeline then entered the coffee shop and was welcomed by the sweet smell of freshly baked cookies and fresh brewed coffee beans. Heading to the back of the store she was greeted by the mystery girl she was dreading to meet and for the first time in her life she was glad she listened to Reece. 

Willow was shocked to meet Adeline, she heard many good things about her, since they shared the same friend group. But her friends weren’t kidding when they said Adeline was breathtakingly beautiful. Not that looks mattered to her because it’s obviously what's in the inside that counts but gosh was she stunned. She wondered to herself, how come I never met her before? Or what if she purposely didn’t want to be seen with someone like me? Since, Willow did stand out with her crazy colored hair, loads of tattoos, and a decent amount of piercings. She felt like a fool standing next to Adeline who wore a yellow pastel colored dress with her white heels. Adeline was literally the exact opposite of her, who normally wore her go to black outfits. Quickly, Willow composed herself by greeting Adeline and giving her a warm smile. When Adeline returned the gesture with a genuine smile she was relieved. She didn’t think Adeline would show up because she was at least 20 minutes late and her being the negative minded person that she is was already planning an excuse to tell her friends as to why she was stood up. But, luckily she was saved from the headache and embarrassment. Willow couldn’t believe this moment was even real, just a few weeks ago she was in her apartment that she shared with at least three friends. In the kitchen she was busily listening to the blasting Japanese indie music and cooking her and her roommates some breakfast before they headed out to do gosh knows what. But, when she went to sit at the dinner table the atmosphere felt oddly weird and different than usual. Looking around the table while eating her stacked pancakes filled to the brim with syrup, she broke the silence. Taking a big gulp of orange juice to down her food, she asked, “What’s going on with everyone today? If it’s about me I swear I paid my part of the rent already! It was Terian who handed in the money late, but you know how the landlord doesn’t care if we’re a few days late! He’s l-like best friends with my dad, I’ll talk it out with him. Don’t worry.” Chuckling, everyone shook their heads at her. Terian cleared his throat a bit in embarrassment and a bit for his pride. “Willow, it’s not that, and you didn’t have to blast me. I mean gosh, a day- I mean three days late in payment isn’t so bad. But the REAL matter at hand is that we scored you a date!” Willow couldn’t process what he just said because she has been secretly wishing for a date. She thought it was time to start looking for someone to settle down with but hardly anyone around their small town was single or interested in her because she was well different. Willow, surprised and already expecting a catch, said, “What did you guys bribe the girl?” Melody shook her head no and Sarah who knew Willow the best said, “Don’t go and start thinking like that. The girl is actually looking for someone to be committed with. I’ll tell you her name when I drive you to the place. But, just know she’s a kind hearted girl and you will LOVE her.” Willow, still unconvinced, nodded her head in fake acceptance and was still wishing the soon to be date would just come already. Breaking her from her thoughts, Adeline asked Willow if she ordered for herself already. Willow quickly jumped up and offered Adeline the seat opposite of her and proud of herself for not stirring from nervousness said, “No, not yet. I was waiting for you. If anything I’ll order, I’m getting myself a matcha tea, what do you want me to order for you?” Adeline, grateful for Willow's politeness, asked for an iced coffee. Once Willow came back with their drinks they both started talking and sharing small and intriguing facts about their lives. Before they even knew it, time had passed and it was already six in the afternoon. Adeline and Willow had so much in common and instantly clicked. They didn’t feel awkward with one another any more and made plans to see each other in two weeks. After they said their goodbyes and parted ways they couldn’t contain their smiles and feelings of glee. They both thought to themselves, how lucky could I be to have met her. 

August 26, 2020 02:05

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1 comment

22:22 Sep 04, 2020

Michelle, this is a nice scene, I don't know that's its a whole story just yet. You have some good characters and settings and I like that we get to know all of the emotions and fears from both perspectives. The formatting needs to be cleaned up as well, it's really hard to read and get into it when everything is all stuck together in one huge paragraph. I think that you definitely have the good beginning of something here, keep writing.


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