Waking up to what the adults is this USA room are doing to our environment of self governancešŸ«£

Written in response to: Set your story at a large entertainment venue, after the show has ended, amongst the discarded plastic cups and confetti.... view prompt


Christian Crime Drama

How much do you care?

Do you recycle?

The paper.

The cup.

The paper cup.

Where do you get the story?

The scoop.

The weather updates?



Thank the good Lord above I can still feel it all in my bones. The story. The news of the day in my somewhat decalcifying, but nonetheless strong and sturdy bones.



A bit hunched.


But feeling it is three quarters of the insanity battle of watching a beautiful and free country fight for its right to life.

Right to life.

While others tune it just waiting for the next self-imposed next psychological bomb to drop. Hey. Hello. Look what the US is doing to itself? And at such rapid speed. Who knew it may be so easy? Could be so easy.

Well. Many did. Those who have been watching for a long, long time. The fee of the free world has increased exponentially.

Make no mistake.

There is still fight in us.

This fight does not mean we do not care about our ā€œfriendsā€. The bonafide friends who really ā€œget usā€. Get they we may have sold out for a time. Get the beautiful and specific ways the rules and regulations here are governed.

Well. We were warned. Preached to. The Dalai Llama is one who said, ā€œLearn the rules so you know how to break them properly.ā€


Are we to feel good about it because Dalai opined properly?

I donā€™t feel good about it at all.

Sad. Really. How come? When did we stop listening. Or, insidiously start listening?


Specificity aside, cannot even be sure or specific because the slow burn was burning for a time, before we woke up from being whacked out.

We are now awake.

Able to stand up.

And can still somewhat waddle, shuffle if not run for the hills-like gait. But. Yes forward.

It does not even matter anymore. The world is the stage. The beautiful and free US is the main attraction. Although not for the ā€œentertainmentā€ ā€œvalueā€ some may have prescribed it to be. Many prescriptions have been written and now denied.

My deeper core tells me many have been wishing this for a long time. If one follows the constitution of THIS country and does not follow, it may be called something like:



The crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance. This typically includes acts such as participating in a war against oneā€™s native country, attempting to overthrow its government, spying on its military, its diplomats, or its secret service for a hostile or foreign power, or attempting to kill its head of state.

Gives the word ā€œguestā€ special meaning.

Historically. In some countries, England for example treason is a high crime punishable by being hanged, drawn and quartered, or burnt at the stake.

I think I smell smoke.

The pledge of allegiance to a flag doesnā€™t goes away when the flag is folded into a triangular memory for those left behind.

Mockery may be one word.

Weak may be another word.

Leaders sweeping Lord knows what under Lord knows where.

And the rest of the peasants, the ā€œfansā€ are subscribed, or not subscribed to to sit back, sit down and just,

Take it.

Take what?

A beautiful and free land of opportunity slowly falling apart at the seams.ā€¦.becoming a haven of exploitation and conversion subversion immersion. šŸ˜”šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«

For goodness sake. When the news station start broadcasting what they are doing within their ranks and files and incessant sugar coating of leadershipā€¦ what the most current leader of the ā€œfree worldā€ is doing ā€œin officeā€ with its patronsā€™ hard earned toils tithes and sufferings. Nothing short of,

Mind boggling. The term does not do the submersion conversion justice.

Solo, Charmin, Kleenex, GLAD, DIXIE or BASICS. Have you begun yet?

Can we please, please get back to the basics?


Something has gotta give.

And. Yes. So far it has been US collective sanity.

But No. It does not have to continue.

So far. Still. Our foundational principles allow us to turn to our Lord and Savior. Sarcasm, fear and hedge may cause the weak to possibly hide that sign of the cross ā€œunder your breathā€, take that salute of the soil you stand on and kinda ā€œhalf-a**ā€ itā€¦..take a kneeā€¦..during an anthem.


It does not matter if one sings the National Anthem out of tune. but it does matter if you choose, choose not to sing it at all. And if you choose God, which the US founders did frame into our inalienable rights, they fought for the way in which expression occurs.

Make no mistake.

The founders were no fools.

God helped them through their decisions. And they did not even know you, they did not even know me. But they loved us, the US.

They would not allow blasphemy. The insults that show contempt, disrespect or lack of reverence. Concerning the right to found and build a beautiful country on principles of freedom and the right to pursue happiness. The founders protected the reverence of a deity. The right to hold in the palm of oneā€™s hand their object of sacredness, sentience.

In religion and ethics, the inviolability of life. The sanctity of life. It implies protection regarding the sentient and sentience capacities of life. The ability to think. The ability to reason.

Is under attack right now in us, in US.

Self awareness is not the same as an awakening.

Some religions regard blasphemy as religious crime, especially the Abrahamic religions, including insulting the prophet Muhammad in Islam, speaking the sacred name in Judaism and the eternal sin in Christianity.

Sin gives rights to the devil.


That devil.

Lies deep within the recesses of many nooks and crannies.

Theologically speaking, best think twice before dissing your neighbor.

Just a thought.

Of regard.

For you.

Even if and when I do not know you.

Before throwing up the confetti and dropping that plastic cup on the ground. The US is not the dumping ground for the rest of the world to watch go up in a puff of smoke.

Persons travel far and wide to be blessed to step a foot on the soils of this great land. While the adults in the great room of this great US have been someone ā€œdistractedā€ as of late, perhaps it is now the duty of those of us who really get the beauty of the land of opportunity to

Step it Up.

Not Step Back.

And kiss the ground we are blessed to walk on.

June 09, 2023 15:48

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